The theme of Final Fantasy VII


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
You really are in no position to judge or tell us what to remember FFVII for first of all.

And while you call it "misquoting" it still is what you wrote, so you can't tell me that I'm "off topic" or "I never put video games as the same level as literature, including FFVII."

You can like FFVII for whatever reason you please. It's not just a story. It's also a game, and it certainly ain't literature.


Rookie Adventurer
You could easily say FFX's theme is about life too, so stop trying to pigeonhole other works which talk about life. And stop getting worked up too, it silly.

FFX is definitely about life and fighting for it, with Tidus, Yuna and co fighting the oppressive religious regime of Yevon and fighting for their lives and a future free of Sin and the spiral of death.

Okay, Okay, OKAY!!!!. Gees. I stop right now.
Gosh. whatever.:lol:

Like you said, it just a game, administrator, sir. I just want to talk about the message about it.

Nobody says FFVII is better than the others and other bullcrap anyway.
You, obiviously, off topic or misunderstood this post, anyway. I stop.

P.S. You said the plot of FFX, not the "central" theme, which is saracifice , in general.
There's a difference. ;)


Rookie Adventurer
You really are in no position to judge or tell us what to remember FFVII for first of all.

And while you call it "misquoting" it still is what you wrote, so you can't tell me that I'm "off topic" or "I never put video games as the same level as literature, including FFVII."

You can like FFVII for whatever reason you please. It's not just a story. It's also a game, and it certainly ain't literature.

Clam down, "anti-fanboy". I never put video games as art, including FFVII. It just a game.

All I said that FFVII has a message to tell. You are the one bought up this crap, not me.

I'm not in charge or tell people what to do. The last time I check, I'm not an administrator, which you are bossing me around.

I'm here to express my opinions.


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
As for other RPGs with the same themes as FF7- Xenogears.

QED. And it had quite a bit of philosophy and metaphysics, too.

And a rather fun battle system.


Fire and Blood
Why are you arguing when there are so many errors in the front post anyway? I mean, to take that seriously, it'd have to be correct to begin with, but here the gamer seems to have misinterpreted a lot of things, IMHO.


Beacause I am a puppet
Man, this turned into one hell of a welcome wagon for this chick (girl right?). :monster:

It's cool, twinelight. Don't worry, I'm not trying to antagonize you here, but many of us already know that FFVII and other RPGs have central themes as well as ancillary motifs because of their story-driven nature. You do not need to be well-read in literature or to take an English class to identify these things in whatever medium stories occur, though being educated does help provide you with a frame of reference as well as the skills to articulate your analyses...

...Which is what we seem to be having trouble with. I think we're muddling this topic by bringing up other RPGs while we're still trying to understand where you're coming from.

I'm here to express my opinions.

If this is the answer, then you are very much welcome to do so. Like I said, I think it's great that a good story can prompt you to think critically about what it's trying to say. But if this thread is any indication, you need to be prepared to explain further and defend them around these parts. :wacky: Instead of just stating what you believe the themes to be, it may help to elaborate on why you think, for example,

Barret: He is torn about his philosophy about resuring then planet and protect his daughter.
Red XIII : He devlops respect for his biological father through the help of hs adoptive grandfather.
Elmyra: She protect Aerith from harm, but she
Sephiroth: He called "Jenova", mother, the only being he can relate to this world.
Hojo: He "help" his biological son( Sephiroth) (Sister Ray scene) to give him what he need to destory the plan

all of these relate to a "theme of parenthood." What thematic statement are all of these examples supporting? Or rather, what do you think these examples specifically are saying about parenthood?


Wow nice post.

Hate to say this Mako, but you're comments seem to be very...rude. Lol. Or atleast in the first post buddy. :P

We all see FFVII in one manner or another, I mean if someone sees it as an experience of a lifetime they will never forget, well hey, Kudos to you! I figured more people would "bitch" at the notion of people "degrading" FFVII.

But please don't take that offensively :3


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Sorry I don't feel the need to not call out bullshit when I see it :monster:

If someone is attributing incorrect and misguided themes and plot analysis to FFVII, I'm gonna say something about it. No one is entitled to an agreement or support of one's opinion, especially if its based on incorrect information and analysis.

Aerith didn't sacrifice herself. Cait Sith didn't sacrifice himself, cause he's a damn doll. Humanity didn't end, and FFVII is no where near the pinnacle of storytelling, let alone equatable to real literature. I find such a statement offensive as one who appreciates real literature.


Beacause I am a puppet
Seems kinda moot now since it seems our new member here buggered off when the going got rough. :shifty:


Double Growth
Aerith didn't sacrifice herself. Cait Sith didn't sacrifice himself, cause he's a damn doll. Humanity didn't end, and FFVII is no where near the pinnacle of storytelling, let alone equatable to real literature. I find such a statement offensive as one who appreciates real literature.

Cthulhu made a good point here, though, Mako. Just about any "real book" you come up with someone can come in and slam it with what it ripped off of.

Calling bullshits and story inaccuracies is one thing, but

MakoEyes said:
I hate to break it to you, but FFVII is a game. A fantasy RPG. It's a good one, but please. Don't build it up as if it's some type of life changing experience.

who are you to say it wasn't for them? I think you could find worse ones.

EDIT: Before I get flamed here, I'm not saying I agree with the person, and I don't chalk FF7 up with the so-called classics. But when we've got topics about Cid's religion and you ram this newbie into the ground for a topic about themes...
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I will speak, personally.

I feel that FFVII did change my life, gave me more stronger morals. Stories period do. Heck even movies do it too. Why? Because we find heroes that we want to be like, or villains (in my case Cloud) he cared about his friends, had an adventure, and saved the world (what I wouldn't give for the same action).

