TLS Awards 2013: Discussion

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
Most likely to be a certain Avenger's character/Dr Who character/Game Of Thrones character/Pokemon/etc... opportunities are endless really :awesome:.

Most Likely to Trigger the War Doctor's Regeneration ...
Most Likely to Have David Tennant's Baby (that would be me :awesome:) ...
Most Likely to Strangle Rose Tyler (also me :monster:) ...


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
On a serious note, here are the awards from last year:

  1. Member of the year
  2. Best site contributor
  3. Best staffer
  4. Best quality poster
  5. Best newcomer
  6. Hottest male
  7. Hottest female
  8. Biggest Final Fantasy wonk
  9. Member you'd most like to meet in real life
  10. "Wish you were here" Award (Most Missed)
  11. The Phoenix Down Award (Best Comeback)
  12. Best graphics (avatar/signature/etc.)
  13. Most entertaining/funniest
  14. Most talented (art, writing, music etc)
  15. Most improved
  16. Most predictable
  17. Bounciest boobies
  18. Most pistoning pen0r
  19. "Needs to spend less time on TLS" Award
  20. Best ship
  21. Most likely to get banned
  22. Most likely to be a Username dupe
  23. Most likely to be an applet dupe
  24. Most likely to die in the zombie apocalypse
  25. Most likely to survive the zombie apocalypse
  26. Most likely to try to take over the world
  27. Most likely to save the world
  28. Most suited to be on Chaos' side
  29. Most suited to be on Cosmos' side
  30. "Least likely to win any other award" award
  31. Best drunk/stoner
  32. Most pedantic
  33. Most likely to poast n00dz
  34. Most likely to be sexually active
  35. Least likely to be sexually active
  36. Best Thread Starter
  37. Best Thread Killer
  38. Best Ass
  39. Best Beard
  40. Most Perverted
It looks like I was mistaken and we only had forty awards. I'm perfectly willing to forty-two this time around though.

Anyway let's select awards from this list to be eliminated and replaced, I guess.

Edited because somehow "Hottest male" and "Hottest female" got messed up to "Hottest male female"
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Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
If we're suggesting awards that are obviously self-serving, how about Best Jew?


Great Old One
I think speculating on who would survive a zombie for a second year would be pointless since the obvious answers are MOG, Carlos, Kat for their military training and GLD for being a weapon wielding badass. But there's still so many people that could die in a zombie apocalypse in a variety of hilarious ways.
I think that's what bugged me. To survive a zombie attack, you need a gun and muscles? How Murcan. Zombies are dumb, it's pretty easy to outsmart them. I think engineers would do a much finer jobs than soldiers tbh :monster:

Yeah, and then the real losers should fail to receive the custom tailored award.
You're very into this whole loser thing, aren't you :P You're not a loser if you don't win an award. It just means you haven't moved into this place yet (or posted n00dz.)

I suggest removing these:
  1. "Needs to spend less time on TLS" Award
  2. Most likely to get banned
  3. Most likely to be a Username dupe
  4. Most likely to be an applet dupe
  5. Most likely to die in the zombie apocalypse
  6. Most likely to survive the zombie apocalypse
  7. Most likely to try to take over the world
  8. Most likely to save the world
  9. Most suited to be on Chaos' side
  10. Most suited to be on Cosmos' side
  11. Most likely to poast n00dz
  12. Most likely to be sexually active
  13. Least likely to be sexually active
  14. Best Thread Killer
These pretty much don't interest me at all, or they've been sorta used up imo. The Username thing is an old joke that only applies to about 30% of the user base. And why would we encourage people to not post?? :P Also we all know Yop is gonna get best Thread killer so where's the excitement in that one lol

Anyway, opinion, I has dem :monster:


Chloe Frazer
Most Likely to Have David Tennant's Baby (that would be me :awesome:) ...
Most Likely to Strangle Rose Tyler (also me :monster:) ...

Tres is being a bad boy trying to stir things up. :awesome:

For removal I nominate:

Most likely to be a Username dupe
Most likely to be an applet dupe
Most likely to survive the zombie apocalypse
The "Biggest Final Fantasy wonk" is a troublesome title. With almost zero doubt, Fangu is the biggest FFXII sage here, but not the biggest overall FF geek. I have sometimes been voted for the category but I only know a lot about FFVII, not about any other title.

