What games are you currently playing?


Pro Adventurer
Is it the 3DS version or one of the older ports? I've heard some dislike for some of the changes that were made.


Older port. In this case, the GameCube, as part of The Legend of Zelda: Collector's Edition. As you begin the game, there is a message explaining the player may notice some sound irregularity on account of transferring the game from its N64 version to the GameCube. As this is my first time playing the game, I haven't noticed anything particularly odd (as of yet), though South Clock Town lags a bit (but this may be just my own disc)

Regarding the changes, I suppose someone like me wouldn't notice anything. Had I played the 3DS version first, the N64 would probably seem like a/an weird/unwelcome version. I don't know much about them (I had a little browse, all the while trying to avoid spoilers :P), but I guess it's natural enough for changes---to what is likely a classic in the eyes of many---to end up being frowned upon.
Anyway, I'd be interested in seeing a proper comparison once I finish the game

EDIT: Geez, all this talk from me and I didn't once mention that I've already fallen in love with the game! :P


Pro Adventurer
From the opinions I've heard, everyone's pretty happy with the OoT remake. I only have relatively minor nitpicks about it, most of which are understandable changes I don't really hold against them. The MM one, however, seems to have changed a few less superficial things, with the complaints being quite reasonable. I know one thing I don't think they could've done much about is that console games ported to handhelds feel less grand to me, probably something about the sense of scale with the screen. As nice as the graphical update is, I wish I could play it on the console. One thing I really don't get is why they added that hint feature when the original version of the game had plenty enough reminders of what you're supposed to be doing without it.


I know one thing I don't think they could've done much about is that console games ported to handhelds feel less grand to me, probably something about the sense of scale with the screen.

I'd say the likes of Kingdom Hearts had similar impressions - just putting the games on different consoles was frustrating enough considering it meant a break in the story that, though wasn't necessary to know, I'd still like'd to have known about: e.g., Chain of Memories before KH2.
Of course, the HD remakes came along...I imagine they'd have considered something along these lines at the time :shifty:

One thing I really don't get is why they added that hint feature when the original version of the game had plenty enough reminders of what you're supposed to be doing without it.

I've always felt the 3DS was marketed to the younger generation that bit more in Nintendo's grand schema of consoles (but that could be a very misconstrued opinion), and I suppose Zelda games were made for their challenging puzzles back when they were first made.

I'm also starting to play Luigi's Mansion.


Pro Adventurer
Luigi's mansion! I love that game, it's pretty fun. :D That game and Pikmin are the first two games my sis and I got for the Gamecube. Our parents bought the Gamecube and those two games for us all to play the Christmas it came out, and it was so much fun. <3

Obsidian Fire

Ahk Morn!
The Engineer
Currently have been playing SMITE. Which is pretty much an MOBA game like LoL, only with a third-person camera instead of an isometric one, and every attack/ability is a skill shot that actually needs to be aimed properly. Oh, and the PCs are all gods/goddesses/heroes from Greek, Roman, Egyptian, Chinese, Hindu and Norse mythology...


~The Other Side of Fear~
Back to Neverwinter -- my gaming buddy came back from the dead (well, not quite, but almost!). So glad to hear from him again...and, of course, game! <3

Clement Rage

Pro Adventurer
Still Tales of Symphonia. Flashes of brilliance in this game, but a lot of slogging through dungeon crawls between them. Predictions:

I'm pretty sure unsealing all the summon spirits is going to lead to another catastrophe, like most things the main party has done so far.

Mithos is either the real Mithos, Lord Yggdrassil, or both.

Like Sheena, could take or leave most of the rest of the party.

Harassing random women until they give you things to go away is a gameplay mechanic. Hmm.

Interesting how
powerless the Pope is, he's actually completely correct that Zelos betrayed his nation and planet because my party has hot women in it, but because Zelos is the Jesus of his religion, most of the world ignores the edict.

Also, wow, a lot of people have been sacrificed to save Collette and Lloyd at this point

Obsidian Fire

Ahk Morn!
The Engineer
So the creator of The Stanly Parable has put out a new game. Not going to spoil anything, but it's the best use of "video games as art" that I've ever seen. It's super short and I highly recommend finding a youtube playthough of it without commentary for it (here's one).

Here's the trailer:


I guess I'm now officially playing Elite: Dangerous, :monster:

First off, the most annoying thing is 'supercruise', i.e. moving around inside a solar system. I have to first give it credit, because it feels realistic in terms of scale, and unlike Eve Online, you can freely fly around in it. But, it's slow as fuck - mostly because accelerating and decelerating from 200x the speed of light to 0 takes a long time, and overshooting your target is very easy - so you end up spending several minutes slowing down and hoping you don't miss your target. Again though, that's probably realistic - a space station in orbit is a very small target compared to a solar system. I'd like them to add autopilot though, and with that, improve acceleration and deceleration. TL;DR, it requires Patience, which I guess I have because I've played eve :monster:

Traveling between solar systems is faster than in eve though, because you can just jump straight into hyperspace or whatever when you arrive, instead of having to go to some warp gate first.

Oh and I downloaded South Park: the Stick of Truth for shits and giggles. It's a turn-based action-rpg (like FF) with some quick-time-action-like event (like pewing the gunblade in FFVIII, only more importanter) and with farting under the right mouse button. :monster:


Pro Adventurer
Still playing FFXII, but I'm also sort of playing Age of Wonders on the side. Installed that old game on my pc and it works, so huzzah. :monster: I've played it so many times, but there's something about it that I just enjoy so much.


Started Shadowrun Returns. Nice enough, tho so far I think the cyberclasses are more catered too then the magic ones.


Still playing FFXII, but I'm also sort of playing Age of Wonders on the side. Installed that old game on my pc and it works, so huzzah. :monster: I've played it so many times, but there's something about it that I just enjoy so much.

dude Age of Wonders is amazing, I've spent hours in there and never even finished a level, :monster:. Have you played the 3rd, and is it any good?

also, it's made in Holland, by the studio that later went to make the Overlord series, :monster:.


Pro Adventurer
dude Age of Wonders is amazing, I've spent hours in there and never even finished a level, :monster:. Have you played the 3rd, and is it any good?

also, it's made in Holland, by the studio that later went to make the Overlord series, :monster:.

I've actually only ever played the first Age of Wonders. :wacky: I've seriously considered getting the second and third one though, 'cause I like the first one so much. (I never expected anyone on here to have played this game, but I love it :awesome:) Have you played the second?

For the record, the Overlord series is great too. It's like a mix between Pikmin and Dungeon Keeper, also great games. Oh old games.......... <3


Age of Wonders 2 is good but they move away from their excellent 2d aestetics which was what I fell in love with.


Playing All The Stuff!
Amizon, Commander Shepard, Ellie, Rinoa Heartilly, Xena, Clara Oswald, Gamora, Lana Kane, Tifa Lockhart, Jodie Holmes, Chloe Price.
Currently juggling Dragon Age: Inquisition's Trespasser DLC, Destiny and Uncharted: Drake's Fortune Remastered.
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