Things that piss you off

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Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
If you have to resort to spawn camping in a competitive shooter, you have no skills at all.


Pro Adventurer
Came home just awhile ago.

Opened my fridge and the light was off in it, foul smell enters my nose. God damn it my fridge broke.
More bills fuck yes!


Voss da boss bitch
Nightmare,race driver,steel tormenter
Came home just awhile ago.

Opened my fridge and the light was off in it, foul smell enters my nose. God damn it my fridge broke.
More bills fuck yes!
Shit. I had that problem a month ago. My fridge went tits and I wound up having to spend 600$ on a new one.


"I've seen enough."
Kris; Mantichorus; Sam Vimes; Neku Sakuraba; Koki Kariya; Hazama; CuChulainn; Yu Narukami; Mewtwo; Rival Silver; Suicune; Kanata; Professor Oak; The Brigadier; VIII; The Engineer
Site loading slow. Mum's boyfriend being twat in the background. D=<


Spending a month helping to develop part of a new system for the council to use across the entirity of the system only to have it finished finally and then be told that we have to re-do it because the guys in the other office haven't coded in the same language as us.
I mean COME ON!

Since when is different languages a problem? :monster: Obviously a case of management fail, imho. If they both work (and work together) according to spec, I see no reason to port it to the other language.

Speaking of other languages, I'm going to learn BobX fgj.

@topic, losing at Starcraft and feeling very unable to ever win at it. I'm a bad loser.

Celes Chere

Being questioned over and over or pressured.

It feels like there's a big white light on my face, and someone is yelling:


We have come to terms
I hate how hot it is this week. Last week was rather pleasant, if slightly warm >:

I also don't have enough time for everything that I need to do =/

Lastly, I'm getting tired of the same five people at work taking all of the overtime. They put it out on this little clipboard, and then you can sign up for whatever OT is up. The problem is, they release it on the same shift on the same day of every week (Monday, which, along with Sunday and Tuesday, is one of my days off), so by the time I get to it, it's all filled up by the same people. And it's annoying, because you look at the board and see the same name four or five times on there and it's extremely unfair, particularly since there's a "one OT signup per person" rule that's supposed to be in effect.

Basically, I'm really pissed at Argnese, Audrey, Toya, Brad, and Gayle at work for taking all of the extra money. Especially Arngese, who is on an internship in AN ENTIRELY DIFFERENT DEPARTMENT AND HAS NO WAY OF EVEN KNOWING THERE'S OT AVAILABLE

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
Bullshit compatibility issue with Kimble's internet resulting in a terrible glitchy lag fest.


alex is dead
Alex, Ashes, Pennywise, Bill Weasley, Jack's Smirking Revenge, Sterling Archer
Watching The Patriot


Pro Adventurer
Bought my new fridge, had to pull money out of the money left to me though. I just wish i could get along through my younger years without using that money ;_;
L, Castiel, Scotty Mc Dickerson
Since when is different languages a problem? :monster: Obviously a case of management fail, imho. If they both work (and work together) according to spec, I see no reason to port it to the other language.

Speaking of other languages, I'm going to learn BobX fgj.

@topic, losing at Starcraft and feeling very unable to ever win at it. I'm a bad loser.

Ugh general BS regarding the fact everything they were supposed to be working on was web related and they have seemingly managed to fuck everything up so that the code done by my office isn't recognised because and i quote "We didn't really think you guys knew how to code in java"


"I've seen enough."
Kris; Mantichorus; Sam Vimes; Neku Sakuraba; Koki Kariya; Hazama; CuChulainn; Yu Narukami; Mewtwo; Rival Silver; Suicune; Kanata; Professor Oak; The Brigadier; VIII; The Engineer
~Site loading slowly.
~Unable to go to DessieCon. =(
~So much stuff to spend money on out this week:
Terry Pratchett's Going Postal, Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood, Scott Pilgrim OST and Scott Pilgrim in the cinema. -.- Even with the boost from payday this week... my poor wallet...
My mom and dad both talking about how I look great and what's my secret crap... and when I tell them the truth (been watching my starches and drinking the 8 glasses thing), they go "oh ya well... that's good."

It's not even a hard thing to do what I've been doing and I've lost 20 pounds. Not saying they will too, but if THAT'S too hard stop fucking asking me my 'secret' as if I'm going to say what... 'sit around watching tv!' Seriously, just stop asking cause you know the answer since I live at home and don't go out much.


Ugh general BS regarding the fact everything they were supposed to be working on was web related and they have seemingly managed to fuck everything up so that the code done by my office isn't recognised because and i quote "We didn't really think you guys knew how to code in java"

"thinking" is wrong in any serious software development environment, :monster:. Knowing. Agreeing upon. Communication. That kinda thing.

Not that I know anything about that, I never had to work with someone else on a project before. All I did was refactor Someone Else's code (and then only bits) and at one point make a webservice for another company that made a flash frontend for it, but that was largely my decision making and stuff and - in the end - not even that challenging at all.

@thread, winning at Starcraft 2, but only barely, and against a fellow that had only played 3 games.

Should've spammed Battlecruisers, really, instead of sticking with MMM. Now he got into my main base with a bunch of marines and siege tanks and destroyed most of it. Of course, I was in his base, killing his d00dz, and I had two expansions set up and knew he had none :monster:.


fresh to death
My sister expecting me to pay for the postage and post all 20 of the items she sold on ebay.
Yeah, just because you used my account doesn't mean I have to pay for everything you stupid bitch, nor is it my responsibility to post them. For a 22 year old, you sure are selfish and immature.


We have come to terms
Formatting is such a pain. -__-

It's also rather annoying that the workday kind of drags on for an eternity, yet the little time I do have off zips by quickly, even when I'm not actually doing anything. Makes it rather difficult to do the things that need, want, and are worth doing.

I'm also extremely irritated by people's double standards. For some reason, it's okay for YOU to say or do something, but when I say or do the same thing, suddenly that's not okay and it's a huge problem. And if I don't immediately agree with you, then somehow that means I don't agree. It's like you can't even have a conversation with people anymore =/

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
I hate it when I can't understand something, especially when I need to.


Satsu, BRIAN BLESSED, MIGHTY AND WISE Junpei Iori: Ace Detective, Maccaffrickstonson von Lichtenstafford Frabenschnaben, Polite Krogan, Robert Baratheon
Under duress of my parent's "advice" (read: even though you're of age we still pay for your education and can find ways to take stuff you own), I'm going to sleep an hour earlier and waking up an hour earlier, because apparently changing my regimen to sleep at 11pm and wake up at 5.30am to study for an hour and a half without breakfast is going to do me good for this semester

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