I don't mean to say that the category should definitely be changed or that sub-categories should be made (I don't see that working either), just wanted to voice how the "Biggest Final Fantasy wonk" category always made me uneasy. Oh well. The worthy will win anyway. :monster:

Now, I wonder who is the "Biggest Turks Geek"... :P

Gym Leader Devil

True Master of the Dark-type (suck it Piers)
So many names
I think that's what bugged me. To survive a zombie attack, you need a gun and muscles? How Murcan. Zombies are dumb, it's pretty easy to outsmart them. I think engineers would do a much finer jobs than soldiers tbh :monster:

Funny, since I won the gold in that category despite being somewhat out of shape and despising firearms.

Screw it, I'm just gonna sit this thread out.

Edit: Just realized that last sentence does exactly what I had decided to avoid. I've been snarly and frustrated and easily made to be an angry ass just lately and had decided that it would be best to avoid spreading that around over a silly ass awards thing. And then it snuck out anyway. Derp is me.
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Obsidian Fire

Ahk Morn!
The Engineer
Most Pedantic = who posted the most with the highest word count per post

And I don't really think anyone other then Tres would win that...


Great Old One
I see the Pedantic thing as more of a being painfully correct thing. All with a very dry sense of humour.

It's Flint and Ryu for me :monster: (I was nominated for that one last year and was actually really proud about that hahaha)


I propose we remove these (thanks Fangu):

  1. "Needs to spend less time on TLS" Award
  2. Most likely to get banned
  3. Most likely to be a Username dupe
  4. Most likely to be an applet dupe
  5. Most likely to die in the zombie apocalypse
  6. Most likely to survive the zombie apocalypse
  7. Most likely to try to take over the world
  8. Most likely to save the world
  9. Most suited to be on Chaos' side
  10. Most suited to be on Cosmos' side
  11. Most likely to poast n00dz
  12. Most likely to be sexually active
  13. Least likely to be sexually active
  14. Best Thread Killer
And replace them with:

1. Most fervent TLSer (stat-based, find out who's been logged in for longest, based on the total hours logged in as a percentage of time spent as a member. Is that possible?).

2. Biggest non-FF geek (could be any of the other fandoms. Nominate a member and their relevant fandom, multiple nominations of members and their fandoms are possible).

3. Biggest overall FF wonk.

4. Most Travelled (not sure about this TBH, it's a bit contentious/debatable)

5. Biggest Member Collector (yes, I sniggered when I typed that). Basically, anyone wishing to nominate themselves lists the other members they've met IRL. Results should be fairly obvious.

6. Most in need of daylight - we have all spent far too much time indulging in our respective obsessions. Who's the worst?

7. Most likely to need a swear filter.

8. Most likely to drink their own piss - not necessarily the zombie apocalypse, but any situation requiring a survival skill element. This can include strength, knowledge, skill, etc - a more encompassing version of the category.

9. Most variable - another stat-based one; who's changed their username more than anyone? We could do a prize for this one, get everyone to pitch in a unique answer and whoever's closest/spot on can win a prize.

10. Most likely to make a porno.

11. The TLS Art Prize. Nominate a piece of non-GFX artwork from the Creative sexion, and then vote on the nominations.

12. The TLS Literature Prize. Same as above, but for creative writing. It can include fanfics but must be an original piece.

Those two could also incorporate a prize if we're looking to make mention of this on the front page.

13. Non-Member's Award: Best gif. Pretty much anything you like that can be posted as a nomination. Finder of the best gif can take the GifHunter accolade (Telcontar, this is your big moment!).

14. Most inspiring member.

And since we're gunning for 42 rather than 40:

15. Member who'd make the best pantomime villain.

16. Most likely to go the extra mile (be it a long-winded, link-heavy reply, stay up late writing an article, cite an extensive list of references, any member who has gone out of their way to benefit the forum or another member).

Now I'm going to go and lie down. That took longer to write than I thought.
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