What annoys you most as a fan of ff7?


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
No.A few characters looking a certain way does not a style make.

Nomura's been drawing bishies, and will continue drawing bishies as long as he has hands and is a character designer. It's the Japanese style. C'mon.

God forbid we get another character that looks more manly amirite? Not like Barret isn't a giant grizzly bear.

You got Angeal, Azul, Rosso (hurr hurr), and Loz. Give me a break, not all the new Compilation males are feminine.

No shit, which is why people wish Genesis was a little more masculine. Don't get butthurt and all self important over an opinion little man.

It wasn't really your opinion I was referring to, I was talking about MOG treating Genesis as the Bridget of SOLDIER. :monster:

Which is just silly. Genesis is not that feminine. Like at all.

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
Nomura's been drawing bishies, and will continue drawing bishies as long as he has hands and is a character designer. It's the Japanese style. C'mon.

He's also been drawing masculine men as well. It's not a style, it's just the way the character looks. He caters to a specific japanese audience, that doesn't make those types of characters his "style". It's a popular convention that he utilizes to sell games. It's a style in japan, certainly, but it's not exactly noruma's.

You got Angeal, Azul, Rosso (hurr hurr), and Loz. Give me a break, not all the new Compilation males are feminine.
I already acknowledged that not all of the men look feminine. So no, you won't be getting any break. None of those characters have turned out to be as important as Genesis has become tho. It seems like the more fabulous you are the more important you can be.

Cloud just barely escapes the prettiness by having a pretty defined build.

Which is just silly. Genesis is not that feminine. Like at all.

Yeah he ain't that feminine at all. I mean, look at those dick sucking lips and seductive eyes. The perfectly styled hair and ornate earrings do him all kinds of favors.

Fuck sake, I think he's actually prettier as Genesis than he is in real life.


It's a well known fact that anyone wearing an earring in the right ear is a homosexual. Fax of truth.

Cat Rage Room

Great Old One
People who call Genesis flaming and effeminate are forgetting that there's Sephiroth right next to him, wearing a leather bondage outfit and using lavender scented shampoo and going through bottles of it each time he showers.

What the fucking hell?

Genesis is pretty, but he ain't that fucking pretty. He's clearly a man and masculine. He's probably in the middle in terms of masculinity, amongst the elite SOLDIER 1st Class trio. To chide him for being effeminate when Sephiroth's been girly since 1997 is rather hilarious and almost hypocritical.

He's pretty feminine. So is Sephiroth. They'd both be laughed out of any real world military, and that isn't even counting the stuff they can't help, like their facial features. Sorry bro, I understand that this isn't objective, but it's an opinion I'm going to hold.

It's the style (and even then, not even for all of the characters, as Dacon said), sure, but I'm not obligated to like it.
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Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
You don't have to like it MOG, but it just seems utterly ridiculous to complain about Genesis when you've got the character who originally WAS gonna grow a pair of breasts in the original story, right fucking there. What's the point?

Dacon said:
He's also been drawing masculine men as well. It's not a style, it's just the way the character looks. He caters to a specific japanese audience, that doesn't make those types of characters his "style". It's a popular convention that he utilizes to sell games. It's a style in japan, certainly, but it's not exactly noruma's.

He has variety, what's the big deal? I'd say its his style since he's a Japanese character designer and he's doing the same design cavettes that other before him have done. But whether or not its his style, in the end its still a choice. I don't see what's the big deal. It's not like ALL men are bishies, and that's what's good.

I already acknowledged that not all of the men look feminine. So no, you won't be getting any break. None of those characters have turned out to be as important as Genesis has become tho. It seems like the more fabulous you are the more important you can be.

Dude, so its about manly men not being important in the Compilation? Angeal is pretty important as Zack's mentor and the original owner of the Buster Sword. He's about as important as Genesis is in the overall narrative, since he set Zack on his path of being a good SOLDIER.

Yeah he ain't that feminine at all. I mean, look at those dick sucking lips and seductive eyes. The perfectly styled hair and ornate earrings do him all kinds of favors.

Fuck sake, I think he's actually prettier as Genesis than he is in real life.

I think Loxetta bringing up the fact he at least doesn't wear mascara is a good enough point here. :monster:

Genesis is still not nearly as feminine as Sephiroth. Yeah he's attractive, well groomed, and fashion conscious but he still looks like a man and has manly features. Fuck it, call him a metrosexual. That'd probably fit him best. And that doesn't denote femininity or homosexuality.

Cat Rage Room

Great Old One
You don't have to like it MOG, but it just seems utterly ridiculous to complain about Genesis when you've got the character who originally WAS gonna grow a pair of breasts in the original story, right fucking there. What's the point?

