This song has been a real slow burn for me, having listened to it here and there since it was released and it not doing much for me, but now I'm into it. I like that the music clip has some level of production value and thought put into it also, as well as the lyrics and how they're sung, adding to the conveyance of meaning deeper than just the words stated.
Music is my distant third interest after drawing and writing (with an expertise level of similar description), but I'd love to make some kind of truth-telling anthem for my own country or something similar to this here at some point. Momentarily inspired at least. I find trying to keep track of my music ideas harder than my writing and visual art ideas also, which is a pain in the ass. Just writing the notes on a manuscript and coming back to it later is no good, because there's a lot of information lost, unless I write specific annotations (which I don't
