Okay so my first run was off to a bad start. First off, one of the of the owners was showing me how to clock in on a run, and she clocked me in, then told me some things for about 5 minutes or so. So yeah. that added like 5 minutes to my run, but I didn't think much of it... I went on the run, found the place, and it's a fucking HUGE complex. HUGE. I didn't even know where to park at first, but I found a spot and didn't see any entrances. It was creepy... so I found a sidewalk and I'm thinking, "Oh this must lead to a door..." Nope... it leads to nothing.
So I found another sidewalk, and followed that... okay THAT one lead to a door. Wee... I go inside and realize it's not an old folks home but it's an apartment complex for older people. A guy let me into the main building and asked me what apartment I was looking for. I looked at my slip and it said "Buzz 155" so I told him 155... well there IS no 155

I found out I'm supposed to just buzz the number and ask whoever it is what apartment they're in. So I buzzed the number...and it rang and rang... and rang and no one picked up. .. so I buzzed again, and it rang, and rang and at this point I'm ready to give up, but the lady finally answers and I told her I had her food. She opens the main door for me which is open for me anyway and as I'm saying, "Can i get your apartment number..." she hangs up
So I buzz again, and it rings and rings and I ask her for her apartment number and she tells me 521. I take the elevator to the 5th floor and there's old people going in and out of the elevator and this whole time I'm thinking, "Why does this have to be my first run? Why couldn't I get a nice house? Why did it have to be THIS? They're going to think I got lost or that I drove off a cliff or something..."
So I finally get to the 5th floor and I head to the right, there's 5 01... and 502... oh so it must be this way... NOPE, stops at 510

So I go all the way back down and finally find this lady's apartment. She takes FOREVER to answer the door, and then I need her to sign the slip but she's more interested in talking to me about cats and stuff... I mean all he has to do is sign the damn thing... but no she's talking and clearing stuff off her table... what was I supposed to do? Tell her to hurry up? =/
So when I finally get the slip, I hurried back as quick as I could. The timer on the computer said I was gone for 53 minutes. I was just hoping no one would notice. But after I came back one of the managers was showing me some stuff and the other store owner (the first one's husband) asked if I had gotten lost. So I began to explain to him what happened and he's just staring at me like I'm an idiot... so I just kinda stopped talking and he said, "That was 53 minutes for one run. That's not good." ... and then just left me with that ;_;
I felt awful... and of course it effected my entire night. Fortunately (or unfortunately depending on how you look at it), the other owner left after that, but it sucks that I left him with such a bad impression. I wish I could have done something different...
There was another mess up on another run I took, and the manager (Elvis) had to call me when I'm driving down the freeway in the rain and I missed my exit

but that one wasn't my fault. He said it was his bad because the order wasn't taken properly or something. ANd I managed to get what I had of the order there (no tip though)... and then.... fucking GPS lead me to the fuck damn wrong Trenton lane

But Elvis understood and said it was fine and was glad that I called when I realized I had made a mistake.
Other than that, I had 10 runs, those 3 were icky... there was another run where this road was split or something... it's confusing. THAT one my GPS had right though and I wish I had listened to it instead of trying to figure it out on my own... it was right after the trenton thing. But nothing was as bad as that first one.
I'm really worried though. They had me on the schedule for next week, but I dunno if I'll actually be working there or not. I was told they'd "Give me a try." and so far he's probably thinking I suck.
but on the plus side, I'll actually be relieved if they decide I shouldn't work there... and next place I apply, if it's a pizza place, I'm not going to apply to be a driver... just a cook.