Because like I said before, I acknowledged that Sephiroth is also rather feminine, so I'm more miffed about them adding yet ANOTHER feminine looking character to the mix (Genesis) rather than the fact that he just exists. How is it ridiculous to complain about Genesis when I'm not a big fan of Sephiroth's design either? I never said I was.

Genesis is still not nearly as feminine as Sephiroth. Yeah he's attractive, well groomed, and fashion conscious but he still looks like a man and has manly features. Fuck it, call him a metrosexual. That'd probably fit him best. And that doesn't denote femininity or homosexuality.

Homosexual is the wrong word. And just because he isn't as feminine as another character doesn't mean I have to like it, either.

Dude. Has. Feminine. Features. Sure, he has some masculine features, he IS male, but dude looks metrosexual as fuck and I don't like it, especially considering his role and profession. I'm not obligated to, and that doesn't mean that opinion is worth less, either. I have NEVER liked the rather feminine looking bishie archetype in JRPGs, and as someone who mainly plays Western games, you can't be surprised that I don't.
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AI Researcher
Homosexual is the wrong word.
I don't particularly disagree with your view on the subject of character designs. I'm not particularly for or against it either, but I'm just used to that kind of aesthetic and it doesn't really bother or detract anything for me.

It's just your original choice of words I objected to on personal grounds.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Well fair enough then MOG, you make sense. I guess I'll just have to agree to disagree here. :monster:

I just thought it was strange to be complaining about Genesis, when you've got Sephiroth right there. But your point was that there was another one, not Genesis specifically so :awesomonster:


Pro Adventurer
I don't particularly disagree with your view on the subject of character designs. I'm not particularly for or against it either, but I'm just used to that kind of aesthetic and it doesn't really bother or detract anything for me.

It's just your original choice of words I objected to on personal grounds.


If I were to call Genesis gay, it wouldn't be because of how he looks :monster: Being a pretty boy based on Gackt doesn't make him a homosexual, nor does it really affect his character. Sephiroth is gayer anyway. :awesome:

I do agree with the lack of design variety, I'm pretty sure I said so before. I would have found Genesis much more attractive if he was more masculine and 'roughened up'. Bishies are nice, but the Comp needs moar manly men.

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
Genesis is still not nearly as feminine as Sephiroth. Yeah he's attractive, well groomed, and fashion conscious but he still looks like a man and has manly features. Fuck it, call him a metrosexual. That'd probably fit him best. And that doesn't denote femininity or homosexuality.

Bullshit. If he had tits and a nice ass to go with that face you'd so be all over him.

Neo Bahamut

Omnipotent Jackass
Lithp, Unholy Quadralateral
This first one's kind of complicated: The habits of FFVI fans. I don't have a problem with FFVI. It wasn't one of my favorites, but I can see why people like it. The problem is that so many VI fans seem to have a whole set of rules of conduct when it comes to VII, & none of it is good. Example: "Sephiroth is a mama's boy." "Okay...but Kefka's a clown." "You're just jealous!" "...What?"

People who still spout nonsense like "Vincent was Sephiroth's father" & "Sephiroth is just Jenova's puppet."

People who bitch about "FFVII fanboys" when the only people talking about FFVII are them.

That goddamn "Cloud doesn't have Jenova cells anymore" thing. No offense, but it does annoy the fuck out of me.

Those people who get all of their knowledge of FFVII from Kingdom Hearts. "Sephiroth was never a soldier, he's just a manifestation of Cloud's inner darkness!"

As someone said way back when, the way Sephiroth can't be anything other than a shallow, shitty character & you're a complete retard for thinking anything otherwise. Similarly, people who say that Sephiroth needs to stop coming back. I get the point, but let's be honest here: How often does getting rid of the iconic villain actually WORK? Shuyin in X-2? People hated him. Weiss & Genesis? I think they're both awesome, but I've heard a lot of bitching about how they're crappy Sephiroth remakes. I'm not even sure what the fuck is in FFIV The After Years. And how many FFVI fans were won over just because of Kefka's one-liners?

The OVA of the Nibelheim Incident. I can't remember what it's called, but fuck it with a rusty knife. It sucked. The animation was shit & most of the characters acted--well, out of character. Moreover, only like 2 minutes of it was the actual Nibelheim Incident. The rest was boring filler.

The writing of On The Way to a Smile. The stories are interesting, but I just don't see why they have to be written like they're narrated by 4th graders. I understand that some of that comes from trying to translate a very different language in the most literal way possible, but still.

In-fucking-spire. Reeve's ability kind of makes sense, but it just comes across as silly & arrived from completely out of nowhere.

As for Genesis, I really liked him, especially at the Nibelheim scene. If nothing else, it gave Sephiroth an excuse to deliver an epic "Shut Up, Hannibal."
I love it all. The whole thing is a constant delight to me - the games themselves, the fandom, the shipping wars, the fanfiction and the fan videos on youtube. It's like falling down a giant neverending rabbit hole.


