Things that piss you off

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Holy, Personified
Katie; Seta.
[quote author=butterflybookmark link=topic=597.msg28231#msg28231 date=1236428763]
I'm talking to EJ there, Arianna. :monster:

Ah, okay. :P


People that don't take care of their computer / suck at it and think that reformatting is the only solution, :monster:.

Srsly, I haven't reformatted my computer in over a year and a half (or so) without any problems. Do note that a year and a half ago I bought this one new and whatnot.
My mom is like that. She uses IE and downloads spyware all the time because she think it's "cute" or something. Then I try to delete the spyware and she's all "No don't delete the smilies, I like them." and stuff like that.

Her computer is the slowest computer I've ever used. It's insane.

Also I just weighed myself, thanks to my illness for two weeks I lost about 6-8 lbs. I guess that's one way to lose weight.


Holy, Personified
Katie; Seta.
This feeling I have in my right eye. It is more so uncomfortable, but there is a slight pain associated with it. Perhaps it's allergies... ???

[quote author=IndianaoftheJones link=topic=597.msg28367#msg28367 date=1236479190]Then I try to delete the spyware and she's all "No don't delete the smilies, I like them." and stuff like that.[/quote]

Sad. They are really cute. :( But you know what they say about roses - they all have their thorns.

Personally, people who are 'smart' but resort to destructive tactics like cracking and creating viruses piss me off!

[quote author=IndianaoftheJones link=topic=597.msg28367#msg28367 date=1236479190]Also I just weighed myself, thanks to my illness for two weeks I lost about 6-8 lbs. I guess that's one way to lose weight.

Yes, but not a good way! :(
I was able to find her another smiley program so I got rid of that. But she doesn't run Spybot or anything like that as often as she should, especially if she's using IE.

And yeah not a good way to lose weight because now I'm underweight but... I'm sure I can get it back up there :)

Super Mario

Jesse McCree. I feel like a New Man
After the fruit diet which was a week back, my stomach lost it's flab by 20% and my neck shrunk with no sagging effects. But I'm still pissed that it's slower than I thought :(


I Am the Darkness, I'm the Monster
1. the "emo" word XD
2. labels in themselves
3. when people dont respect my privacy
4. when i cant have some alone time
5. when my bro pushes my buttons purposely

+ Angel-Winged Demon +
Listerine. How the hell am I supposed to swoosh that around in my mouth for a minute? With how strong it is, everything HAS to be dead within 5 seconds anyway.


Rookie Adventurer
At the moment

I despise vBulletin registration strings. I thought the point of Spam Verification was to keep spambots out, not members. You have to squint at those fucking verification strings more than half the time whenever they load, ffs.

then, I hate it when I get the verificaton string wrong, and I have to re-enter my name, e-mail, and password.

THEN, I really fucking hate it when I have to do it all over again 5 times because some shit with less than 100 posts that hasn't posted in years has the name that I want to use.

this shitty-ass dial up that has a tendency to make a white screen every five seconds.

the fact that this crappy dial up connnection only loads 20 seconds of a video unless it's youtube, which means I cant watch porn unless i rapid/mega shit it, and that even took forever on broadband. :monster:

when a site takes 20 goddamn minutes to tell me it's not going to upload something because the selected file has a fucking apostrophe in it's name.



Waiting for something
Customers in shops who knock something down and then just leave it lying there and ask stupid questions like "can I pay for this here" at the till you can't thats why there's a massive please pay here sign behind me.

Slow computers

My mum stomping around in her heels at 8am when I'm trying to sleep.

Forks scraping on plates.

When everyone asks me to text someone else on their behalf e.g my dad asks me to text my brother to see when he wants picked up from work when he has his own mobile with plenty of money in it or my friend asking me to text another friend because they need them to phone them.

people who push or take your space on the dancefloor, I mean seriously I'm standing right here why are you trying to invade my space???

Perma-tanned to the point of looking like an Oompa-loompa people and girls who cake on so much makeup they look like drag queens

When a really good song is overplayed so much you forget why you liked it in the first place and instead are resolved to eternally hate it.


