What games are you currently playing?


Pro Adventurer
Witcher 3 for PS4 (2nd time). Gonna romance Yen & try the a different path for each multi-branch quest this time. :monster:

And I'm currently been destroyed in Darkest Dungeon for PC.
My 4 heroes limped back from the last quest with their bodies shattered and their minds broken. :wacky:

Same I just started playing it today.

This game is so good at creating tension and the RPG mechanics are really nice and tight too. Having a great time so far even though I'm more then most likely going to have to start a new file haha.

I think what I like most about Darkest Dungeon so far is that even though it gets really tense and tough it doesn't do so in a way that turns you off from the game or even seems like bullshit. I think that's a pretty amazing quality especially when the gameplay mechanics seem to be working off of internal dice rolls.

The narrator is so good to, and those animations. There so simple yet they do the freaking trick and look so smooth and get the point across.

This game is really scratching that turnbased RPG itch I've had for years now. I really think everyone on TLS should give it a shot.


.. ? ..
King of the Potato People
I think what I like most about Darkest Dungeon so far is that even though it gets really tense and tough it doesn't do so in a way that turns you off from the game or even seems like bullshit. I think that's a pretty amazing quality especially when the gameplay mechanics seem to be working off of internal dice rolls.

X-Com was good but it seamed to me that you get screwed over for no reason:

  • 96% chance to hit
  • *Misses*
  • Everyone dies
  • Exit to desktop
  • Play something else.

(Maybe I was just bad at it)

In Darkest Dungeon the enemies occasionally dogpile onto one character, but other than that I've not felt the game cheated or screwed me over.

It's hard, your characters die or go insane (or both :wacky: ) but when I fail it feels like it's because I failed, not because the Random-Number-Generator rolled snake eyes and curb stomped me.

I concur with Gab: give it a shot. :monster:


Pro Adventurer
I think what I like most about Darkest Dungeon so far is that even though it gets really tense and tough it doesn't do so in a way that turns you off from the game or even seems like bullshit. I think that's a pretty amazing quality especially when the gameplay mechanics seem to be working off of internal dice rolls.

X-Com was good but it seamed to me that you get screwed over for no reason:

  • 96% chance to hit
  • *Misses*
  • Everyone dies
  • Exit to desktop
  • Play something else.

(Maybe I was just bad at it)

In Darkest Dungeon the enemies occasionally dogpile onto one character, but other than that I've not felt the game cheated or screwed me over.

It's hard, your characters die or go insane (or both :wacky: ) but when I fail it feels like it's because I failed, not because the Random-Number-Generator rolled snake eyes and curb stomped me.

I concur with Gab: give it a shot. :monster:

Nailed it.

Also gonna gush about Deaths Door. This is straight up a coin flip mechanic but its still feels fair. When your hero gets down to 0 hp he doesn't die he goes on a status called "deaths door" where every hit after that is a coin flip on whether or not it kills you, if it doesn't kill you it's essentially a missed turn for the monster.

I've never seen a mechanic like that before but I freakin love it. If RNG is on your side you can keep the momentum going or even turn the tables in your favor. If it's not it still feels fair because if that mechanic didn't exist that character would have died earlier anyway.

And then the way it ties into the stress system, the heart attacks and all that good stuff is so well thought out.

Honestly it's hard to believe this was a crowd funded game. It is honestly just so damn good. Easily the best RPG I've played in very many years.


Joe, Arcana
Concur with pretty much all these points. Darkest Dungeon is one hell of an RPG. I've made a fresh save now that the game is officially released, but I've been playing it on/off for months now.

I think a favourite mechanic of mine is the test of resolve characters can have during the dungeon. If their stress fills to halfway their resolve is tested, forcing the character to embody a response. There are positive and negatives states that can come, such as that character becoming overly fearful and skipping turns in a panic. They can also rise to the occasion, becoming more capable as a result of the pressure. It really can go both ways but it does a great job of establishing the consequences of letting the stress pile up. ^_^


The Crawling Chaos
Abortedj, The Offender, Abortedjesus, Testicules,
I don't know why, but I have an uncontrollable urge to play Paper Mario: Thousand Year Door.

Clement Rage

Pro Adventurer
Phantom Pain. Was considering doing an LP thread for it, but got too impatient. Have already watched a couple of hours on Youtube but mostly unspoiled.

I'm a little skeptical going in. Metal Gear Games are always good, but I kind of felt that there was no need for more Big Boss focus after 3.

