What games are you currently playing?


"I've seen enough."
Kris; Mantichorus; Sam Vimes; Neku Sakuraba; Koki Kariya; Hazama; CuChulainn; Yu Narukami; Mewtwo; Rival Silver; Suicune; Kanata; Professor Oak; The Brigadier; VIII; The Engineer
Clover was dissolved as a company a few months back, IIRC. It's a fucking shame as they were a damn fine developer and if they hadn't caved in they would have become especially awesome as they were already great with the development of Okami. Incidently Okami is really fabulous. The graphics, the story and the adventure is beautiful and fun and while repitive at times it has just enough freshness to keep a person interested. I highly recommend it.
IIRC, they were also the same staff who worked on the Viewtiful Joe games? :huh: Still, this is the explanation why from Wikipedia (bold is my emphasis):

A "paper parchment" filter applied to all on-screen elements that was readily apparent in the PlayStation 2 version was still included in the Wii port, but the effect was made much less significant. To help with drawing with the Celestial Brush, two different buttons on the Wii controllers can given brush functionality; one button was assigned to provide free-form strokes, while the other was set to draw a straight line from the starting point.

The final credits movie that was in the PlayStation 2 version of the game was removed from the Wii version, much to Kamiya's regret as it removed the omoi—"a combination of thoughts, emotions, and messages" — from the game: "(The staff roll was) the omoi of everyone who worked on the project, put together in a moment of bliss held out just for those who completed the journey. It was a special staff roll for a special moment. And now it is gone. All of it. ...It's incredibly disappointing and sad." A Capcom representative noted that the credits, a pre-rendered movie, had the Clover Studio logo within it, and they had "no legal right to use the Clover logo in a game they were not involved with directly". Since they also lacked the source to the credits, they opted to remove them entirely from the game. Ready at Dawn's co-founder Didier Malenfant stated that the Wii version of Ōkami took up much more space on the game media than the PlayStation 2 version, and that the movie was cut in order to fit everything on a single game disk.
Is it just me, or does the last line about the movie being cut due to space requirements sound like B.S.?


Just noting that getting a copy of Okami around here is either difficult or expensive. Used prices are €40 and above (or €20,- when purchasing from Germany through Ebay) etc.

And I played a bit of Counter-Strike Source this afternoon, pwned my friend in the first round fgj. Then noobness came back and pwned me, :/.


Hello again! 8D
Roxy Lalonde, Black Canary, Princess Vampira, Ah-Choo, Cutie-Aoide
I'm playing FFX, FFXII, various Harvest Moon games, Pokemon Platinum and Diamond, and Mario Kart Wii/DS.

I am multitasking~! :monster:


I'm currently playing Zelda: Ocarina of Time, Super Mario 64, Majora's Mask and FFIV: The After Years.

I left some money in the Wii Shop. :wacky:


AFAIK, ICO was only released on PS2, too. But, they released it twice, because of demand - i.e., it became a cult hit, but no-one could find it. :)

There's a Wii version of Okami, too, if you have a Wii. But, from what I hear, the PS2 version has better controls, and the Wii version was heavily edited to remove references of the developer Clover from the game, including the credits.

It wasn't really "heavily" edited. Only the credits were removed. Although that's really a ghey move.

Wii version supports widescreen and progressive scan mode though. :awesome:
Mega Man X5. I'm figuring out the differences between the PAL and NTSC version.

Very entertaining sidescrolling game, but with many small flaws like loading time, and too much involuntary text to skip by.

Sheva Alomar

I'm Alive and on Fire
Adri, Sir Integra, Fiona, Sango
I just rented Assassin's Creed and am enjoying so far. Also got my hands on Ninja Gaiden II and plan on playing that after a bit more of the former.


Hero of the Ages says Shabz.
Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare. Kickass game. Hoping the sequel follows suit & even surpasses.


Higher Further Faster
No, you're right, ICO was always a PS2 exclusive, but they re-released it on the PS2 a few years after the original release, due to people not being able to get ahold of copies. I got one of the second release ones, I think. Hell, it was second-hand, how should I know?

