Things that piss you off

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The Wanderer of Time
I'm also growing to hate internet short-speak.

I don't except perfect English, this *is* the internet after all. But there's a couple basics - capitalize sentences, proper punctuation, general sentence structure, etc. It's mostly a complaint of mine on the Wiki, where people constantly added information with no respect to spelling rules. As far as I'm concerned, if your first language is English and you're in Grade Five or higher, you have no excuse for using improper spelling and grammar in a place where you're expected to keep such things straight.

And "leet-speak", use it, but don't form entire sentences. "lol, you're funny". "omg, you haven't heard?" "afaik, she is". That's fine, but I see people talking like "omg wtf dude, u r such a r-tard, gtfo". There's no reason to talk like that. Do me a favor, the next time you talk to me, form a goddamn complete sentence, "r-tard"!


just a fleeting memory
M-Mira, crackitlackin, Izaya Orihara, SAILOR NARU, Sharon Rainsworth, Mara, Brosuke Hanamura, Commissioner Gordon, Santa Claus, Lenneth Valkyrie
Going to work/school tired as fuck.


Pro Adventurer
My dad. He pisses me off. So does some of you people here who think you can insult just anyone, when you're about 20-30. That's retarded.

l2life, fgt. That's how shit goes down.

A roach just crawled across my floor being a roach and shit. I looked down at him and was all, "Hell naw, nigga. I know you ain't just be crawlin' across my damn floor! You's gonna feel my pimp foot all up in yo exoskeletal ass!"

And so I crushed him using a display of raw power. Shit was cool.
Pisses me off the roach didn't show enough respect to not be in mah house.
My dad. He pisses me off. So does some of you people here who think you can insult just anyone, when you're about 20-30. That's retarded.

Get used to it. They'll never stop. Trust me. I've dealt with this bullshit for a while.

My dad as well. He's a fucking drunk bastard.


We have come to terms
My depression is back, worse than ever :(

My life right now is perfect - i have the most amazing boyfriend, im about to embark on a new uni course, my friends are the best i could ask for, all my debts are cleared, there are no beancups in my life that i can't sort out with a quick knee in the groin........

So why i find myself leaving home for days on end, not answering any of my calls, crying constantly and feeling like everyone is falling away from me is beyond me......

Got my first therapy appointment next monday..........hopefully they'll be better than the last guy who just told me to "drop out of uni" pretty much
You know, it's probably a bad sign that that perked my ears up in a "omfg someone I can help" way, even though I want to be a therapist =/

A roach just crawled across my floor being a roach and shit. I looked down at him and was all, "Hell naw, nigga. I know you ain't just be crawlin' across my damn floor! You's gonna feel my pimp foot all up in yo exoskeletal ass!"

And so I crushed him using a display of raw power. Shit was cool.
Pisses me off the roach didn't show enough respect to not be in mah house.

Long, shitty days at work. This week suuuucks =/


fresh to death
There are no coat hangers in my room.

My mother having an emotional breakdown, believing that a nearly 20 year old cannot look after themselves.

My mother having an emotional breakdown at the size of my room.

My mother having an emotional breakdown at the lack of storage space in the kitchen.

My mother having an emotional breakdown over leaving frozen pork chops at home in the freezer.

My mother having emotional breakdowns.


I care not
That brown guy
l2life, fgt. That's how shit goes down.

A roach just crawled across my floor being a roach and shit. I looked down at him and was all, "Hell naw, nigga. I know you ain't just be crawlin' across my damn floor! You's gonna feel my pimp foot all up in yo exoskeletal ass!"

And so I crushed him using a display of raw power. Shit was cool.
Pisses me off the roach didn't show enough respect to not be in mah house.

lol you live with roaches


alex is dead
Alex, Ashes, Pennywise, Bill Weasley, Jack's Smirking Revenge, Sterling Archer
This place:



fresh to death
o lord, glad i didn't go :monster:
going to the union and finding it was a rip off
throwing up in your new shower and having to clean it
breaking a bottle of alcohol
having to clear up the glass
drunken bike riding only to find you have actually done something shit to your ankle and hockey tryouts are this week


hai a/s/l plz?
Queen of Sunshine / QoS / Suiseiseki / Desudesudesu / Teva / Teva'ni
Getting second-degree burns from hot toasters . . .
All I wanted was a piece of freaking toast!
Having to soak my hand in cold water all day; at least I just burned my knuckles though.
The other slight upside is that I can still type with my dominant left hand (I burned my right one).


Holy, Personified
Katie; Seta.
Being considered so horrible and everyone considering changing their plans because I overslept; having to be somewhere early in the morning to help when there are competent people living right there in the very same house who could do the same exact thing!


Feeling like I'm the only one that actually knows how to clean in the house, lol :monster:.

Case in point: Fat loud chick finally went to clean the bathroom, I tell her she should use a cloth thingy instead of an old dishwashing brush, and to bring cleaner. Then I need to tell her she should use a bucket instead of flushing said cloth thingy out and putting new cleaner on it, which she disagrees with because it's 'REALLY GROSS!@' (and she has a tendency to repeat everything five times, so here goes: REALLY GROSS!@ REALLY GROSS!@ REALLY GROSS!@ REALLY GROSS!@ REALLY GROSS!@). Ended up using three-quarters, and gets pissed off when I tell her that only three caps or so is enough, :monster:.

What irks me more is that nobody notices, and that after keeping quiet about it for three months (or so), I end up having to remind everyone that it's been three months since it was cleaned. Drama ensues, whining, bickering, and eventually I end up doing it myself 'cause everyone simply doesn't.

Aaanyways, I'll be glad to get outta here.


We have come to terms
Missing out on fun drama :(

And not being able to explain your actions regarding an issue before the subject is abruptly and awkwardly changed, so you can tell the other party is pissed about it and you're just waiting for that other shoe to drop, but can't bring it up because if you do, shit is gonna go down.

Also, lonely internets and being tired as FUCK.


buried but breathing
CK, 2D, wanker
Retarded dyke managers that tell you off for doing something you're supposed to do.


Some Jesus guy that wants me to pay him for possibly accidentally throwing away his contacts, whilst he's demolished toasters, lost CD's, and dented cars (all singular btw) without ever getting asked for a compensation for that. What pisses me off more though is the confrontation and conversation I'll undoubtedly be having with him if he brings it up again going over and over in my head. Driving me nuts, and probably won't play out as I'm planning, :monster:.

Also, busy work days, which I thought were a rarity, :monster:.

Also, the fact that it's been a busy work day even though the websites I'm supposed to be working on have been offline since Thursday evening. idgi.

And the fact that after my work day, there were two people (yeah, two) that suddenly had problems with their laptops tonight. One I fixed with sheer magic (screen didn't work, worked again when I touched it with my holy hands), other I fixed with disk checking tools on a neat bootable tool CD I found.


alex is dead
Alex, Ashes, Pennywise, Bill Weasley, Jack's Smirking Revenge, Sterling Archer
I think I have kidney failure.


We have come to terms
Dumb, crazy work bitch becoming even bitchier. I'm still holding out hope that she IS, in fact, preggers. I'd lol.

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
Marvel having Spider-Man meet both the God and Devil of the Marvel Universe but insisting that he's an atheist STILL.
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