Things that piss you off

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Offering to take someone out to dinner. Because I am really in the mood for some Chinese food, and would feel weird sitting by myself. And they say no.

Well fuck you then. Sit home and eat your ramen noodles.

I think I might just go and take pictures of my food and send it to them with a big fuck you along with it.


We have come to terms
Not getting texts telling you to be somewhere at a certain time, and consequently missing out on a lot of fun =/


alex is dead
Alex, Ashes, Pennywise, Bill Weasley, Jack's Smirking Revenge, Sterling Archer
My exceptional alcohol tolerance ;.;


Pro Adventurer
My laptop's not picking up the interweb signal I was bumming off of. No moar doing illegal shit on the nets for a while. ;.;

Also, every teacher that tells me to tuck my shirt in. Most of the time it's when I'm leaving the damned building. Whenever I tell them this, they still don't realise their stupidity and come up with an equally stupid response.

Meh, internet thing is the worst. D:

Ravynne Nevyrmore

that one Lucrecia fangirl
Anyone telling me to tuck my shirt in when that is directly against current fashion. Yes, mother, even if I'm wearing a dress shirt, it is more acceptable for it to stick out from beneath a sweater than for me to tuck it in and look frumpy.

Letting my brother borrow my WoW account and finding all my keybindings changed. Grr.

Being disconnected from the internet every 5 minutes.

People who hang around inside a classroom after their class has ended while I'm waiting to sit down in there for the next class. Your class is over. Fucking go home.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Reality TV results being aired on the news as if its shit that matters and is important.

Fucking hell, remember when watching the news actually told you current events you actually needed to know about or was relevant to real life?

Ravynne Nevyrmore

that one Lucrecia fangirl
We walk on the right in America, darlings.

It's a sidewalk, not a sidestop-for-no-apparent-reason-and-contemplate-the-universe.

Also, I burned my tongue on some cappucino this morning and now the tip of my tongue is covered in traumatized taste buds and a thin layer of dead skin. D: 15 minutes is not enough time to eat properly!


hai a/s/l plz?
Queen of Sunshine / QoS / Suiseiseki / Desudesudesu / Teva / Teva'ni
Hearing that one of my old teachers from middle school recently passed away.
It doesn't help that he motivated me to pursue English as an actual career field to go into; and not only that, but he helped me realize how much I love it in general.


Waiting for something
Customers in the shop I work in asking are we closing down because the area I work in is a pretty empty at the moment due to it having final clearance stock and there being a large amount of space for the Christmas shop which is up and running in a couple of weeks.

Here's the thing though why do people feel the need to ask if it's closing down? Is it going to affect their lives? Will it kill them if we do? Why the fuck do people always ask such a ridiculous and unnecessary question? I'm so sick of having to respond to it to the point where I may just actually end up asking them 'Why? Will the world stop and your life be ruined if it does?'


just a fleeting memory
M-Mira, crackitlackin, Izaya Orihara, SAILOR NARU, Sharon Rainsworth, Mara, Brosuke Hanamura, Commissioner Gordon, Santa Claus, Lenneth Valkyrie

"Hrm... is context just the TEXT in the uh... the text? Hur?"


We have come to terms
Everything about my day today.

I woke up late for work. In my ensuing rush to gtf out the door, I left my phone at home, which I realized just as I got to work. I somehow managed to get to work rather early, but not with enough time to go BACK home (my phone is my lifeline). So I get in, and my supervisor bitches me out and writes me up. Then, the crazy stalkery bitch that I work with ends up sitting next to me all day because she fucked up her computer (I still say she gave it an STD). So I was treated to all manner of idiocy the entire day, including such gems as "I know I was lying when I said it the first two times (and am lying about it only being twice), but this time I'm srs...I think I'm pregnant", and "what's the difference between a dictionary and a thesaurus?".

We're busy as fuck all day, my next to last account of the day being a confirmed suicide, and the one after that taking almost twenty minutes to wrap up due to the people on the other end being fucking retarded and giving me all kinds of different phone numbers and a circuitous run-around on it all before in the end, telling me that yes, I AM right, and that it was all totally unnecessary. Thanks, Bob. Also worth mentioning that one of the things I got bitched out over by the supervisor waaaas...being on calls too long!

Additionally, total lack of communication with anyone other than my mom today, and even that was unpleasant and a huge blow to my pride as a man/son. Then I get home and burn my fucking Hot Pocket, and forgot to get milk on the way home, so I have shitty tap water.

I can literally find nothing positive that happened in my day today, other than not being anally raped or something. Then again, the day's not over until I go to sleep, so still plenty of time for that to happen.


What 'bout my star?
Shadow, Nadleeh
My depression is back, worse than ever :(

My life right now is perfect - i have the most amazing boyfriend, im about to embark on a new uni course, my friends are the best i could ask for, all my debts are cleared, there are no beancups in my life that i can't sort out with a quick knee in the groin........

So why i find myself leaving home for days on end, not answering any of my calls, crying constantly and feeling like everyone is falling away from me is beyond me......

Got my first therapy appointment next monday..........hopefully they'll be better than the last guy who just told me to "drop out of uni" pretty much


My dad. He pisses me off. So does some of you people here who think you can insult just anyone, when you're about 20-30. That's retarded.
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