What games are you currently playing?


Higher Further Faster
Best. Game. Ever. Unless Issun annoys you too much. Compared to Navi and Tatl from the N64 Zelda games, however... :monster

He seems like he can be kind of a prick but he's not bad. He's quite the perv, though. :awesome:

prepare to be occupied with that game for a loooooong time.

Oh really? How long of a game is it?

Also, anyone know what gender Ametaseru is? I always thought girl
since everyone refers to her as "mother to us all," yet those sparrow say "him" and "master". :/


"I've seen enough."
Kris; Mantichorus; Sam Vimes; Neku Sakuraba; Koki Kariya; Hazama; CuChulainn; Yu Narukami; Mewtwo; Rival Silver; Suicune; Kanata; Professor Oak; The Brigadier; VIII; The Engineer
...Oh really? How long of a game is it?

Also, anyone know what gender Ametaseru is? I always thought girl
since everyone refers to her as "mother to us all," yet those sparrow say "him" and "master". :/
Depends on whether you seek out all the spare beads or not, and how good/lucky you are against the Blockhead Clan (Blockhead Grande...will make you swear...).

Amaterasu-omi-kami (lit, "great spirit, heaven's radience") is female,
but as most of Nihon doesn't realise her divinity, they just treat her like a normal dog (since they don't seem to realise she's actually in the body of a wolf).
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I Am the Darkness, I'm the Monster
Currently playing, hooked on, near-obssessed with AND scared shitless of...
Dead Space, I LOVE THIS GAME!!! Gettin a tad hard but I'm sure I can get through it. I'm planning to start Iron Man over again as I had to reset my PS3 to fix it, and when I get to borrow ReCoM again, I'll finish that one.

+ Angel-Winged Demon +


Beacause I am a puppet
Okay, so I finally broke down and bought Dynasty Warriors: Gundam 2. I really don't know why I love these over-the-top beat 'em up games. It really is the same damn crap in a different box, but I have to admit that this game--along with ZOE--is what a giant robot game should be like. Just you versus an entire galaxy of enemies to test your agile piloting skills against.

I'm not all that familiar with Gundam (I'm certainly from the Evangelion generation), apart from watching 0080 long ago and Endless Waltz. Come to find out, I'm still far from understanding what the hell is going on half the time. Nonetheless, I like the in-depth pieces of background information I'm getting from the character's career modes. I'm also enjoying the variety of mechs and their different capabilities, even if actual combat is on the shallow side. There's not a huge range of moves, and so I can't string together insane combos like I might prefer, but it works. And the moves are pretty flashy, at least.

IMO though the environments could use a little more detail, but they are expansive and crisp. I like that there are also some destructible elements like tiny trucks and small buildings. Trees and stuff also provide a little sense of scale.

Another great challenge is taking on giant boss mechs. I haven't fought enough to comment on them in detail, but I'm finding that they spice up the gameplay quite nicely.

That's all I can say so far, except that, true to Koei form, the voice acting continues to be hilariously bad. And there's no Japanese dub option. :doh:

BTW, I had a roommate who let me play her copy of Okami, but I ended up hogging the game from her until I beat it--long before she ever did. I didn't feel bad depriving her in the slightest. :monster: I eventually got my own copy to hug and sleep with. <3

Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum
Soul Nomad and the World Eaters. *NI fangirl*

I Am Not Me

The Mean Clack
Mei, Koibito, Stalker, Little Dude, Nami
Playing the Shadow Hearts series right now.

This. :monster:

Except I'm only playing Shadow Hearts 2 right now. Will play 3 after 2.

I can't find a copy of the first Shadow Hearts... :sadpanda:

They has epic lulzy characters... and the battle system's pretty cool. :awesome:
street fighter 4. the 360 controller's utter shit for fighting games imo. the analog was never precise enough for me for fighting games (or maybe it's too precise? meh) and the d-pad blows.
as a result I cant fucking beat seth on easy difficulty and its pissing me off :monster:


lil' rice krispies
Elizabeth, Selda
They has epic lulzy characters... and the battle system's pretty cool. :awesome:

That they do and that it is. I've played 1 and 2 before, but not 3. I bought it a while back and it's been sitting in my closet. I don't recall there being a really big connection with 3 and the first two's stories, but I felt like playing them again.

Because they rock!! Aw yeah. Hehe.

I Am Not Me

The Mean Clack
Mei, Koibito, Stalker, Little Dude, Nami
The poster above me made me want to play Pokemon so I'm playing FireRed. :monster:

You're welcome? :monster:

I'm also playing LeafGreen on my PSP. :awesome: I has only 2 badges because I have lots of games to finish.

That they do and that it is. I've played 1 and 2 before, but not 3. I bought it a while back and it's been sitting in my closet. I don't recall there being a really big connection with 3 and the first two's stories, but I felt like playing them again.

Because they rock!! Aw yeah. Hehe.

Does that mean 3 doesn't continue from 2? D: Why?

And I like the random 'this is an RPG' references in 2. :awesome: You don't get many games that parodies itself. And Yuri is made of WIN. :monster:

I've always wanted to know who this Alice is. :shifty:

street fighter 4. the 360 controller's utter shit for fighting games imo. the analog was never precise enough for me for fighting games (or maybe it's too precise? meh) and the d-pad blows.

Aw. D: This makes me not want a 360.

Maybe the controller's too sensitive? :monster:


Pro Adventurer
You're welcome? :monster:

I'm also playing LeafGreen on my PSP. :awesome: I has only 2 badges because I have lots of games to finish.
Yeash. :monster:

And I have 5 badges! And My Charizard is level 67! :reptar: And I got a Master Ball today! :awesome:

Aw. D: This makes me not want a 360.

