Thanks so much for all this wonderful work. After reading through this material, a few curious things pop out to me worth noting for FF7 lore nuts. You all probably realized them , but here's some thoughts.
Going to wrap up this thread and consolidate the sprawl with links to the documents.
Ultimania Omega Character Profiles:
Ultimania Omega Truth Explained:
So from these two, here's what stands out:
1. From Truth Explained: There
was a transcontinental war that Shinra rose out of. I think this thing can be seen as not the Wutai War given the details we know of that, but maybe Wutai was also involved. Seems to be during the (Junon) Republic Era (that we now know of).
2. Reeve is cannonically an Inspire - meaning that Cait Sith isn't a robot. It's a "magical" ability. Being in the Ultimania, I think we can take this as canon. (I still see people asking how he does this, if Cait Sith is a robot, etc).
3. There is
emphasis on the Japanese "I" pronoun for each character. (Watashi or Ore). This seems to emphasize the Sephiroth differences
way back when. Interestingly, many youtubers and other Lore Enthusiasts believe it's kind of a new deal/catch. Interesting that Remake is really using some of this core material still.
4. Other Anti-Shinra organizations exist(ed) besides Avalanche.