Double Growth
This first one's kind of complicated: The habits of FFVI fans. I don't have a problem with FFVI. It wasn't one of my favorites, but I can see why people like it. The problem is that so many VI fans seem to have a whole set of rules of conduct when it comes to VII, & none of it is good. Example: "Sephiroth is a mama's boy." "Okay...but Kefka's a clown." "You're just jealous!" "...What?"

In-fucking-spire. Reeve's ability kind of makes sense, but it just comes across as silly & arrived from completely out of nowhere.

As for Genesis, I really liked him, especially at the Nibelheim scene. If nothing else, it gave Sephiroth an excuse to deliver an epic "Shut Up, Hannibal."

This is the most I've ever agreed with one of your posts, especially Inspire.
So dumb.


Pro Adventurer
6 and 7 has a long nasty rivalry. I hate it myself personally. Love both games just 7 a bit more.

I do agree with you Neo Bahamut on the habits of the 6 fanboys. I've spent a **** load of time on game faqs and gametrailers so I know how bad it is. You have to remember though the idiot animu fanbase is everywhere. No offense to anime fans again. I do like anime for the record. Anyway Kingdom Hearts and the Compilation have really done a lot for fan dumb.

One of my best buds on the internet is a 6 guy and he always has to get in these slick ff7 is worse than 6 references to me. I try to stay above it but every once in a while I will do the same back to him. It's kinda annoying but you can tell it gets under there skin as much as it does ours.

Lord Noctis

Harbinger of Darkness
Caius Ballad
What irritates my, though not very much, is when people say "Well who would win in a fight," And then compare someone from ff7 with someone from another series. I dislike mainly because of how absurdly mismatched these fights are.

You've got things like Sephiroth vs. Mario. Why the fuck do you need to ask? There is no question here!

And then you get ones like Cloud vs. SSJ4 Goku. again, Cloud may be cooler but in a fight is there really any question as to who will win?


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
Universe X vs. Universe Y fights are almost always retarded, because different universes have different conditions that prevent direct comparisons. For example, Mario can kill lots of enemies by jumping on their heads. Would Sephiroth be one of them? Without knowing how the game designers would program it, one can't say for certain. (It would be pretty unlikely I'd have to say, given Sephiroth's stature as a character, but it's possible). The mechanics for comparisons between the two universes are almost never there, so all anyone can ever do is speculate.

Lord Noctis

Harbinger of Darkness
Caius Ballad
Ⓐaron;208405 said:
Universe X vs. Universe Y fights are almost always retarded, because different universes have different conditions that prevent direct comparisons. For example, Mario can kill lots of enemies by jumping on their heads. Would Sephiroth be one of them? Without knowing how the game designers would program it, one can't say for certain. (It would be pretty unlikely I'd have to say, given Sephiroth's stature as a character, but it's possible). The mechanics for comparisons between the two universes are almost never there, so all anyone can ever do is speculate.

Thats part of why it irritates me.

Cat Rage Room

Great Old One
Universe X vs. Universe Y fights are almost always retarded, because different universes have different conditions that prevent direct comparisons. For example, Mario can kill lots of enemies by jumping on their heads. Would Sephiroth be one of them? Without knowing how the game designers would program it, one can't say for certain. (It would be pretty unlikely I'd have to say, given Sephiroth's stature as a character, but it's possible). The mechanics for comparisons between the two universes are almost never there, so all anyone can ever do is speculate.

You can make educated guesses, though, for example one could reasonably speculate that Sephiroth would get curbstomped by say, the Sentry or the Demi Fiend.
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Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
You can make educated guesses, though, for example one could reasonably speculate that Sephiroth would get curbstomped by say, the Sentry or the Demi Fiend.
One can guess, but in the end all it really is is a guess. Even characters who are just strong fighters with no supernatural abilities can't realistically be compared, since comparisons of strength are all relative and there will be no characters common to both universes against whom to compare them.

though yeah, Galactus would probably destroy Sephiroth.

Cat Rage Room

Great Old One
One can guess, but at the end all it really is is a guess. Even characters who are just strong fighters with no supernatural abilities can't realistically be compared, since comparisons of strength are all relative and there will be no characters common to both universes against whom to compare them.

Yeah, but what I'm saying is, it can be a fun little discussion as long as people don't go apeshit or they start to cry because the character they like is at a disadvantage because of their matchup.

And keep in mind a rather large and really long standing community has been doing this for years, and they convene and have lengthy discussions before they declare any character stronger than the other.


So it can be done to a certain extent.


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
I don't deny they can be fun, I'm just saying anyone who claims to know definitively that one character would win over another is full of shit :monster:
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