Things that piss you off

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Pinkfish, Fish

If you want the damn argument dropped so bad, fucking drop it yourself.

Everyone else had already moved on, take a look through the thread, everyone who posted against you has since made an ontopic post with no mention of you.

In fact you just dug it all back up again.
It's like a cat loosing a life then jumping back under the bus.

You should stop making assumptions as well, I don't get pissed off with internet people... There to insignificant... well mostly.
You havn't seen me pissed off, you probably never will.

On another note I don't care if you make me look like the "bad guy"
I find it quite funny to be an arse, nice people are usually to basic and lack any real flair. There are exceptions... on occasion.

See, if I just toss out the word "retarded" with complete disregard for its meaning, I can make you look like the bad guy, too.

It's retarded to take words to there literal meaning in a culture where slang is oh so commonly used, I would love to see you try this argument to a London Chav, you would get knived in minutes.. maybe seconds, there not the type to fuck about at all really.

It's what now? Parental guidence up to age 13? The fuck are you talking about?

Someone who takes words so literally probably wouldn't get it... Who are pg13 films made for? children, so in that sense so pg13 would mean so childish. Just a more fun/ arse way of saying it.

Here come warning #2 I guess...

But this is good entertainment :)
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Pinkfish, Fish
Don't diet, just take loads of speed.

We all saw how well it went for that old codger in Requiem for a Dream ;p

Neo Bahamut

Omnipotent Jackass
Lithp, Unholy Quadralateral

That's what I said.

Everyone else had already moved on, take a look through the thread, everyone who posted against you has since made an ontopic post with no mention of you.

Yeah, the fact that I haven't come back here in a while=/=everyone moving on.

FACT. Several people made complaints against my post the first chance they got.

FACT. One of those complainers told ME to drop the argument.

FACT. It takes at least 2 sides to make an argument.

You starting to see the problem with the, "You're a retard, now shut up!" approach yet, or do I have to break out the pie chart?

Also, let's think for a moment: If I didn't look through the thread, how did I get these quotes?

In fact you just dug it all back up again.

I have no stake in this thread besides replying to the arguments against me, so yes, that would be my logical course of action.

It's like a cat loosing a life then jumping back under the bus.


And you speak as though I'm actually losing anything, except time that could be better spent doing...nothing. If I had anything better to do, why the Hell would I be here, arguing with you?

You should stop making assumptions as well, I don't get pissed off with internet people... There to insignificant... well mostly.
You havn't seen me pissed off, you probably never will.

Whatever you say.



On another note I don't care if you make me look like the "bad guy"
I find it quite funny to be an arse, nice people are usually to basic and lack any real flair. There are exceptions... on occasion.

So, in other words, you're complaining about me being an ass...while being an ass?

...And you people wonder why I throw the word "hypocrite" around like it's confetti here.

*Too. Again.

It's retarded to take words to there literal meaning in a culture where slang is oh so commonly used, I would love to see you try this argument to a London Chav, you would get knived in minutes.. maybe seconds, there not the type to fuck about at all really.


Holy Irrelevency, Batman, I'm starting to see why this person gets so worked-up at Grammar Naziism!

FYI, I've only been correcting words. Bad sentence structure & punctuation also permeates your posts to the extent that it's actually a chore to figure out what you're trying to say, sometimes.

Someone who takes words so literally probably wouldn't get it... Who are pg13 films made for? children, so in that sense so pg13 would mean so childish. Just a more fun/ arse way of saying it.

That is one way to take it. However, it made no sense because it's not a common expression, not because I take words literally 100% of the time.

Furthermore, I think someone who flips out about a little constructive criticism regarding their linguistic skills is pretty childish. But, that's just me.

Here come warning #2 I guess...

Yes, I've had to carefully word my posts so as to avoid warnings, myself.

Considering the fucking dogpile I'm dealing with, it's a tad annoying, really.

But this is good entertainment :)

Protip: Good trolls don't get caught.
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Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
Protip: Good trolls don't get caught.

Protip: People actually care what good trolls have to say, but no one really cares what you have to say for yourself because you obviously have no idea what you're talking about.

Speaking of the argument you want dropped so badly but are, for some reason, unable to shut up about; I don't know what the Hell you're talking about. I followed your link, & yes, my definition WAS listed. Furthermore, pointing out that I ignored the "more relevant" definition is pointless, as my entire argument is, "Depending on which definition you use, plants do, in fact, poop."
Except you're still wrong since you used the intransitive usage of the word as well. In other words, the definition you quoted cannot apply to the context in which you used it. L2grammar.
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[no fucks given]
FHS, that cloti bitch
Men talking to my chest and not my face.
They're boobs. I'll show you after, geesh... just look at me when I'm talking to you.


Pinkfish, Fish
I really hate people whos arguments are like Will Ferrals acting career,
Same thing, different time around....

Pro Troll!! :lol:


alex is dead
Alex, Ashes, Pennywise, Bill Weasley, Jack's Smirking Revenge, Sterling Archer
hospitals and when people keep things from you because they think its in your best interest.


Pinkfish, Fish
Blergh Hospitals I hate those places, people always have to force me to go.
It's not the actual treatment it's the waiting rooms and the life time you spend in them.

Running out of Rizla & Filters :S

Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum
Having cotton stuck in my ear. Fucking ow.


Pinkfish, Fish
This happened last night, rage.

Also having approx 24 hours to pack my case, write stuff, visit a friend's, work out, dentist and bank stuff.
Hate time limits.

I can live if I have no backy, but when you have backy and nothing else it just teases the shit out of you haha.

Yeah time limits are a bitch, leaving everything to the last day, definetly have my sympathy there.


Hello again! 8D
Roxy Lalonde, Black Canary, Princess Vampira, Ah-Choo, Cutie-Aoide
Having this stupid summer cold and not sleeping so well because of my stuffed up nose.

Also having no AC whatsoever (that goes for car and house) in the summer, in the south! GRRRRRRRRRRRRR!


lil' rice krispies
Elizabeth, Selda
there was this dood, and he said mean shit to meeee. he totally, like, generalized me and called me ghey...

:( Why he doo dat?
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