End of MGS3:
Really pissed about what happened to the boss

Portable Ops
Still really pissed about what happened to the Boss.

Peace Walker:
Still really pissed about what happened to the boss.

His character arc is kind of locked in place. I'm sure this will be a brilliant game, but in terms of plot, I'm a little bit... not exactly dubious, but less eager than I could be..

Anyway, played the prologue.

Chased by Pennywise the Clown and one of the Fantastic 4 (Sorry, it would have had more impact if I hadn't already watched it.) Pretty brutal for a Metal Gear game. Died 3 times, still got S rank. Giant fire whale a bit surprising. Is Ishmael a hallucination? How can he do stuff? I wonder if the appearance thing is going to important later on, like the dogtag at the end of 2.


Dark Knight of the Red Wings
I am currently playing Final Fantasy IV via the Final Fantasy IV Complete Collection on PSP for the TLS FF Retrospective Series. Aside from that I am also dabbling with:

Lego Marvel's Avengers
Madden NFL 2016

I am also going to be starting on Final Fantasy Explorers soon for a small review on the podcast.

Clement Rage

Pro Adventurer
I'm having trouble finding the objectives. I can get in and out of the bases easily enough, but finding the thing I'm supposed to extract can be surprisingly difficult, so I just blunder around until a guard spots me. Main problem is I'm trying to ghost it while being terrible at stealth, because I hear they adapt to your tactics and I want to save the tranq gun for emergencies.

Every mission at Wiallo village is a disaster.

Having a lot of Far Cry 2 flashbacks.


Pro Adventurer
I've been playing Fallout 4 for the last few months. I just got the platinum trophy in it last night, so I think I'll go back to Arkham Knight now.

Clement Rage

Pro Adventurer
9So, in TPP, if you leave
Quiet alone for her first mission, does that affect anything later on? Is this your only chance to recruit her, and can you do it using lethal weapons (I know about the supply drop trick but I want to have a sniper duel if I can)


IIRC you
have to defeat her and recruit her for the main storyline to continue, so, no dice :monster:. You can do it with either lethal or nonlethal weapons, she er, 'passes out' effectively either way.


@thrad, Shadow of Mordor. It follows the basic formula of Asscreed (open world, repetitive sidequests, etc), but has a bit stronger RPG elements and not as much historical cities and secret societies and shit. The cutscenes / acting / voice acting is top quality, and the baddies' designs are spot-on and awesome. Also brutal executions of bad guys that really have no redeeming qualities whatsoever (they don't have women or children or any kind of society beyond drinking and killing. Mostly each other.)

But, same as with asscreed, it tends to get repetitive after a bit.


B ● A ● N ● A ● N ● A
I'm currently playing Trails in the Sky on my PSTV. I played it years ago, but I only vaguely remember the story, and I just bought Second Chapter so I'm replaying this one. Loving it so far. :]

Nanaki Skywalker

Kate Lord of the Sith
Tarkatan Trash
As of Tuesday night, I've been playing Street Fighter V. I even got to be on someone's Twitch stream last night...in which I kicked major ass (20+ years of experience with this series will do that...but by no means do I consider myself good enough to compete at EVO or anything of that nature). My main is Ken.


Pro Adventurer
I just finished Firewatch (pc version).

God this game is such a nice little treat. It took me around 3 hours or so to complete and I did it all in one sitting.

I really really recommend it if you are in the mood for a nice narrative driven mystery game.


Double Growth
Yeah it was an enjoyable couple hours. It took me two sittings because it was two in the morning and the height of the intrigue had me too creeped out to continue (But it's by no means a horror game, I was just spooked).


^You're depriving yourself of some great experiences. Most notably Deus Ex. I'm not a first-person fan either, but it works well for some experiences and not others. I can't play Fallout for example. I've tried and I just can't get into it.

Then again, is it you who told me you don't really like Sci-Fi? Speaking of that conversation, how far have you gotten in DA: Origins? :P


Pro Adventurer
It's on my backlog...

I don't think it's a case of depriving myself. I have tried playing first-person games, but they aren't "great experiences" for me. They're usually anything but.

And yes, it was probably me who told you I don't like sci-fi.


Annnd I played a bit of Warframe today; it's like World of Tanks but not as shit. Closer to the Battlefield series imo. Not sure where it's headed though, the interface is confusing as fuck with loads of screens and points popping up left and right, abbreviations, stuff that makes me go "well what do I have to gain from that?", etc.
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