Maybe the controller's too sensitive? :monster:
From my experience, the d-pad is just... I don't know how to explain, but it just really fails if you use it in fighting games. DD: Me thinks it's fine for the rest though. :monster:

AND GET A PS3. :reptar:


lil' rice krispies
Elizabeth, Selda
Does that mean 3 doesn't continue from 2? D: Why?

Because Yuri was the protag in 1 and 2, and they wrap up his personal story in the second game. 3 has a new main dude, Johnny Garland. He's gotta live his own life! :monster:

There are returning characters and stuff, though. It's not completely unfamiliar.

I've always wanted to know who this Alice is. :shifty:

Hohoho. If you'd been able to play the foist game you'd know, kiddo.

Mwaha. If you want me to spoil it for you, say the word. I'll send ya a message on your profile.


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
I've only played Shadow Hearts 1, but it's pretty awesome and has one of my favourite antagonists in any game ever. Also the final boss is
, which is just hugely awesome. Although not really that rare in a JRPG, come to think of it.

I Am Not Me

The Mean Clack
Mei, Koibito, Stalker, Little Dude, Nami
Currently playing LocoRoco. :awesomonster:

I never finish my games. I like to play them all at once. If only I had moar hands... :(

Speaking of which, I'm also starting to play FFX again. I missed Auron. And Wanker Tidus.

And Kingdom Hearts. Because I herd Leon and Cloud had smex there.

And I have 5 badges! And My Charizard is level 67! :reptar: And I got a Master Ball today! :awesome:
I just started Pokemon Emerald on my PSP and I named my girl Channy. :monster:
AND GET A PS3. :reptar:

Because Yuri was the protag in 1 and 2, and they wrap up his personal story in the second game. 3 has a new main dude, Johnny Garland. He's gotta live his own life! :monster:

I don't think I want to play a game without Yuri :sadpanda: I really like him. And his lulzy comments. :awesome:

I kind of don't like the voice acting for it though. DDDD; And Kurando = Gay :awesomonster:

There are returning characters and stuff, though. It's not completely unfamiliar.

Can you spoil me on them? :puppy:

Mwaha. If you want me to spoil it for you, say the word. I'll send ya a message on your profile.


I've only played Shadow Hearts 1, but it's pretty awesome and has one of my favourite antagonists in any game ever. Also the final boss is
, which is just hugely awesome. Although not really that rare in a JRPG, come to think of it.

I quoted you, and I ended up reading the spoiler anyway. :monster: Now I really want to play it. I just can't find a copy. :sadpanda: It's not as popular as it should be... DDD;

SH is very Japanese. :awesome: The characters aren't Japanese (not all of them) but it's brimming with Japan. In SH2, I think they battle
a Shinto god
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Pro Adventurer
Still playing Pokemon FireRed. Charizard is lv 72 nao. :monster: And I got an Arcanine, which made me really happy since it's liek one of my favourite pkmnz ever. <3

And I've been wanting to play Shadow of the Colossus again for days, so might do that too. D:

And Kingdom Hearts. Because I herd Leon and Cloud had smex there.
It's actually Zack disguised as Leon, but they did have the smex. If anything, play it for the proofz! :monster:

I just started Pokemon Emerald on my PSP and I named my girl Channy. :monster:
When I'm done with FireRed I'll start another one and I'll name my girl Mei and my rival Max. Fgj. :awesomonster:


Solitary Dancer
Yesterday night I continued God of War 2, after 4 months of not touching the game at all. The fight against Perseus was too frustrating.
So yeah, yesterday it took me more than 20 minutes to beat him. >_>
But this time I smacked his ugly head against the lovely stone wall and FINISHED THAT BASTARD OFF! Kratos can be so gently.
Now I'm stuck again. I put Athena's shield in the hands of that statue and blocked one of this damn rays, spread from the Medusa stone head or whatever it is.


Higher Further Faster
Depends on whether you seek out all the spare beads or not, and how good/lucky you are against the Blockhead Clan (Blockhead Grande...will make you swear...).

Well I haven't been killed by an enemy once this entire game. The only times that I've died are because I was being stupid.
I didn't realize that staying in water too long depleted your health and so I died. Then also I jumped into a river of poisoned water even though I had a feeling that I shouldn't.

I'm currently on my way back to Kamiki (or however it is spelled) Village to find the third and final missing
Canine Warrior. I'm pretty sure I know exactly which dog it is, too.

Amaterasu-omi-kami (lit, "great spirit, heaven's radience") is female,
but as most of Nihon doesn't realise her divinity, they just treat her like a normal dog (since they don't seem to realise she's actually in the body of a wolf).

Well, wouldn't they at least realize that
she's a girl dog? I mean the Sparrow's actually say, "he." But I really hope that Ammy is a girl. I like the idea of her being a girl better than a boy lol. But I was wondering if maybe she was just supposed to be genderless, or some such.

So anyway yeah we'll see how I like the Blockheads. :)

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
Ammy is a girl. Some characters don't realize it but most do.

They do acknowledge her as a goddess several times.

And I'm still playing infamous, and I'M LOVIN IT


Higher Further Faster
Yeah I just completed the Gale Shrine and
that ghost dude said her inner being was a fair maiden
so I kind of figured that she was definitely a girl.

Pees like a male, though, but when it comes to dogs alpha females sometimes do. :wackymonster:
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