What games are you currently playing?


alex is dead
Alex, Ashes, Pennywise, Bill Weasley, Jack's Smirking Revenge, Sterling Archer
Should have bought it when it was still available everywhere then ^_^


Higher Further Faster
Yeah, I'm surprised at how rare it has become. A guy at a Gamestop once told me that it's because it didn't sell well at first so Capcom stopped making copies, so now that everyone suddenly does want to play there aren't any copies left anywhere.

Sounds kind of dumb but maybe he's right.

Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum
Okami was a great game, I got it when it first came out and beat it. Fantabulous game. <3


"I've seen enough."
Kris; Mantichorus; Sam Vimes; Neku Sakuraba; Koki Kariya; Hazama; CuChulainn; Yu Narukami; Mewtwo; Rival Silver; Suicune; Kanata; Professor Oak; The Brigadier; VIII; The Engineer
I got killed a couple times by enemies on Okami, but then, my hand-eye co-ordination sucks, so I really fluffed some brush skills. Oops. :-/ But the problem with the beads is the challenges you have to complete.

I got the game day after release on the PS2 in the UK, and I still haven't beaten Kai at racing, and Blockhead $£*& Grande!!!

Oh, and back to the sex of Ammy - technically,
she's been summoned into a statue of Shiranui, so while her spirit is female, her body is animated sexless rock
. :monster: And Shiranui (meaning, "hidden fire") is
actually Ammy 100 years ago, so Shiranui is also female, despite what some have argued
. ;) I love this game, in case you haven't guessed.

The best Pokemon game ever was Crystal, IMHO. :)


Strange that they haven't decided to do a re-press, then, considering how much it's getting talked about and hailed as one of the best games evar. Same goes for Ico, btw.

I still need to get it, fyi.


fire master
ICO and Shadow in special eddition version of the new PS3 team ICO game?? that'd be sick.

I bought the Klonoa remake for the Wii, so I'll be playing that for a week or so while my PS3 is in the shop.

Sheva Alomar

I'm Alive and on Fire
Adri, Sir Integra, Fiona, Sango
Fallout 3. I can't stop playing it. At first, I honestly thought it wasn't that good of a game. After giving it some time and attention, though, it's proved to be one of my faves atm.

Celes Chere

Replaying SH3, ftw. Then I'll probably move on to SH4, and possibly SH1 if I have the money lying around to buy it again. SH2 I've played too many times, so I'm skipping it. :awesome:


Pro Adventurer
inFamouse demo , ive been jizzing profusely since it loaded up.
Definetly purchasing this bad boy.


Solitary Dancer
Yeah, I'm surprised at how rare it has become. A guy at a Gamestop once told me that it's because it didn't sell well at first so Capcom stopped making copies, so now that everyone suddenly does want to play there aren't any copies left anywhere.

Sounds kind of dumb but maybe he's right.
I could buy it from Amazon Marketplace. There are some people with prices 40 &#8364; increasing.


"I've seen enough."
Kris; Mantichorus; Sam Vimes; Neku Sakuraba; Koki Kariya; Hazama; CuChulainn; Yu Narukami; Mewtwo; Rival Silver; Suicune; Kanata; Professor Oak; The Brigadier; VIII; The Engineer
Strange that they haven't decided to do a re-press, then, considering how much it's getting talked about and hailed as one of the best games evar. Same goes for Ico, btw.

I still need to get it, fyi.
Which do you still need to get, Ico or Okami?

And, didn't they re-release ICO on the PS2? Not that it made much difference, mind you, it still didn't sell very well. -_- I managed to find a second hand copy in Gamestation as a 2 for £20 offer )the second game I bought was Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow).

Still playing Disgaea DS. However, I've now met Captain Gordon, DEFENDER OF EARTH!!! I'm also back at The World Ends With You, which I'm still trying to get all the items and pins on. Pin mastery is 60-something%, and items are at 91.something%!!


Higher Further Faster
Oh Ico was on a different console before the PS2? Which one? I always thought that it was a PS2 exclusive. :huh:


Replaying SH3, ftw. Then I'll probably move on to SH4, and possibly SH1 if I have the money lying around to buy it again. SH2 I've played too many times, so I'm skipping it. :awesome:

Oh, I've been playing SH3 too! Weird.

I always usually have ff7 up on another window on my pc constantly.

I also play the sims 2 quite a bit, I have so many final fantasy skins, seeing cloud, sephiroth and practically every ff character disco dance in sync never fails to entertain me. *laughs*



Higher Further Faster
I got killed a couple times by enemies on Okami, but then, my hand-eye co-ordination sucks, so I really fluffed some brush skills. Oops. :-/ But the problem with the beads is the challenges you have to complete.

I got the game day after release on the PS2 in the UK, and I still haven't beaten Kai at racing, and Blockhead $£*& Grande!!!

Oh, and back to the sex of Ammy - technically,
she's been summoned into a statue of Shiranui, so while her spirit is female, her body is animated sexless rock
. :monster: And Shiranui (meaning, "hidden fire") is
actually Ammy 100 years ago, so Shiranui is also female, despite what some have argued
. ;) I love this game, in case you haven't guessed.

I actually found this fact to be pretty apparent from the get go. lol It was only the gender that I question.

And now Susano is making me question it again but then he's not a very bright individual so his opinion doesn't really count, does it?

Also Susano/Kushi = my new OTP. <3


"I've seen enough."
Kris; Mantichorus; Sam Vimes; Neku Sakuraba; Koki Kariya; Hazama; CuChulainn; Yu Narukami; Mewtwo; Rival Silver; Suicune; Kanata; Professor Oak; The Brigadier; VIII; The Engineer
Oh Ico was on a different console before the PS2? Which one? I always thought that it was a PS2 exclusive. :huh:
No, you're right, ICO was always a PS2 exclusive, but they re-released it on the PS2 a few years after the original release, due to people not being able to get ahold of copies. I got one of the second release ones, I think. Hell, it was second-hand, how should I know?

Back to Okami... well, Susano (AFTER BEATING OROCHI SPOILER)
has known that Ammy's a god seemingly all along. He even comments on the Divine Instruments on your back
. And you have no idea how many threads I've seen in different places that seem convinced that Shiranui was male. :monster:

Lol, once you get to Kamui (it's a place name), let me know, and I'll tell you about my favourite Okami pairing...


~The Other Side of Fear~
Right now I'm working on DQ5 for the DS and I'm really liking the game. Not as much as DQ4 mind you which stole my soul for a bit of time there, but definitely a really special little game in its own right.


"I've seen enough."
Kris; Mantichorus; Sam Vimes; Neku Sakuraba; Koki Kariya; Hazama; CuChulainn; Yu Narukami; Mewtwo; Rival Silver; Suicune; Kanata; Professor Oak; The Brigadier; VIII; The Engineer
AFAIK, ICO was only released on PS2, too. But, they released it twice, because of demand - i.e., it became a cult hit, but no-one could find it. :)

There's a Wii version of Okami, too, if you have a Wii. But, from what I hear, the PS2 version has better controls, and the Wii version was heavily edited to remove references of the developer Clover from the game, including the credits.


~The Other Side of Fear~
Clover was dissolved as a company a few months back, IIRC. It's a fucking shame as they were a damn fine developer and if they hadn't caved in they would have become especially awesome as they were already great with the development of Okami. Incidently Okami is really fabulous. The graphics, the story and the adventure is beautiful and fun and while repitive at times it has just enough freshness to keep a person interested. I highly recommend it.
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