Today started off bad again... I had a different GPS this time so I was ready. And the first delivery seemed pretty easy. It was on the corner of the street we were on and another street I was pretty sure I knew where it was. All I'd have to do is turn right and go down a couple miles and boom. Awesome, I thought. I printed out directions from the store anyway to confirm I was right... and no... I was wrong... I was supposed to turn left?... in fact... according to the directions, it was much further than I thought.
I put it in my GPS anyway and my GPS agreed with what I thought initially, but who was right? What was right?... having been wrong and having my GPS be wrong and having the store directions be wrong, I didn't know what to believe. I should have asked someone before I left. But my pride keeps getting in the way.
Because I've lost so much faith in my own common sense due to stress, I decided to trust the store directions. I mean really, how could THOSE be wrong?... as I'm driving down the road for about 5 minutes I'm trying to look for my turn, and the guy behind me starts honking at me because, yeah I'm going slower than the speed limit. It was a two laned road and he could have easily passed me, but he decided to keep honking and honking. ... I got royally frustrated, actually considering slamming on my breaks so he'd crash into me, but instead I pulled off into a street, so fast and furious, I hit the curb. He went by me honking the entire way... normally I don't like idiots bother me, but maybe this was a sign.
I sat there for a minute to calm down, if I was wrong, I had already gone about 5 minutes out of my way. 5 minutes out of my way on a run that should take about 10 minutes or less. What would I say if I was wrong again?
So after thinking about it, I thought about how confident I was when I started this job, and how, due to a few mistakes I began doubting every little thing I did. Under any other circumstance, I would have turned right from the store without even thinking twice about it. So I decided: I was going to go back. I was going to go the way I thought initially, and if it was wrong, I was going to go back into the store and say fuck it I quit.
Turns out, I was right. I should NOT have doubted myself. Of course having gone 5 minutes out of my way, and 5 minutes back and taking 5 minutes to get to the REAL location, I had now spent 15 minutes on the run. Anyway I get there, and give the lady the total and she says it's wrong and wants me to call the store to verify... I call the store and am put on hold

Gee thanks guys. Finally, they straightened it out, I guess they got it wrong or something. Anyway THAT took about 5 minutes, so I drive 5 minutes back to the store... and was gone 25 minutes on a run that should have taken 10.
At this point I decided I was going to use the map on the wall and my GPS and say fuck store directions. Things went well after that.... FINALLY I had a decent day except for that first run. The only bad thing that happened, was having to find my way around an apartment complex that was like over a mile long. And of course, in order to get to the apartment I needed, I had to walk down two fricken huge hall ways. The guy said everyone gets lost in the building on their first try. As I was about 2 miles away again, the store called and asked if I was okay. I just said "Yes that building was very confusing" and whoever it was said "Okay just making sure" and I told them I was a couple miles away. What was nice was whoever took the call, clocked me back in at some point, so I didn't have another 50 minute run on my hands. (Actually I had taken a double here and was expecting to be gone at least 45 minutes anyway) But that REALLY made me feel good. That showed me that these people ARE on my side. They don't WANT me to get in trouble. They understand. I HAVE NAKAMA ;_;
Anyway, the day went well. At least I think so. I can't really speak for what my managers think. I'm going to show the owner those directions the initial run gave me. She'll probably just tell me to use my GPS from now on. I just have a hard time putting total faith in those things. Especially BLIND faith when I have no idea. I like to have back up.
But at least I'm starting to think I can do this now and it was the first night I didn't come home in tears. Which probably means I'm going to get fired soon

But we'll see. So not a total "piss u off" post but yeah you get it.