Things that piss you off

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"I've seen enough."
Kris; Mantichorus; Sam Vimes; Neku Sakuraba; Koki Kariya; Hazama; CuChulainn; Yu Narukami; Mewtwo; Rival Silver; Suicune; Kanata; Professor Oak; The Brigadier; VIII; The Engineer
DessieCon attendance problems. STILL.

Also, lack of Scott Pilgrim vol.5 in the shops. Plenty of vol.6, but no vol.5.
@TOPIC: can't have the time off work for DessieCon. Also, do not have a scan of a picture very relevant to my feelings about this. However, I believe I handled it well, I did not scream, or smash my manager's face in.
Here is scan of picture. From Scott Pilgrim Gets It Together (volume 4).



Pro Adventurer
Gonna unload a ton of shit on you <3

My dad, was a douche to me most of my life growing up. If i invited my friends over he would start talking to them for hours boring the fuck out of them, not only that also telling them alot of my personal shit that was seriously embarrasing in my younger years. Was always overly biased in favor of my sisters, whom moved away at the ages of 17 back to minnesota. The oldest of which to live with her BF and his family, the other sister to follow "big sis" because she doesnt have a life of her own.

Now my dads going through the first stages of alzheimer's, apparently has signs of dimensia coming down the road, has heart issues due to being a pig all his life, and is incontinent. And doesnt qualify for medicaid, aka no home health provider to keep an eye on him while my 60 year old mom works 12 hours a day to stay afloat.

Guess who has to watch him? Me. The same kid he ignored, embarrassed, ridiculed and made feel like shit for 21 years. The daughters he raised for awhile, giving them everything, where are they? There douches too, they drop all the responsibility on me while pretending like they do more for this family then i do.
So i work all day, got my schedule set up so i can be at there home for a good portion of the day while my mom works, and basically have to feed him, clean him and cloth him because hes to damn stubborn to bathe him self, or even bother to go to the restroom BEFORE he shits his pants. Fun.

Ive been doing this for awhile, while juggling work, some pathetic ideal of a social life and somehow trying to convince my lady friend that going to my parents home is a bad idea. Yes im embarrased, you would to if the first thing you see in the restroom is soiled underwear in the sink (he refuses to wear depends)

Then my second sister (the middle child), decides to bitch me out because apparently im a failure and do nothing for this family. She gives him a ride to a doctors office once every three months and only sees him on sundays even though she lives closer to the family home then i do.

Shes Twenty fucking six, barely finished getting her LVN certification Is still living with my oldest sister and her family, does not pay rent, or buy her own food and she has the god damn nerve to tell me im both a failure and dont do anything for this family? Fuck you i never liked you to begin with. Lawl, she deleted me off facebook what a "slap" in the face.

I dont have any sort of relationship with my sisters i dont care for them at all. I was like 10 when they moved from texas to minnesota, any years before that was spent being ignored by them to say there was any prior relationship is a lie. Then they moved back when my oldest sister finished college (god forbid sister 2 has to live on her own for once!) and the only time i saw them was basically on holidays or when i graduated from middle school. That was about it. Now they say im the reason we dont have a relationship. Herp derp even when you lived here you didnt bother calling, visiting and when you invited me over you just dropped me off at my cousins house. Fuckin a.
Then they get butt hurt when i tell them i cant stand them at all.

My oldest sister, is pretty successful she was married by like 18 and a home owner by like 22 iirc. Her and her husband are RN's and live pretty leisurely. They got a spare room in there home, and enough space to accomodate her husbands family when they visit from minnesota for months at a time. But its apparently fucking impossibly to help out my mom whom has no money saved, is 60 and still works full time as a provider, whom has to pretty much deal with my dad by herself while im at work, asleep at my place or trying to be a propper boyfriend. Needless to say though i make less money then both my sisters, cant afford to go to college nor have the time im the only kid even with all my problems that even gives a damn about my parents. Im so fucking tired of being told i dont do anything for this family, they have no idea what its like to become the parent of your own dad its a fucking nightmare.

