Things that piss you off

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Neo Bahamut

Omnipotent Jackass
Lithp, Unholy Quadralateral
It is the direct implication your post made.

Nope. Sorry, but this is just an assumption you've made. Calling it a "direct implication" is actually an oxymoron, considering implications are not direct.

As for the rest of your argument, pure drivel. "Your definition cannot be correct..." except that it is. And I argued that plants do, in fact, poop. In fact, I mentioned WHAT they "pooped" a while back. Just because I didn't put it in the form of a complete sentence until now, that means my entire argument can be discounted? Sorry, I'm gonna have to call bullshit on that one.

Besides, I've had my knowledge challenged directly several times in this thread alone. Cry me a fucking river.

Not going to happen, sorry.

Then I guess you can hardly complain about me calling you a hypocrite, now can you?

M.I.L.F.: Umm...bullshit? Can you not see the quote two lines above this? It takes 2 to carry an argument. The Man is just as guilty of prolonging this shit as I am, if not more.


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
Nope. Sorry, but this is just an assumption you've made.
Several other people I discussed the thread with on MSN agreed with me that your post made that implication. It is more than apparent that you have difficulties expressing yourself in the way you intended.

Calling it a "direct implication" is actually an oxymoron, considering implications are not direct.
Yes they can be, such as when they're blatantly obvious from the tone a user has been employing through a thread.

As for the rest of your argument, pure drivel.
Hardly. You contradicted a statement of Mako's that is absolutely factually correct.
"Your definition cannot be correct..." except that it is.
Except that no botanist or scientist would agree with it, and it can't be considered to be correct on anything other than a vaguely metaphorical level.
And I argued that plants do, in fact, poop.
Incorrectly, since there is no dictionary definition that will make the statement "Plants poop" correct, because there is no intransitive usage of the word that does not include excrement.
In fact, I mentioned WHAT they "pooped" a while back.
Which is completely irrelevant since saying that "plants poop air" does not serve as a corrective to Mako's original statement.
Just because I didn't put it in the form of a complete sentence until now, that means my entire argument can be discounted?
When you're backpedaling as blatantly on your original argument as you're doing here, then yeah, it can.
Sorry, I'm gonna have to call bullshit on that one.

Besides, I've had my knowledge challenged directly several times in this thread alone.
Cry me a fucking river.

Then I guess you can hardly complain about me calling you a hypocrite, now can you?
Yes I can, because unlike you, I'm right.

M.I.L.F.: Umm...bullshit? Can you not see the quote two lines above this? It takes 2 to carry an argument. The Man is just as guilty of prolonging this shit as I am, if not more.
The difference is that no one has asked me to stop. :awesome:
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Neo Bahamut

Omnipotent Jackass
Lithp, Unholy Quadralateral
Several other people I discussed the thread with on MSN agreed with me that your post made that implication. It is more than apparent that you have difficulties expressing yourself in the way you intended.

Protip: Reality is not a democracy.


Yes, this certainly sums you up.

Except that no botanist or scientist would agree with it, and it can't be considered to be correct on anything other than a vaguely metaphorical level.

On whose authority is this assessment made? Yours? You a botanist?

Yes I can, because unlike you, I'm right.

Refusal to admit defeat does not make you right.

NOW I'm ceasing to find this whole drama amusing, & your incessent memes & bad logic are really starting to bore me.


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
Protip: Reality is not a democracy.
Yeah but given that everyone I've asked has completed much more education than you have, as have I, I feel comfortable in trusting their assessments over yours.

Yes, this certainly sums you up.
If the best you're capable of coming up with in response to the rest of my post is a variant of "I know you are but what am I?" (you completely ignored the part of my post where I dismantled your argument) then you've basically just admitted you've lost the argument. Especially since I wasn't the one crying. Quite the contrary; I was mocking you for complaining about being challenged in a debate.

On whose authority is this assessment made? Yours? You a botanist?
I happen to know several botanists and am quite confident that all of them would find the statement "Plants poop O2" to be an absurd reductionism. A scientifically correct statement would be to say that they produce oxygen and sugar from water, carbon dioxide, and sunlight as a result of photosynthesis. Oxygen is a "waste product" in the same way that carbon dioxide is a "waste product" in the respiration of humans.

Refusal to admit defeat does not make you right.
It's nice to see you finally acknowledging this.

NOW I'm ceasing to find this whole drama amusing, & your incessent memes & bad logic are really starting to bore me.
You have yet to point out a single example of "bad logic", nor have you explained why any of us should care that you feel bored.

That was along the lines of what I was thinking of doing, yes.
Oh, but I'm sure people will be heartbroken if you should choose to leave.
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Neo Bahamut

Omnipotent Jackass
Lithp, Unholy Quadralateral
The Man: I'm ignoring your "arguments" because it's mostly shit I've knocked down already. I have no interest in beating a dead horse.

Frostwave: It's not a threat. I promised on my profile that I would leave plenty of warning, rather than just up & leaving, for the approximately 2-3 people who actually give a shit.

Bone Machine: I don't know whether or not you're being sarcastic. Either way, I didn't dislike you.


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
The Man: I'm ignoring your "arguments" because it's mostly shit I've knocked down already. I have no interest in beating a dead horse.
You've been "beating a dead horse" for the entirety of this thread. Why the sudden about-face? It couldn't possibly be that you have no actual rebuttal to the charge that you've shifted the goalposts of your argument now could it? Because that would be blatantly dishonest.

You didn't "knock down" anything.


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
Did this drama seriously start from an argument about poop?... I... I just...

I love you guys.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
It actually started over Mr. Neo getting butthurt over his grammar fail.

And alas it seems to continue.

...That pisses me off too :monster:


reality is a prison
Flat chested skanks. If your gonna flaunt your T&A's to the world please have something to show beside mosquito bites.
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