Things that piss you off

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Voss da boss bitch
Nightmare,race driver,steel tormenter
Snow coming on the weekend after spending most of the week in the upper 50's and lower 60's


"I've seen enough."
Kris; Mantichorus; Sam Vimes; Neku Sakuraba; Koki Kariya; Hazama; CuChulainn; Yu Narukami; Mewtwo; Rival Silver; Suicune; Kanata; Professor Oak; The Brigadier; VIII; The Engineer
1) Loading problems with the site. PHAIL. :(

2) Only getting five hours sleep last night. No idea why I couldn't get to sleep...

Dumb Apple

Soul Wrought of Terra Corrupt
Geostigma, Omega Gist
St. Patrick's Day.

Sitting on public transit with a bunch of drunk teenagers decked out with sparkly green shit, asking the legitimate Irish person [e.g. me] where my green's at.



The Aristocratic Assassin
Scar, Kakashi Hatake, DKS
things that piss me off huh.....probably the fact they put the coolest FF characters in a game collaborated with disney characters. Of all the collaborations that could have been done.....that was the one that WAS DONE. Very annoying in my eyes


Harbinger O Great Justice
Google's fucking slow-ass Nexus One support. It'd be nice to hear back from them more than once every 1-2 weeks, without having to send a constant stream of "wtf are you guys doing" e-mails. I'd really like to be able to get my goddamn phone (even though I don't have the money saved for it anymore).

Also - the stress associated with trying to move to a new apartment (which is supposed to happen, and get signed, etc tomorrow), when I work 9-6, and the goddamn leasing office is only open from 9-5. Fucking ridiculous business hours.

X :neo:


The Aristocratic Assassin
Scar, Kakashi Hatake, DKS know what...that fact that X-SOLDIER here didnt tell me this place was here pisses me off. =P


Higher Further Faster

it pisses me off because it's true. i'm going to start a fucking riot at the converge and genghis tron show just to show these faggots what the hardcore scene used to be.

I would actually pay to watch. :monster:

Celes Chere

My friend lives about three hours away and she's in college, so she's very, very busy. She's got two jobs as well, so I understand that we can't see each other often. We've known each other since childhood though, and have always been close, so when we do get to hang out well... not to sound corny and stuff, but it's special. ;o; Well, she's on Spring Break now, and at the beginning of the week she sent me constant messages saying how excited she was to see me again, and that we were going to spend two full days together just messing around, doing what best friends do best.

Weelll, the scheduled day, I message her about it and she keeps saying, "I'm at home now, but it's possible, we'll see." I told her to get back to me if she can or cannot make it and I understand if she can't, but she doesn't even have the decency to message me OR call me, so I'm sitting around waiting and waiting, wondering why one of my best friends can't even get off her fucking ass to give me a phone call and let me know what's happening and even made me worry about her too. So I message her again today and she says NOTHING except for "I'm busy all week" and I see on her Facebook pictures of her and all of her other friends at parties. And these were just recently add.

She didn't even want to invite me, like, do I embarrass her or something? Really fucking lame and I'm so hurt and pissed off by it.



fresh to death
My room looks like a bomb hit it.
I have to tidy it and pack up my belongings in 4 hours.
Not happening.


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
It's 8:30am. I have work in nine hours. I haven't slept.

Thanks a lot, tvtropes.


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
Fucking headaches. I had one for most of my shift at work today, which wasn't helped by the shitty music they were playing for a lot of the time. In better news I think I've found a drug connection.


"I've seen enough."
Kris; Mantichorus; Sam Vimes; Neku Sakuraba; Koki Kariya; Hazama; CuChulainn; Yu Narukami; Mewtwo; Rival Silver; Suicune; Kanata; Professor Oak; The Brigadier; VIII; The Engineer
My friend lives about three hours away and she's in college, so she's very, very busy. She's got two jobs as well, so I understand that we can't see each other often. We've known each other since childhood though, and have always been close, so when we do get to hang out well... not to sound corny and stuff, but it's special. ;o; Well, she's on Spring Break now, and at the beginning of the week she sent me constant messages saying how excited she was to see me again, and that we were going to spend two full days together just messing around, doing what best friends do best.

Weelll, the scheduled day, I message her about it and she keeps saying, "I'm at home now, but it's possible, we'll see." I told her to get back to me if she can or cannot make it and I understand if she can't, but she doesn't even have the decency to message me OR call me, so I'm sitting around waiting and waiting, wondering why one of my best friends can't even get off her fucking ass to give me a phone call and let me know what's happening and even made me worry about her too. So I message her again today and she says NOTHING except for "I'm busy all week" and I see on her Facebook pictures of her and all of her other friends at parties. And these were just recently add.

She didn't even want to invite me, like, do I embarrass her or something? Really fucking lame and I'm so hurt and pissed off by it.

Ahh, sorry to hear that Hope. :( I've been there.

Almost getting knocked down by a twat on a bike who came out of a side street at full speed, who then had the nerve to say "watch where you're going maaaate".

:ego: If he'd said "mate" properly, I would not have the urge now to do serious harm to him.


fresh to death
I woke up this morning, totally naked, with a boy pressed against my back and no memory of anything that happened in the past 12 hours.
Luckily it was my boyfriend, but that does not explain anything.

Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum
My sewing machine deciding not to work and rendering me unable to work on anything. FUCK. D<


&#9398;aron;213917 said:
In better news I think I've found a drug connection.

IT'S A TRAP! I've seen it on Cops. It's always a trap. Same with prostitutes.

@subject, having to merge the changes an external party did to the generic presentation WCB myself while it's officially their job. changes were made to make it conform to a somewhat strict set of rules for certification (you know, so we can get proper support for it), so lots of files were moved - and SVN does not do moving files very well. It gets worse when the changes were done months ago, so liek the branch was made on the 1.2 version, and since then we've gone through 1.3.0 to 1.3.22 and 1.4 last week.

And it gets worse when there's two other parties waiting for you to do that, :monster:.

fml. Then again, I feel all professional now, acting as an intermediary for the biggest school book publisher and another badass company that makes expensive software (albeit not very good in terms of code). Speaking of, I probably broke that book publisher's webshop by filtering out display items (i.e. non-books) in the search results, and forgot to test for that and reset it, :awesome:.

Oh yes, I have a good and responsible job btw.


We have come to terms


Also, shitty week is shitty. And I hate it when people try and give me advice/lecture me on things, but don't actually SAY anything, helpful or not. =/
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