What Comics Are You Reading?


Pro Adventurer
Benoist; Captain Highwind
I'm desperately behind on this. I need a collection nao!

Also I'm sorry but
Amazing Friends and 80s spider-man was my first exposure to spider-man. Well, 70s spider-man too. But still, them dying like that makes me lulz and sad at the same time. I hear 90s spider-man dies too?

I also hear Sony won't let them touch the movies or Spectacular Spider-Man, the latter of which makes me sad, but it would have been weird watching him die too probably.


Higher Further Faster
I'm not sure where the rumor about 90's Spider-Man came from. As far as I'm aware he hasn't made an appearance.

And I don't think the
death of the Amazing Friends would have been so bad if it wasn't for the lone howl of anguish from the dog at the end.

Ah but then I read the new Captain Marvel and all was well. That book just wrapped up a somewhat lulzy little side plot. It was pretty good. :monster:

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
You're probably hearing reference to the Spidey from
the short-lived "Spider-Man Unlimited" cartoon
, who was also confirmed dead in ASM #7.
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Higher Further Faster
Oh! I didn't even realize that was him! Haha But now that you mention it yes, I see it now. :monster:


Harbinger O Great Justice
Hey Tres: Thoughts on giving the comics/webcomics a subforum to live in under Entertainment, next to The Venue, so you can gush about Avengers stuff and I can gush about X-Men stuff and maybe get more people to read comics with us? I feel like we'd talk more if we had room, and I don't wanna make a bajillion threads in Entertainment…

X :neo:


Harbinger O Great Justice
There was an access-specific one, but that's cause there were some scans being posted in there. I'm thinking a general access one that's just about things that are generally of the comic nature. I'll probably set about setting something up if I can get a little time to do so.

X :neo:


Higher Further Faster
I like how Miles is featured very prominently in the Secret Wars promos. He needs more love.




Pro Adventurer
Benoist; Captain Highwind
It's like they keep trying to strip him since issue 1 as some running joke. :monster:

@Secret Wars--not sure, but I think as soon as you throw Marvel Zombies in the mix it's just straight-up virus epidemic for everybody. It doesn't look good for Alternate Universe Pete and his family.

Also I really need to read Ms. Marvel, somebody pointed this out to me


And in other news, catching up on Hawkeye.
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Harbinger O Great Justice
I was going to make this subforum today, but instead I'm going to start making threads between doing things at work. :awesomonster:

X :neo:


Harbinger O Great Justice
Also, I've set up the whole "Comic Title (Extras) [Distributor]" format, 'cause I think that it'll be helpful for people looking to pick them up.

X :neo:

Cookie Monster

Dunno why kids have been hating on DC. New 52 Batman is fucking awesome.

You guys need to start following Scott Snyder. He's writing Batman New 52, Batman Eternal, Superman Unchained, and American Vampire. Greg Capullo has been doing the artwork for Batman New 52. Here's a taste:



Harbinger O Great Justice
DC had a bit of a sale on some of their titles on ComiXology a while back, and I picked up some of the New 52 titles, but I haven't gotten to the point that I've been following them (and my old phone died, and I didn't read all of them). I did enjoy the shit out of the start of Aquaman (and how it addressed all of the cliché tropes people say about him), but I didn't keep following it, though. I might look into it at some point though, as that's the one I'm most inclined to currently.

I started Batman, Batman & Robin, Robin Rises: Omega, (and just realized I hadn't read Swamp Thing, so I'm re-downloading it now), but none of them really got me wanting to keep reading them. (On a non-DC-related note, I've been the same way with every Doctor Who comic I've ever downloaded, too).

I guess it's just 'cause I never get to a jumping off point with most DC titles that really pulls me into them. I'd been reading Batman Beyond 2.0 for a while, but fell out of it when they did the Lord Superman universe crossover, but I've been meaning to catch back up with it.

X :neo:

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
Road, you did not seriously use "fucking awesome" in a thought process that included "Batman Eternal," did you? I actually gave that shit a chance and it's an absolute casserole of what the fuck.

Cookie Monster

There's several writers in Batman Eternal, each writing their own ark. I'll admit it's hard to follow. The main story is actually laid out in Snyder's arc, and Tynion's.


Pro Adventurer
The Girl With A Strong Opinion


Pro Adventurer
Benoist; Captain Highwind
Coincidentally they had a mini-digest at the newsstand. I was bored and hadn't read Archie Sonic since '94, so I picked it up. It feels like they mixed Dreamcast Sonic with SonicAM, I'll probably keep reading. The art's a lot cleaner than when the comic first started.


Dark Knight of the Red Wings
I am currently reading:

Stephen King's The Dark Tower: The Drawing of the Three - House of Cards (limited series)
Moon Knight (ongoing)
Secret Wars (limited series)
Star Wars (ongoing)
Star Wars: Darth Vader (ongoing)
Star Wars: Kanan (limited series)
Star Wars: Princess Leia (limited series)

Batman (new 52, ongoing)
He-Man The Eternity War (limited series)


Saga (ongoing)
The Walking Dead (ongoing)
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