I mean at least for me, this game gave me more to look at in life, opened a new page in my life. Would my life have been different without FFVII? More than likely. As I said before, it opened many pages for me. I speak for myself on this part. But no...I didn't have a religious experience other than being apart of the "FFVII fan boi" stuff. :)
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Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum
I don't think Aerith wanted to die. To quote Tifa, she talked about living more than anyone else. She died due to an unfortunate circumstance, and that's what's supposed to be sad about her tragedy: death can come at any time, whether you're expecting it or not. In my opinion, at least.

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
I don't think Aerith wanted to die. To quote Tifa, she talked about living more than anyone else. She died due to an unfortunate circumstance, and that's what's supposed to be sad about her tragedy: death can come at any time, whether you're expecting it or not. In my opinion, at least.

She didn't want to die. That's a fact. She was looking forward to the future as much as the rest of them.

She got too anxious to stop the madness when she found a possible way to end it, and she ran off foolishly without thinking far ahead, and got herself killed.

It's what makes it tragic.


Rebel without a Cause!!!
I don't think Aerith wanted to die. To quote Tifa, she talked about living more than anyone else. She died due to an unfortunate circumstance, and that's what's supposed to be sad about her tragedy: death can come at any time, whether you're expecting it or not. In my opinion, at least.

I agree that I don't think Aerith wanted to die, but after seeing (what was it Cloud's dream, right?) on youtube, I kind of got the impression that she knew something was going to happen. But then again, this is the North American version, and everyone knows whoever translated it pulled a lot of crap out of their ass.


Read My Mind
I interpreted the dream more of Aerith's flaw (her stubbornness) becoming bravado to the point that she thought she really could defeat Sephiroth on her own, and Sephiroth just let her think that knowing that she was playing into his hands.

As much as I like Aerith, the reason she died is because she was careless and bull-headed - not because she's any sort of martyr.


As much as I like Aerith, the reason she died is because she was careless and bull-headed - not because she's any sort of martyr.

hahahahahaah! oh god.. its the first time i see someone sayin Aerith died cos shes careless and bull-headed :lol:


Aerith's a Cetra and with her special Cetra powers she makes hot men fall from the sky. But in the Forgotten City she was distracted by Cloud trying to kill her, and miscalculated where she wanted the guy to fall, so Sephy ended up killing her. It's her fault really. :awesome:




FFVII sure was a religious experience for you, wasn't it?

And is this a thinly veiled LT discussion, or is that just me? :monster:

First off, Aerith didn't sacrifice herself. She did not intend to die. She was murdered by surprise by Sephiroth. So saying she sacrificed herself for the planet is erroneous.

Cait Sith's "sacrifice" was a parody of death in video games. How it's built up and done all dramatically and sentimentally so that when it does happen its not nearly as gut renching because you saw it coming and thus, are able to accept it. It's totally different than how Aerith's death happened suddenly, without warning, and without her intention. Furthermore, Cait Sith came back. That's hardly a sacrifice at all. He's just a stuffed animal controlled by Reeve. That was explained in EDGE magazine and then in the interview with the creators in the 10th Anniversary Ultimania.

Aerith was not the only one who knew Cloud wasn't really himself. Tifa knew it too.

And no, the ending didn't represent the end of humanity because we see, 500 years later, that humanity still exists. We hear the laughter of children in the background.

And while FFVII has a great, enriching story full of memorable characters and themes about life, love and never giving up, its preposterous to say that it's on the level of actual literature. It can stand up to some of the contemporary stories and novels out today but equating it to works literary merit is naive and to some who appreciate classic literature, an insult. They're not in the same league and the creators never tried to put it there.

I hate to break it to you, but FFVII is a game. A fantasy RPG. It's a good one, but please. Don't build it up as if it's some type of life changing experience. This is the exact shit that gets FFVII's mocked by the rest of FF fandom and fandom at large. Keep your perspective. FFVII is hardly the pennacle of storytelling excellence. That's naive.

I think this is the second time I agree with you so far. I'm glad someone isn't falling for this crap and actually knows what they are talking about.

I thought for a first post it came across as very arrogant and quite rude no offence intended. There are many intended themes in FF7 but I think everyone is inspired by it in different ways, It is my favourite game and I think there are good lessons and role models in the game like anything else but being this obsessive and preaching about it like some new religion is ridiculous.

You have also got a lot of information wrong which Mako Eyes has pointed out. There is so many points in the game that show she didn't intend to die. Hell even as she went into the forest leading to the city of the ancients she says "Then, I'll be going now. I'll come back when it's all over."

I think you need to respect other peoples views of the game and stop trying to "teach" us about it. Sorry.




Banned Flunky
Seifer Almasy, DanielReturns
Love is obviously a major theme of all FF's. Hence there happens to be a love triangle in 7 (tifa, aerith and cloud) and in ff8 (Seifer, Squall and Rinoa), the latter was mostly abandoned in development.

But look how ff8 ends and tell me it isn't about love.

Look at FF7's love triangle and tell me it. Hell, it even has an inbuilt "love points" counter to decide who goes on a date with cloud.

Other major love themes in 7 involve:

Tifas loss of her mother, cloud and his mother flashback. 7 deals a lot with LOSS of a loved one.

Only a complete fool can't see how love is a MAJOR theme.

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
Love isn't a MAJOR theme in FF7. It's a supporting theme. It's not a huge plot point nor does the story hinge on it. FF7 never made a big deal out of the love triangle, fans did. The "love points" thing was just to add another level of entertainment to the game. Cloud doesn't even make a big deal out of his feelings for anyone until Aerith is already dead.

And sorry for being a complete fool for not seeing things your way. And all FF games? No.
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