Things that piss you off

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Waiting for something
I'm trying to do work based on my management folder for tomorrow and my mind has fucking drawn a blank, I can't fucking think straight right now.


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
i really really need help with something and i can't fucking seem to get it

i've never had the internet so thoroughly fail me

i can't afford to call a fucking lawyer this is so ridiculous
I know a few lawyers. Want me to ask them for you?


We have come to terms
On top of not being left the hell alone, CG is out on medical leave from her surgery, and won't be back until the 31st. That's a long time...I miss her already.



Guh got hardly any sleep last night (4 hours) and have to be at school all day, after which I have to go home and get ready to go straight to work until midnight at least. Then when I get home i have to get back to sleep because I have to be up at 8:30 at the latest to be back at work at 9:45.

These close-open shifts I keep getting are not doing well for my sleep. The best I could do to make this better was to find a quiet spot on campus and have a 2 hour nap. Every time I do this I feel like a hobo :sadpanda:

Celes Chere


it looks like I'm going to have to call into work today... they're going to be pissed but I can't help what happened to prevent me from going in. It's shitty luck and a shitty day. I really hope they aren't that mad but there's nothing I can do about it at this point. and like I don't even know what to tell them, no matter how I phrase it, it's all just probably going to sound like an excusc. -sigh-

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Waiting for something
Poor you Celes, at least you're actually going to explain why you can't go into work, that's better than not contacting them at all. If your work is understanding they'll be fine but good luck, it's never nice when you have to phone work, you always feel really guilty, like you're letting them down or something when its not your fault, hope everything goes well for you.


AI Researcher

I just realised these both come out at the same time. Which is also the same time as FFXIII-2. Which I still haven't gotten the money together for thanks to paying for other things, let alone money for two books. And the soundtrack and that other CD that has DLC, which are also out on the 15th. And possibly extra copies of at least TKAA to destroy to work with.

What is it with the fucking 15th that everything is released on that date.

Yet I could get them all if my brother wasn't such a whore who doesn't pay me back the hundreds of pounds he owes me which at this point I kind of doubt I'll ever see again because he's already had years to return it, and I know he's had money because he then tells me how he needs more because he spent it all gambling. And still he expects me to help him out when I've seen nothing from him when I need it. And then he has the gall to criticise me for not making enough money or working hard enough to make more (which he'd expect me to share with him). Or tries to mock me for trying to get another job, or not getting one already, or not using some idea he thinks would make money--yet also thinks that I'd be sharing whatever money I make with him, despite literally all the hard work being done by me. While he sits on his arse and whinges.

All this from someone who won't even get a shitty part-time job to fund his gambling which he thinks he can make a living off, which he pays for with hand-outs from parents and doesn't even follow through with most of the time because he's a lazy fucker. Spending hours to make £1.50 (as in one and a half pounds) isn't something I'm going to be excited to hear when you could probably make more than that sitting in the street and begging. Or busking, if he didn't spend all his time either learning how to gamble or complaining that he's bored because he's too much of a prick to go and get a hobby or learn a skill that doesn't involve losing other people's money.

tl;dr = never lending certain people money ever again

Celes Chere

my keyboard is acting up again it keeps typing the c key randomly again uggggh. and other times it wont type at all GRRR. I need to get it fixed but no computer for two weeks to fix A KEY? fuck that.


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
>guy orders Bacon Cheeseburger pizza
>guy calls back later saying he didn't know there was bacon on it and wants a replacement



Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000

I just realised these both come out at the same time. Which is also the same time as FFXIII-2. Which I still haven't gotten the money together for thanks to paying for other things, let alone money for two books. And the soundtrack and that other CD that has DLC, which are also out on the 15th. And possibly extra copies of at least TKAA to destroy to work with.

What is it with the fucking 15th that everything is released on that date.

Yet I could get them all if my brother wasn't such a whore who doesn't pay me back the hundreds of pounds he owes me which at this point I kind of doubt I'll ever see again because he's already had years to return it, and I know he's had money because he then tells me how he needs more because he spent it all gambling. And still he expects me to help him out when I've seen nothing from him when I need it. And then he has the gall to criticise me for not making enough money or working hard enough to make more (which he'd expect me to share with him). Or tries to mock me for trying to get another job, or not getting one already, or not using some idea he thinks would make money--yet also thinks that I'd be sharing whatever money I make with him, despite literally all the hard work being done by me. While he sits on his arse and whinges.

All this from someone who won't even get a shitty part-time job to fund his gambling which he thinks he can make a living off, which he pays for with hand-outs from parents and doesn't even follow through with most of the time because he's a lazy fucker. Spending hours to make £1.50 (as in one and a half pounds) isn't something I'm going to be excited to hear when you could probably make more than that sitting in the street and begging. Or busking, if he didn't spend all his time either learning how to gamble or complaining that he's bored because he's too much of a prick to go and get a hobby or learn a skill that doesn't involve losing other people's money.

tl;dr = never lending certain people money ever again

Thats really shitty man, but hay dood you're british too? :awesome:


Great Old One
Ok so hung over, spent the last 4 hours driving home, and now I have to get dressed for another Christmas party. I'd much rather take bf to bed, sleep and then spend the rest of the evening curled up in the sofa with candy.

1st world problems. I has them.

Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum


AI Researcher
Thats really shitty man, but hay dood you're british too? :awesome:
Have I never said that before? :awesome:

My step dad getting drunk and spilling waaay too much information... awkward.
Related: One time I was trying to sleep, had my window open a bit because that's how I sleep. Then my brother comes home with a friend drunk, then goes and stands on the back yard drinking some more. And telling his friend all about the women he's slept with, including one of his friend's mothers. All of which was heard by me, and probably other neighbours with open/non-soundproofed windows. And probably anyone walking down the road (if there was anyone at that time of night).

Which made me feel like an awkward panda :sadpanda:
Realizing something that was told to me recently was fishy and decided to look it up online. Took maybe 5 minutes to realize they were full of shit. I guess they didn't expect me to verify what they said was actually true.

Whatever. People want to lie to me then I have no use for them.
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