Weekly roundups

I don't know if this is worthy of mention in a roundup, but I thought it was interesting that it hasn't been released on PC in Japan before. I guess I just figured it would have been done at the same time as the original Western PC release.
I'm surprised a Japanese PC release is happening at all. The demand in the PC market has always been low in Japan. I'm surprised they even got a PC edition of FF8 over there.

Imo, this news is equally worthy to its own newspost as it is to a mention in a roundup.


Yeah this kind of thing is "big" VII news so it should have its own post, well done Shademp :D


Pro Adventurer
I suck at newsposts, but I did the honours.
You did good, don't worry :) Recently, whenever I've seen anyone suggesting a front page article, I've asked them to write it up themselves. I want everyone to feel like they can write for us whenever they like. Otherwise I know I'll end up doing it :P

I'll go share it on Facebook now.


Pro Adventurer
^ Speaking of getting more people to write for us, would anyone like to volunteer to do a weekly roundup article either tomorrow or the week after? I have exams coming up, and I would like to keep my time free for studying. Failing that, I can put the articles together, but I'd appreciate it if you could all share any Final Fantasy news items you find in this thread, so it doesn't take me so long :)


Shui Ta, an absolute moron of a journalist, posted something about a new SE trademark and tried to relate it to Versus XIII (He's done this 9 times now by my count).

Have a look out for my comment at the bottom of his article :D

Twitter petition for Type-0 localisation.

New Final Fantasy Tactics title for iOS - "FF Tactis S"

FFXI - Seekers of Andoulin patch (big update thing, IDK or care)

Report on FFXIV's beta phase 1 and 2

Lightning Returns to feature Coliseum from XIII-2, or something like it.

If you're going to include the stuff from The Examiner (Shui Ta, the Versus XIII moron), accidentally forget to link it please. Either change enough so that it's not plagiarism, or find a source somewhere else. Giving that asshole more hits leaves a very bad taste in my mouth.

I don't have the time to do it myself either Flint, I'm in the same position. My life-determining scary as shit exams are on the 7th and 9th of May and if my head isn't in my notes all of this week I won't do very well.

I'd appreciate it if Force or Jiro or anyone else who's willing could take over for the Weekly Roundups while Flint and I have exams because we all love each other and that would be lovely and a big help <3. You will receive sexual favours from either myself or Flint, and if guys aren't your idea of a good time you can either paper bag it or I'll get a sex change or something.

EDIT: I forgot about this one, maybe the biggest news actually:

FFIV, V and VI are getting their own remastered soundtracks from SE.


The Pixie King
Write something about the 2 cast members of the FF7 web series. I think fans would be interested in that


^There's that also, yes. Mars Crain is going to be Barret and Vizcarra Cox is going to be Tifa. Images and Stuff are all here.

EDIT: Save the web series stuff for its own post IMO. There are a lot of announcements coming up so there should be a lot more to cover soon.
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I can try my hand at a roundup...let me mock something up in Word, then maybe I can PM it either to Flint or Lex for review? If it's suitable, maybe Force can show me how to format a front page post. Acceptable?


Pro Adventurer
I can try my hand at a roundup...let me mock something up in Word, then maybe I can PM it either to Flint or Lex for review? If it's suitable, maybe Force can show me how to format a front page post. Acceptable?
Great :) Would you be interested in doing something for today or next week?

You can follow the instructions here - though you'll need a Wordpress author's account to do so. Perhaps Force can let you borrow his. Click "edit page" on the navigation bar at the top, and you'll find the HTML template. Save your work as a draft and we can review it before publication :) If all goes well - which I'm sure it will - and you want to do it again later, we can set up an account for you.


Well, I'm currently writing one up in Word using the resources that Lex posted yesterday, so...today? haha. I'll have to ask Force if he can instruct me on how to log in using his information, or wait until he gets home from work, but either way, if you guys like what you see, I guess it could go up tonight. Is that alright?


Pro Adventurer
You know what, we could set up an author account for you straight away, if that would be easier. I've only been a Wordpress admin for an hour and I'm already promoting people, heh. I'll PM you.


Can you go through me next time please? I don't have a problem with Avec having an author account, but I should be the one discussing it with her/ changing account priviledges etc.


Ok, well I wrote it up and saved the draft, so I guess the next step is to have it reviewed and ok'd by one of you guys? I had no idea what to use as an image for the blurb about Shui Ta's 'article', so I didn't include one...if you have any ideas, feel free to plug something in there.

Also, constructive criticism, please, as it's my first time. I know it's kind of lengthy.
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Pro Adventurer
Can you go through me next time please? I don't have a problem with Avec having an author account, but I should be the one discussing it with her/ changing account priviledges etc.
Yes sir (we handled this in PM, just thought I'd acknowledge it here).

Ok, well I wrote it up and saved the draft, so I guess the next step is to have it reviewed and ok'd by one of you guys? I had no idea what to use as an image for the blurb about Shui Ta's 'article', so I didn't include one...if you have any ideas, feel free to plug something in there.

Also, constructive criticism, please, as it's my first time. I know it's kind of lengthy.
The only problem I can see is that the image here isn't working. Oh, and you left in a bit of my template text, the part that starts "Make sure you use the Weekly Roundups category".

Your post is very long - three news items is enough - but that's your call, and I'm certainly not going to say that you can't do it :) Once you've figured out the problem with that image and snipped that bit of text, I say go ahead and publish.


Eh, I'll take out that last bit, since it's not really news anyway (the Shui Ta portion). Good eye with the template text, as well. I'll put up a different image as well.



Double post because I've tried editing the image that I want to use as the featured image, and it says that I've saved the edited version (I've cropped out the bottom of the image, the Yen, in hopes that it will stop cropping the image on the front page), but then it's just the same image (uncropped) image that gets selected, even though I try to set the featured image after I've cropped and saved? Halp?


Pro Adventurer
You'll need to upload a second copy of the image if you wish to crop one for the front page and leave the other one uncropped for the article itself.


Ok, I've tried that...it still doesn't seem to be working. When I look at the image in Wordpress's file, it appears as the edited version, but when I set it as the featured image, it is the original version.


Great Old One
Let me know if you guys can't figure it out. To me it looks like the featured image has been cropped, but it's 455x250 pixels. Avec you sure it's not your browser cashing the picture?

I also see that the featured image for the second featured story isn't 2:1.

Edit: I once had auto-cropping on, but the results are subject to turn weird, that's why it doesn't auto-crop. The alternative is to upload a pre-cropped version. Be sure to give it a different name when you upload it if you have the same picture uploaded as a photo in the article.


Pro Adventurer
It looks like you've chopped the Yen off both the images now, Avec :) If you're not seeing that, it's probably a cache issue. I can fix it for you if you like.

I also see that the featured image for the second featured story isn't 2:1.
That's definitely a cache issue. I cropped the image a few days ago; it's now 394 x 197.


Ohhh, I didn't even consider that it might be a cached image. Well that would explain it if it looks fine to everyone else, but boy, all that scrambling around and keyboard bashing for nothing :monster:
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