What games are you currently playing?


We have come to terms
Playing Gears of War 2 sans Live at the moment. Mostly just training for zomg Horde party when I have my own place; so far I've beaten it with 1 teammate on Normal, and gotten to about wave 28 or so far on Hardcore with same teammate.

Was playing by myself a bit earlier tonight and managed wave 15 on Hardcore before dying and the game getting reset.


lil' rice krispies
Elizabeth, Selda
I woke up at one this afternoon when my brother threw a box on top of me. One of the things inside was my copy of Muramasa: The Demon Blade.

Hell yes. I'm playing that right now.


Double Growth
I've been doing a pretty hardcore playthrough of Oblivion, trying the sneaky-mage route this time as opposed to Dondercles-kill-everything-in-sight. Once I get through all I want to, I'm gonna try Shivering Isles because I never actually got to play that.
Shadow of the Colossus

After waiting for months, I'm finally playing it! I borrowed it off of a friend, and I don't think she's getting it back for a while.


"I've seen enough."
Kris; Mantichorus; Sam Vimes; Neku Sakuraba; Koki Kariya; Hazama; CuChulainn; Yu Narukami; Mewtwo; Rival Silver; Suicune; Kanata; Professor Oak; The Brigadier; VIII; The Engineer
Dissidia - just finished Shade Impulse yesterday. I have to say, I feel kinda sorry for Chaos. How I defeated him was so ignoble.

Getting a Stellar Circle 5 up yer bum is no way to go... :P

Hinata Hyuga

Juniper, Rinali, Legretta
I'm playing Persona 3 FES right now. I was putting off playing Persona 3, and then FES came out, so my first experience with this title is the FES version.

Aside from The Answer, how different is FES from the first version, can someone tell me? Is there any noteworthy difference?

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
Uncharted 2's MP demo.

You fags with PS3s need to get on that now that it's open to the public.


"I've seen enough."
Kris; Mantichorus; Sam Vimes; Neku Sakuraba; Koki Kariya; Hazama; CuChulainn; Yu Narukami; Mewtwo; Rival Silver; Suicune; Kanata; Professor Oak; The Brigadier; VIII; The Engineer
I'm playing Persona 3 FES right now. I was putting off playing Persona 3, and then FES came out, so my first experience with this title is the FES version.

Aside from The Answer, how different is FES from the first version, can someone tell me? Is there any noteworthy difference?
Um, some of the Social Links have different events and are easier to level up, I think. Also, some Personae have different abilities and look different in FES when compared to the main game.

See more here: http://megamitensei.wikia.com/wiki/Persona_3:_FES (no spoilers)


I played a bit of Counter-Strike Source again last night, and will do so again now for great justice :monster:.



hai a/s/l plz?
Queen of Sunshine / QoS / Suiseiseki / Desudesudesu / Teva / Teva'ni

It's a really addictive game with this cute simplistic concept: String together blocks with intense colors : red and yellow, and gain as many points as you can. So far I've managed to play a few songs on the Pro Mode.

Oh it's so fun. :3


I'm gonna install The Witcher's Enhanced Edition. Supposedly, it's the (or a) mother of all RPG's. I played it earlier, but it didn't stick with me at the time, :monster:.


Update from my last post, installed it, and remembered why it didn't stick:

* I don't particularly like the basics of the fighting system. It's click, then a timed second click at the right moment. Click too soon and it breaks the attack, click too late and it just repeats the attack, but either way, it's repetitive and hardly something you'd like to do for the majority of the game.

* Unsteady framerate. It looked good at first, but later on you get framedrops at weird scenes and etc. And the game itself doesn't run smoothly - it seems that it's loading the environment dynamically, which isn't a bad thing per sé, but it is bad in this case because the game slows down (framedrop). This issue is also a problem in combat, as the animations don't run in sync with the icon that indicates you have to click again for a super duper l33t attack. And no, lowering the visual settings doesn't solve the problem, or at least not much.

One would think they would've fixed that problem with the enhanced edition, but I guess not.


Pro Adventurer
I'm playing:
Fable 2: Pretty fun.
Halo 3: Not very fun, but most of my friends play it, so I figured I'd go ahead.
Lord of the Rings: Conquest: I really like this. Mainly because it's made by the people who did Star Wars: Battlefront, a game I really love.

Annnd, Guitar Hero: Metallica. GH makes me rage hard because I'm not very good at it, but this one is still amazing. I wish they put Bleeding Me, Outlaw Torn, Hero of the Day, Of Wolf and Man, and Escape on it, though. =/


We have come to terms
Playing Gears of War 2 sans Live at the moment. Mostly just training for zomg Horde party when I have my own place; so far I've beaten it with 1 teammate on Normal, and gotten to about wave 28 or so far on Hardcore with same teammate.

Was playing by myself a bit earlier tonight and managed wave 15 on Hardcore before dying and the game getting reset.
This, still.

Made my way up to wave 20 on Horde (wave 19 kicked my ass so badly); have also just started Act 4 of Campaign Mode. Soon I'll have beaten it. Whee

But holy shit is Hardcore Horde rough alone.



*Reeve Fangirl*
Im playing FF I for PSX. I got it a long time ago but becouse it takes it`s time i never finished it. When im done with it, i´ll start playing FF II. I cant have a FF laying around at home, that i didn´t play true. That´s against my honor. ^_^ And then someday i´ll play my Star Ocean Last hope, that is collecting dust.


lil' rice krispies
Elizabeth, Selda
^Ahahaha! I was just messing around on my copy the other day. Dauragon cracks me up so bad.

I'm playing Wild Arms 5 right now. Probably the gheyest one in the series, but I'm having fun.
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