Time to remove smilies from smilie list?


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
That would be great, thanks in advance.

And I have to agree, 2-3 MB is not a large image size in this day and age. If it's a problem for cell phone bandwidth, I think you can disable images. Besides it's not like they're used in every thread or anything.


Pro Adventurer
^ I'm on broadband at work and it takes about 20 seconds to load the smiley page with no cache. Considering the front page loads in a couple of seconds and even a big thread like the LTD debate loads in five, I think that's too much. 2-3 MB might not be that much on its own, but it adds up, and it's still 2-3 MB too much if nobody is actually using the smiley in question :)

- the reason it's a pet peeve of mine is because of the "speed race": internet speeds go up, so websites feel like it's fine to serve up large files and unoptimised pages, because most users will cope. Then they get more and more bloated, which makes visitors get even faster internet connections to keep up. It never ends, and the result is that I don't feel like I'm browsing the internet any faster today on a 100Mbps connection than I did when I got my first broadband connection a decade ago, and that sucks. Never mind the fact that browsing on a 4Mbps mobile broadband connection (which often drops to 364kbps when the signal is weak) feels positively monolithic nowadays.


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
How many times do you have to load the smilie page with no cache? That's the whole point of having a cache. Unless you log in in incognito mode every time you should have a record of the smilies in your cache all but the first time you load it on a given computer, and it usually lasts for a month. Even if they clear the cache at your work every day, that's still only once a day you should be having to load the smilie page at most. And that's only if you need to use an emoticon whose code you can't remember, which I can't imagine happens every time you need to post.


Pro Adventurer
That's all true. I still don't see why we'd keep any smileys that aren't used though. After all, bandwidth isn't free and processing power isn't unlimited :)

The smileys page is now 29.8 MB, for what it's worth. I didn't see what it was before, but I bet it was a lot larger. I'm already happy with the improvements - getting the width of the page down was and is more of a priority than getting the size down - but I still think we can do more.


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
Given that pretty much all of the smilies we have left (that I'm aware of) have at least one person arguing that they'd still use them, I think we've done close to as much as we can without alienating people by removing their favourite smilies. There are still a few more images that can be resized, though.


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
Employing moderation with an image like that seems like sacrilege, though. I mean, it counteracts the whole message of the image. :monster:

Kai Schulen

... ... ...▼
Trainer Red

That one stays, dammit.

I mean, if it needs to go, it can. I'm not overly attached to it, but it hardly takes up much space to begin with.

Oh no, I wasn't saying that it should be gotten rid of, I'm saying that it's going to be added to the list of emoticons that I remember off the top of my head. :trainermon:


Great Old One
Also re: "hack", I'll venture into the vB code that's on the test server later and see if I can find the correct reading place for those images, and if there's an easy way to override any loadallimageslikethisorI'lleatyourmother.php reference without fucking anything else up.
I completely forgot about this. I'll see if I can do it later today, but I'm sorta on a writing spree and I was supposed to go running two days ago X( I guess it's not urgent anyway.

Cat Rage Room

Great Old One
The Mog one (of me) I don't mind in principle, but as of now its outdated, adn therefore stupid and without context. Go ahead and nix it.


Higher Further Faster
Or... we could shrink it.

I mean really, a lot of these would be okay if they could just be smaller. :P
Alright fellows, let's not lose steam.

Yop, please proceed and remove the quadruple facepalm like the tentacled lord of lords that you are.


Gym Leader Devil

True Master of the Dark-type (suck it Piers)
So many names
The quad-facepalm was sort of meta, it was a facepalm that was, in a way, facepalm worthy :awesome:
Q: When were these last used?






I haven't seen these used in a long time. Reptar and backhand were popular years ago. Derp dog isn't used nearly as frequently as when it was new, plus I think that if anyone suddenly decides they want to post that, a quick google search will give you the derp dog anyway. I might have seen griffinsvomit once, less than a year ago.

Nobody seemed to object against the removal of this

I know some are hoping for a separate "image list", but let's not be hoarders. If an image or gif is not used, get rid of it, separate image list or not.

To follow this image...


Lightning backhand should definitely stay. It might not be used all the time, but it's perfect for when the situation calls for it. Like when someone is saying that any of the cookie monster smiles should be removed, or any of the FF smilies, or the kitty hug smilie, or really, any of the smilies I like....right? :P
Lightning backhand should definitely stay. It might not be used all the time, but it's perfect for when the situation calls for it. Like when someone is saying that any of the cookie monster smiles should be removed, or any of the FF smilies, or the kitty hug smilie, or really, any of the smilies I like....right? :P

My impression is that people use
much more frequently. It can either express ironic, false dislike TLS members between or disapproval of something a game company has done recently.

Backhand has more of an "honest dislike" atmosphere to it, which I don't see used nearly as often as lightningpunch.


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
It's useful to have a vomit smilie but I guess I can see why those are large enough that they're worth getting rid of.

Gym Leader Devil

True Master of the Dark-type (suck it Piers)
So many names
Q: When were these last used?


^I haven't seen it used in a bit, but I know Mei-chan at least uses it sometimes. :reptar: might be enough by itself though?


^I've never seen this used, I don't think. Everyone defaults to the punching one. I'd like to see this used more.


^Haven't we been over this one? Yop want's it to stay, and for what little it's worth, I concur.


^The best reaction there is to anyone trying to ditch Cookie Monster smileys for any reason ever :monster:


^Unless its this one?


I haven't seen these used in a long time. Reptar and backhand were popular years ago. Derp dog isn't used nearly as frequently as when it was new, plus I think that if anyone suddenly decides they want to post that, a quick google search will give you the derp dog anyway. I might have seen griffinsvomit once, less than a year ago.

No seriously, leave derp dog alone.

I know some are hoping for a separate "image list", but let's not be hoarders. If an image or gif is not used, get rid of it, separate image list or not.

What if we wanna be hoarders? What then? :monster: But nah, either way works for me.
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