Oh okay I see. Yeah I got my copy at a mall kiosk for $7 a few years back. Ico was simply beautiful. In fact I should play it again some day. :monster:

Back to Okami... well, Susano (AFTER BEATING OROCHI SPOILER)
has known that Ammy's a god seemingly all along. He even comments on the Divine Instruments on your back
. And you have no idea how many threads I've seen in different places that seem convinced that Shiranui was male. :monster:

Lol, once you get to Kamui (it's a place name), let me know, and I'll tell you about my favourite Okami pairing...

Yeah I beat Orochil a week ago or so now, which is why I said that now Susano was confsing me as well.
He refers to Ammy as a "brother" in arms! Why brother? Why is this game jumping back and forth so much on this topic?!

Right now I'm in the capital, and I have no idea what I'm supposed to be doing there. lol


Pro Adventurer
Fable II, I'm still trying to end up all good and stuff. But when I was in Bloodstone, I got bored and killed everyone :monster:


"I've seen enough."
Kris; Mantichorus; Sam Vimes; Neku Sakuraba; Koki Kariya; Hazama; CuChulainn; Yu Narukami; Mewtwo; Rival Silver; Suicune; Kanata; Professor Oak; The Brigadier; VIII; The Engineer
Oh okay I see. Yeah I got my copy at a mall kiosk for $7 a few years back. Ico was simply beautiful. In fact I should play it again some day. :monster:
I've never completed it. :monster: It's just taking up shelfspace.

Yeah I beat Orochil a week ago or so now, which is why I said that now Susano was confsing me as well.
He refers to Ammy as a "brother" in arms! Why brother? Why is this game jumping back and forth so much on this topic?!

Right now I'm in the capital, and I have no idea what I'm supposed to be doing there. lol
Susano is stupid, no matter how much he realises is really going on.

Hmm, OK, I'll try to help. What was the last thing that's happened in your gameplay? :huh: It could be you need to get onto the sunken ship, in which case you need the double-jump ability.


~The Other Side of Fear~
Still working on DQ5. Damn this game is looooooooooooooong. I'm enjoying it though. It seems simplistic yet actually has a fair bit of depth. Can't wait for the sequel!


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
Still working on DQ5. Damn this game is looooooooooooooong. I'm enjoying it though. It seems simplistic yet actually has a fair bit of depth. Can't wait for the sequel!
wait, they're making a sequel? This is the first I've heard about it.

I should really get a DS so I can replay the remakes of IV and V.


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
AFAIK, ICO was only released on PS2, too. But, they released it twice, because of demand - i.e., it became a cult hit, but no-one could find it. :)

There's a Wii version of Okami, too, if you have a Wii. But, from what I hear, the PS2 version has better controls, and the Wii version was heavily edited to remove references of the developer Clover from the game, including the credits.

The Wii controls are not as good, but still passable, and it's easier to find than the PS2 version.

Back to Okami... well, Susano (AFTER BEATING OROCHI SPOILER)
has known that Ammy's a god seemingly all along. He even comments on the Divine Instruments on your back
. And you have no idea how many threads I've seen in different places that seem convinced that Shiranui was male. :monster:

Lol, once you get to Kamui (it's a place name), let me know, and I'll tell you about my favourite Okami pairing...

YOU'RE Shiranui...
And it's with maskyboy, isn't it?

Clover was dissolved as a company a few months back, IIRC. It's a fucking shame as they were a damn fine developer and if they hadn't caved in they would have become especially awesome as they were already great with the development of Okami. Incidently Okami is really fabulous. The graphics, the story and the adventure is beautiful and fun and while repitive at times it has just enough freshness to keep a person interested. I highly recommend it.

Try Godhand. GODHAND. It kicks you in the face then dusts you off and says 'you'll get it eventually, here, have some cash'

Oh, and Tenny, did you just get there? Refill the river, cross the bridge, talk with the priestess. If after that, bloom.
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Death Sin

Memento mori
Just DS is fine
Currently going between my second run on Persona 4 and my first run on Super Robot Wars OG Saga: Endless Frontier.

Already purchased but still needing to be played are: Valkyria Chronicles, Lost Odyssey and Star Ocean: the Last Hope. I need vacation ;;>>
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