I dont know what to do anymore i want to take care of my dad, even as mean as i sound in regards to him hes still my dad and even though its now impossible to fix our relationship (he wont remember it anyway) im still trying to keep my mom from totally breaking down or keeping my dad company. I dont even know what im typing anymore i just know its to much bull shit to stand now x.x


Voss da boss bitch
Nightmare,race driver,steel tormenter
Gonna unload a ton of shit on you <3

My dad, was a douche to me most of my life growing up. If i invited my friends over he would start talking to them for hours boring the fuck out of them, not only that also telling them alot of my personal shit that was seriously embarrasing in my younger years. Was always overly biased in favor of my sisters, whom moved away at the ages of 17 back to minnesota. The oldest of which to live with her BF and his family, the other sister to follow "big sis" because she doesnt have a life of her own.

Now my dads going through the first stages of alzheimer's, apparently has signs of dimensia coming down the road, has heart issues due to being a pig all his life, and is incontinent. And doesnt qualify for medicaid, aka no home health provider to keep an eye on him while my 60 year old mom works 12 hours a day to stay afloat.

Guess who has to watch him? Me. The same kid he ignored, embarrassed, ridiculed and made feel like shit for 21 years. The daughters he raised for awhile, giving them everything, where are they? There douches too, they drop all the responsibility on me while pretending like they do more for this family then i do.
So i work all day, got my schedule set up so i can be at there home for a good portion of the day while my mom works, and basically have to feed him, clean him and cloth him because hes to damn stubborn to bathe him self, or even bother to go to the restroom BEFORE he shits his pants. Fun.

Ive been doing this for awhile, while juggling work, some pathetic ideal of a social life and somehow trying to convince my lady friend that going to my parents home is a bad idea. Yes im embarrased, you would to if the first thing you see in the restroom is soiled underwear in the sink (he refuses to wear depends)

Then my second sister (the middle child), decides to bitch me out because apparently im a failure and do nothing for this family. She gives him a ride to a doctors office once every three months and only sees him on sundays even though she lives closer to the family home then i do.

Shes Twenty fucking six, barely finished getting her LVN certification Is still living with my oldest sister and her family, does not pay rent, or buy her own food and she has the god damn nerve to tell me im both a failure and dont do anything for this family? Fuck you i never liked you to begin with. Lawl, she deleted me off facebook what a "slap" in the face.

I dont have any sort of relationship with my sisters i dont care for them at all. I was like 10 when they moved from texas to minnesota, any years before that was spent being ignored by them to say there was any prior relationship is a lie. Then they moved back when my oldest sister finished college (god forbid sister 2 has to live on her own for once!) and the only time i saw them was basically on holidays or when i graduated from middle school. That was about it. Now they say im the reason we dont have a relationship. Herp derp even when you lived here you didnt bother calling, visiting and when you invited me over you just dropped me off at my cousins house. Fuckin a.
Then they get butt hurt when i tell them i cant stand them at all.

My oldest sister, is pretty successful she was married by like 18 and a home owner by like 22 iirc. Her and her husband are RN's and live pretty leisurely. They got a spare room in there home, and enough space to accomodate her husbands family when they visit from minnesota for months at a time. But its apparently fucking impossibly to help out my mom whom has no money saved, is 60 and still works full time as a provider, whom has to pretty much deal with my dad by herself while im at work, asleep at my place or trying to be a propper boyfriend. Needless to say though i make less money then both my sisters, cant afford to go to college nor have the time im the only kid even with all my problems that even gives a damn about my parents. Im so fucking tired of being told i dont do anything for this family, they have no idea what its like to become the parent of your own dad its a fucking nightmare.

I dont know what to do anymore i want to take care of my dad, even as mean as i sound in regards to him hes still my dad and even though its now impossible to fix our relationship (he wont remember it anyway) im still trying to keep my mom from totally breaking down or keeping my dad company. I dont even know what im typing anymore i just know its to much bull shit to stand now x.x
It takes a lot out of you my man. I give you a lot of credit for doing this even though you and him didn't get along. Even though it will be a difficult decision, a nursing home might be the right way to go.

Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum
people at work who kinda half-assedly fold the t-shirts cause they know they fucked it up and then set it on top of the nicely folded ones like they did a perfectly acceptable job

what the hell are you even thinking, guys

Max Caulfield

shaka brah
Chi, Trollzaya, Dean Winchester, Black Widow
I've been having one of those weeks when everything is pissing me off or annoying me.

I need to leave the internet and close myself off from the world before I start ranting. D:


Pro Adventurer
Paying for an apartment and getting one, is going a lot worse than I thought it would. ._.

Dont make the leap till your absolutely sure you can stick with it, aaaaand try to save up like 1000-2000$ in the bank prior to it too, just in case things go south you can live off that for a small while till you can get back on your feet.
Nothing sucks more then going from living on your own to moving back in with dear old mom and dad, so its best to keep some sort of fail safe laying around.

Best of luck :x


We have come to terms
Someone sent me a photo album including noodz of my sister. WHO DOES THAT

My arm is hurting a lot more tonight and I don't know why :(

Also, I really hate wasting my time trying to keep the peace and be a good guy when people can't even be honest with me. One sentence from said party would have saved me two hours of effort. -___-

I need to leave the internet and close myself off from the world before I start ranting. D:
Or you could, y'know, rant. That's the point of the thread :P

Gabe - dude. Shit SUUUUCKS. Tbh, you're a better person than I am, because I wouldn't be able to do it (I have a lot of hate for my father). :(
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Satsu, BRIAN BLESSED, MIGHTY AND WISE Junpei Iori: Ace Detective, Maccaffrickstonson von Lichtenstafford Frabenschnaben, Polite Krogan, Robert Baratheon


Pro Adventurer
Someone sent me a photo album including noodz of my sister. WHO DOES THAT

eww what... are they recent? Is she 18+? Facebook me :D, j/k that sucks dude :<

My arm is hurting a lot more tonight and I don't know why
Try some arm stretches and what not, did you maybe sleep on it wrong or something?

Also, I really hate wasting my time trying to keep the peace and be a good guy when people can't even be honest with me. One sentence from said party would have saved me two hours of effort. -___-

Long ago i came to conclusion that people are douches that love to bring drama to parties, ive long since started avoiding keggers and such. Its alot more fun to go out to eat or to the zoo with friends and if you can find a bunch of people who would rather spend quality time with you as a friend instead of trying and get plastered then you know they are gonna be keepers for life :)

Gabe - dude. Shit SUUUUCKS. Tbh, you're a better person than I am, because I wouldn't be able to do it (I have a lot of hate for my father).

Its usually why i troll here, guess im still not that great of a person =/


We have come to terms
What do you mean? I thought you were doing it? O.o


No, it's a burn DX

Max Caulfield

shaka brah
Chi, Trollzaya, Dean Winchester, Black Widow
Linksys EasyLink Advisor. And, Linksys first saying it's not compatible with the new desktop that Mom just bought, then saying that I should chose some recommended steps, then it working, then setting up the router again only to have it say there's no internet, and then it working.

Ugh, I keep waiting for my internet to give out on me and stop working.

I hate Linksys. Easy my ass. :@


Pro Adventurer
Theres a few ways to install a router, theres the finnicky on screen guide method and then theres doing it yourself :P

Max Caulfield

shaka brah
Chi, Trollzaya, Dean Winchester, Black Widow
:ego: I swear I'm going to shoot my router. I've had to reinstall it and repeat steps so many times that I don't even need the on-screen guide. If I don't go through, though, it won't work.
L, Castiel, Scotty Mc Dickerson
Spending a month helping to develop part of a new system for the council to use across the entirity of the system only to have it finished finally and then be told that we have to re-do it because the guys in the other office haven't coded in the same language as us.
I mean COME ON!
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