TLS Awards 2013: Discussion


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
Yeah. I'll come up with a proposed list of categories tonight and then people can approve/disapprove and then hopefully we can start nominations on Monday or Tuesday.


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
So, whoops, I completely forgot what I said I was going to do. I blame going to bed early the last couple of nights.

I'll have a list of all proposed categories up in about ten to twenty minutes and a proposal for a whittled down 42 and then people can comment, although I suspect my list will end up resembling Mage's more than a bit.


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
Last year's awards:

  1. Member of the year
  2. Best site contributor
  3. Best staffer
  4. Best quality poster
  5. Best newcomer
  6. Hottest male
  7. Hottest female
  8. Biggest Final Fantasy wonk
  9. Member you'd most like to meet in real life
  10. "Wish you were here" Award (Most Missed)
  11. The Phoenix Down Award (Best Comeback)
  12. Best graphics (avatar/signature/etc.)
  13. Most entertaining/funniest
  14. Most talented (art, writing, music etc)
  15. Most improved
  16. Most predictable
  17. Bounciest boobies
  18. Most pistoning pen0r
  19. "Needs to spend less time on TLS" Award
  20. Best ship
  21. Most likely to get banned
  22. Most likely to be a Username dupe
  23. Most likely to be an applet dupe
  24. Most likely to die in the zombie apocalypse
  25. Most likely to survive the zombie apocalypse
  26. Most likely to try to take over the world
  27. Most likely to save the world
  28. Most suited to be on Chaos' side
  29. Most suited to be on Cosmos' side
  30. "Least likely to win any other award" award
  31. Best drunk/stoner
  32. Most pedantic
  33. Most likely to poast n00dz
  34. Most likely to be sexually active
  35. Least likely to be sexually active
  36. Best Thread Starter
  37. Best Thread Killer
  38. Best Ass
  39. Best Beard
  40. Most Perverted Horniest Member
New proposals:

  • Best TLS Ambassador
  • Biggest Twat
  • You Tried
  • Most Desperate
  • For Just Being Awesome award
  • Most likely to be fal'Cie
  • Most likely to be an eldritch space terror
  • Most likely to be a sexless spiritual entity
  • Most likely to be an oversexed spiritual entity
  • Member you'd most like to bone
  • Best Username
  • Lifetime Achievement Award
  • Most Likely to Ban Everyone
  • Most Likely to Trigger the War Doctor's Regeneration
  • Most fervent TLSer
  • Biggest non-FF geek
  • Most Travelled
  • Biggest Member Collector
  • Most in need of daylight
  • Most likely to need a swear filter
  • Most likely to drink their own piss
  • Biggest Username Changer/Forum Schizophrenic
  • Most likely to make a porno
  • TLS Art Prize
  • TLS Literature Prize
  • Best gif
  • Most inspiring member
  • Member who'd make the best pantomime villain
  • Most likely to go the extra mile
  • Most likely to bear good news
  • Most likely to bear bad news
  • Most likely to come up with new award categories next year
  • Most likely to win an award
  • Most likely to be a wanker
  • Most epic dreamer
I excluded obviously self-serving/joke suggestions.

Going through these and deciding which ones are the best might take awhile longer than I thought.

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
Didn't we decide last year to leave negative categories out? I'm not sure "Biggest Twat" has a place here. Unless it's meant literally, in which case I look forward to the nomination round.


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
maybe it should be "Best Twat" instead? :monster:

And yeah now that you mention it I think we did decide no negative categories last year.

Anyway people should help me whittle these down; I've got fuck-all idea which 16-17 new categories are the best :/


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
No I think all of those are good and there seems to be widespread agreement on them; it's just whittling down the new suggestions that is proving difficult.

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
Aaron said:
I excluded obviously self-serving/joke suggestions.

I love that you included Tets' Most Likely to Bear Good/Bad News suggestions, with him certain to win the former and you to receive the latter. =P

Most likely to be fal'Cie
Most likely to be an eldritch space terror
Most likely to be a sexless spiritual entity
Most likely to be an oversexed spiritual entity

For clarification, these were all "nominees" -- along with "male" and "female" -- for a proposed "What is Splintered?" Award. Which I still think should happen. :awesome:

But they make for pretty awesome category suggestions of their own too, so good job there. :monster:

Biggest Username Changer/Forum Schizophrenic

Can this one be named something like the "I Don't Know Who I Am" Award or the "Who Are You Again?" Award? For accuracy's sake, sensitivity's sake and for some kind of funny.

I don't know. It doesn't have to be either of those either.


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
Difference between twats and wankers for me is that twats are twats on purpose but wankers are accidental and therefore slightly more pitiful. just want to make sure im on the same page as everyone else here.


I love that you included Tets' Most Likely to Bear Good/Bad News suggestions, with him certain to win the former and you to receive the latter. =P

I...I do not know what you're talking about...:shifty:


Pro Adventurer
These are the ones I like:

  1. Member of the year
  2. Best site contributor
  3. Best (forum) staffer
  4. Best quality poster
  5. Best newcomer
  6. The Phoenix Down award (Best Comeback)
  7. "Wish you were here" award (Most Missed)
  8. Lifetime achievement award
  9. Member you'd most like to meet in real life
  10. Hottest member (TLS: tearing down gender barriers since 2013)
  11. Biggest Final Fantasy wonk
  12. Biggest non-FF geek
  13. Most desperate
  14. Most entertaining/funniest
  15. Fine Artist (TLS Art Prize, including graphics)
  16. Creative Writer (TLS Literature Prize)
  17. Best ship
  18. Most likely to get banned in 2014
  19. Most pedantic
  20. Best thread starter

I haven't included categories like "Member collector" and "Forum schizophrenic" because it should be possible to determine their winners empirically: i.e. count how many members everyone here has met, and count how many times everyone has changed their name. The TLS awards are about opinions.

Oh, and I'd quite happily remove "Most pedantic", but that would just make me seem pedantic, so I don't dare :monster:


Tets does enjoy a good Sony-related update :monster:

Flint, you know you can't remove that category. We created it for you <3


Chloe Frazer
Where are the Bounciest Bewbies, Best Ass and Best Beard categories gone to? The Awards wouldn't be the same without them.


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
Anyone who thinks we're going to have a mere twenty categories is utterly daft. Flint's list is rejected.


Joe, Arcana
Having been forced to look at Lex's avatar for god knows how long I feel compelled to vote for him with:
Most likely to make a porno


Chloe Frazer
I second Joe's suggestion. I can't even remember what Lex's previous avatar was.


Pro Adventurer
Anyone who thinks we're going to have a mere twenty categories is utterly daft. Flint's list is rejected.
Good grief. I wasn't putting forward a suggestion of a final list of 20 categories and I never expected it to be accepted. I just said "I like these ones". It's right there in the first line of my post. Did you just miss that part, or are minority opinions no longer welcome?


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
It sounded like you were saying you only liked those categories.


Pretty sure it was more delicious Kaidan. Just with more clothing. Next time, full nudity (it's OK as long as it's not showing peen right? Cropping required).

And Aaron, he is saying he only likes those categories. It doesn't mean he expects the rest of them to be scrapped XD

Good grief.

I love it when Flint sounds even more English than usual in my head <3

Good grief sir! Fah de fah fah faaaaah! <3


Pro Adventurer
I was thinking of Charlie Brown, actually :monster:

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