Things that piss you off

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We have come to terms
The incredible, edible irony of this situation. It's like...there's no way. No way. There's just this incredulous look on my face as I'm sitting there like "you've got to be shitting me". Unfortunately, they aren't. :'

My sleep patterns are like whoa.

Also, yesterday. :monster:


- Probably said this before but I hate when people (generally my dad), inform me about the most simple of things like I'm a retard or something. My dad does this practically every time he speaks to me. EG: "If you're hot, turn on the air conditioner." Funny about that, maybe I'm not that hot that I require the air conditioner to be turned on, which is why its off. You know, maybe I'm trying to conserve resources n' all that shiraz.

Yanno, and I hope this is advice more people who find their parents irritating, just nod and go 'Yes father', i.e. don't get worked up over it, it's only you that's making an idiot of yourself. Being bitchy about it (not saying you are, my sister is though :monster: ) will not change him and will only frustrate yourself.

In fact, only real opinions on anything you should have are optimism or indifference, :monster:. For a better life. Hippie crap.

@thread, my arms, pain, and not the kinda pain that makes you go 'omg my arms hurt I can't do shit I'll go see a doctor asap', but the kinda pain that comes when you're relaxed and goes away when you do the thing that caused it in the first place and never gets bad enough for you to actually worry. I've had it for almost five+ years now though (as far as I can remember, not even sure when it really started to bother me. Probably during uni, spending many afternoons behind a laptop). Neck / shoulders are also bothering me, but that's due to chronically poor sitting positions / neck / shoulder alignments I've had all my life.

Todo: see a doctor, hope his order is not not to work or use a computer for six months.

Also, these creams that are supposed to give relief and aid in recovery of muscles don't work for shit, they just feel like they burn the skin (and the fumes my eyes too, :monster: ). Not sure why that'd help.

Also, the fact that there's very little in terms of vacations and activities for single dudes my age with little close friends to do.

Gym Leader Devil

True Master of the Dark-type (suck it Piers)
So many names
What kind of business puts up a now hiring sign, then leaves a note out front telling everyone that instead of applications they just want people to leave a note on the window sill with their name, phone number, and desired position?! Going by the dust and such no one had even picked up those notes in days!

Gym Leader Devil

True Master of the Dark-type (suck it Piers)
So many names
Dude, take no offense at this, but if you're pissed at Very Hard mode for being very hard... you might be doing it wrong.


We have come to terms
Sorry, but the CPU being able to throw me while I'm in the middle of an attack animation?

(which btw is actually impossible due to game mechanics)

Yeah, that's bullshit. :oscar:

Gym Leader Devil

True Master of the Dark-type (suck it Piers)
So many names
Ahhhh so it uses Fake Difficulty to be that hard. Then by all means, rant away, the game deserves it.


Satsu, BRIAN BLESSED, MIGHTY AND WISE Junpei Iori: Ace Detective, Maccaffrickstonson von Lichtenstafford Frabenschnaben, Polite Krogan, Robert Baratheon
Pet duck continues to deteriorate, death seems likely

Paralysis is becoming more extensive


fresh to death
back to leeds today
back to my house where both the locks are now broken and i will have to climb in through the window
back to a broken washing machine
back to a dissertation proposal and two essays
back to no xbox and crappy net connection
back to no money and freezer food


Super Mario

Jesse McCree. I feel like a New Man
How about a special offer, Bex? A one way ticket back to Leeds and a free accommodation with all your needs and a lifetime supply of all you can eat with a deluxe bedroom suite and 3 laptops at your disposal



edit: Oh and I got a test that got canceled due to protests. fml.


We have come to terms
Ahhhh so it uses Fake Difficulty to be that hard. Then by all means, rant away, the game deserves it.
I should mention that beating stuff on the hardest difficulty settings in other games is actually fun :P I know it means nothing in the grand scheme of things, but I was so goddamn proud when I beat DMC on Dante Must Die mode.

Next up - an entire Mass Effect/Mass Effect 2 run on Insanity >:3

Pissing me off - I always pass out at the laptop at the most inopportune times :(


It pisses me off that my LAN disconnects 90% o the time when I have work to do.
It never does when I'm playing something. I love you LAN. Always thinking at what's best for me.

Dana Scully

Special Agent
YACCBS, Legato Bluesummers, Daenaerys Targaryen, Revy, Kate Beckett, Samantha Carter, Matsumoto Rangiku
Next up - an entire Mass Effect/Mass Effect 2 run on Insanity >:3

ME1 on Insanity pissed me the fuck off, mainly because I'd forgotten how damn finicky the cover system is compared to the one in 2. It was just retarded how much I died, though I was trying a brand new class so maybe it's easier if you stick with what you know. I ended up switching to Normal before the 1st mission is even over just 'cause I wanted to enjoy myself and not put myself in a face-vs-keyboard-smash-induced coma.


We have come to terms
I'm somewhat sadistic, in that I'm doing a run as a Vanguard, which is allegedly one of the most difficult ways to go (I think it's supposed to be, like, that and Adept?).

I'm really, really excited skfjnsd,jfhbskjfhzbfgkjz. But I have to do my Adept run first, or at least get the biotic ability achievements, because I wanna use Singularity as my bonus power.

Dana Scully

Special Agent
YACCBS, Legato Bluesummers, Daenaerys Targaryen, Revy, Kate Beckett, Samantha Carter, Matsumoto Rangiku
My attempt was as a Vanguard, so maybe that's why I found it so painful. Wouldn't mind trying it as an Infiltrator at some point.
L, Castiel, Scotty Mc Dickerson
Even soldier is annoying as hell on insanity, only ever managed it on the p.c version of ME1.
For some reason Shep just doesnt like the idea of HIDE BEHIND SOMETHING when he is being pummelled by reaper saren.


We have come to terms

It's kinda depressing, knowing that I'll probably never get my level X Spectre gear on Insanity, as it requires me to beat the missions on Pinnacle Station, which are pretty fucking hard on just Hardcore. That survival mission on its own would be nuts.
L, Castiel, Scotty Mc Dickerson
I just realised for me to get the ideal playthrough I am going to have to restart the entire ME series from the beginning and make some radical changes to my playthrough....AGAIN.


Rookie Adventurer
Money woes generally make me the most upset, but I think the thing that's pissing me off the most these days is the fact that every time my husband and I seem to get a break in the being poor, another emergency crops up.

Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum
I need to realize that chilling the fuck out is probably a good idea since it will help me study and feel more confident on tomorrow's test and that even if I don't do very well on it, I can still always take the class again and get a better grade and pass the second time around!
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