I despise vBulletin registration strings. I thought the point of Spam Verification was to keep spambots out, not members. You have to squint at those fucking verification strings more than half the time whenever they load, ffs.

The funny thing is that computers would be a lot more able to read those than people would. In fact, I was going to make a script in an image analysis program that did just that, if it was required for points. I might have to do that later on btw.

But yeah, captcha's are outdated and flawed.


Holy, Personified
Katie; Seta.
My ears, as they are unhealthy - easily infected. I've always had weak ears. They itch, they hurt...

Truth be told, it's probably another symptom of my allergies, which have been sort of raging for the past few weeks. So, allergies, too!
[quote author=Cthulhu link=topic=597.msg28513#msg28513 date=1236539444]
But yeah, captcha's are outdated and flawed.
I know invision has a mod you can download that adds a "Are you human?" question to the registration page. Obviously the default is "no" so when the bots sign up, they aren't given access. That keeps out bots better than the captcha thing.


Getting confused lately over even the smallest of things. It's really starting to bug me, but I'll put it down to stressing out.


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
[quote author=IndianaoftheJones link=topic=597.msg28574#msg28574 date=1236556078]
[quote author=Cthulhu link=topic=597.msg28513#msg28513 date=1236539444]
But yeah, captcha's are outdated and flawed.
I know invision has a mod you can download that adds a "Are you human?" question to the registration page. Obviously the default is "no" so when the bots sign up, they aren't given access. That keeps out bots better than the captcha thing.
[/quote]The problem is that if it becomes too widespread the bots will just learn to deal with that shit themselves.


^that. It would take about 5 seconds to alter a bot so it'd get past that. Oh and by the way, when I said that computers can haxor captcha's, that's not always the case - there's people playing small games on the internet where they have to solve a captcha in order to see some chick strip. That captcha is, of course, generated for a bot and whatnot.
True but if it keeps the bots off my forum for a little while, I'll use it.

Captcha's do piss me off though since I'm a tad colorblind. I usually have to ask someone to read it for me or do the hearing thing.


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
[quote author=Cthulhu link=topic=597.msg28754#msg28754 date=1236628544]
^that. It would take about 5 seconds to alter a bot so it'd get past that. Oh and by the way, when I said that computers can haxor captcha's, that's not always the case - there's people playing small games on the internet where they have to solve a captcha in order to see some chick strip. That captcha is, of course, generated for a bot and whatnot.
[/quote]olz, I can't say I'm actually surprised at that :duhard:


Holy, Personified
Katie; Seta.
[quote author=kunoichi link=topic=597.msg28685#msg28685 date=1236594131]
Getting confused lately over even the smallest of things. It's really starting to bug me, but I'll put it down to stressing out.

Agreed. Or, getting confused over things that it seems everyone else is having an easy time getting. :( I would like to believe I'm smart, but when I experience these trials and tribulations - I feel pretty well stupid. >:(

Ravynne Nevyrmore

that one Lucrecia fangirl
My ex is taking and spending money from our still active "joint" checking account into which he hasn't deposited a check in what seems to be months, and I can't get my direct deposit deactivated until another week or so. So far I've apparently bought him tickets to the opera and computer toys so he can chat with his new girlfriend, and it seems he's withdrawn/spent my most recent paycheck in its entirety before I could get to the bank to take it out. Now I have to invent hours in the day so I can find the time around my full time job to sit down with someone at the bank and figure out what the hell I can do to avoid this asshole stealing my money and getting me even further in debt, and exactly how much he has taken from me anyway. I also owe over $9000 on a credit card for all sorts of neat things like his eyeglasses, PSP, bike, and trips he took to North Carolina last year. Have I mentioned that I make $8.75 an hour? Minimum wage is $8 here.

I have to say, that pisses me off quite a bit.

To all you moping about how you don't have a boyfriend/girlfriend, count your fucking blessings.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
That's Hojo level asshatery. I am so sorry. Good luck getting on your feet and figuring your finances out. That's a really terrible and dishonest thing for him to do. Fuck.
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