What games are you currently playing?


Double Growth
I'm fairly certain I'll be getting Xenogears on PSN and shall play it then. I think on my emulated version I only got up to where you meet...that character that Xenosaga's Jr. is based on.


Satsu, BRIAN BLESSED, MIGHTY AND WISE Junpei Iori: Ace Detective, Maccaffrickstonson von Lichtenstafford Frabenschnaben, Polite Krogan, Robert Baratheon
I played Zero Wing on emulator a few days ago, :monster: Silly opening aside, the gameplay is... it's not bad at all.


Pro Adventurer
Tifabelle, Nathan Drake, Locke Cole, Kain Highwind, Yamcha, Arya Stark
I started Demon's Souls, but I die so easily - I'm not very good and I don't quite understand what I'm doing, lol. I had a busy couple days so I haven't played, but I'm gonna try again either tonight or tomorrow. I think I'll be able to pay attention better.

I have a few games that I've started and not finished (on different consoles/handhelds), and others that I haven't started yet. I've got a lot of work to do :monster:


Harbinger O Great Justice
I started Demon's Souls, but I die so easily - I'm not very good and I don't quite understand what I'm doing, lol. I had a busy couple days so I haven't played, but I'm gonna try again either tonight or tomorrow. I think I'll be able to pay attention better.

I have a few games that I've started and not finished (on different consoles/handhelds), and others that I haven't started yet. I've got a lot of work to do :monster:


No, I'm dead serious.

Reading the manual that comes with the game will help you a TON. In fact, I re-read it after playing a little bit, and it helps more since you know some of it, or enough to really understand other parts. Also - you should totally come post in the thread as you go through.

If you find a dude behind a TON of wooden of barricades in the castle, don't kill him.
He's a merchant who'll help you out, but I didn't learn that until AFTER I killed him.

X :neo:

Cat Rage Room

Great Old One
Final Fantasy V

It's amazing how awesome yet low key this game is. Like, sneak into your window and bang your girlfriend while you're downstairs at a millionaire fundraiser/cocktail party lowkey-awesome.

Cat Rage Room

Great Old One
I always wondered exactly how that went down. Did they cop a feel on her breasts or what?


Celes Chere


I never do this... I'm too stubborn. So I'm betting I'd fail at that game. :monster:

I always wondered exactly how that went down.

With Faris? I haven't played in a long time, but I thought they were changing by the fire and they saw her or something. I don't remember exactly how that went, though. O_o

Alexia Ashford

I'm playing Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks.
Do not, I repeat, do NOT play this game.
I'm going to finish it because I'm most of the way through at this point but seriously it sucks. Don't play it no matter what the reviews say.


lil' rice krispies
Elizabeth, Selda
Startin' up WotL in a few minutes, after I drink some coffee and put some clothes to wash.

This is gonna be so awesome. TacticsTacticsTacticsTaaaacticsss~ xD

Tir McDohl

rune bearer
Dooping around on Suikoden Tierkreis atm. I've already beaten it once but I saw some fanart recently that reminded me how much I enjoyed the characters(*points to name/avatar* such as Yula^^)

No, this game isn't on par with the best of the series' main entries, but it's simple and fun and I love the cast.


We have come to terms
To be honest, though...are ANY of the non-numbered Suikodens as good as the numbered ones? =/

I really could just narrow that down to "are any of them as good as the first two" xD


Hello again! 8D
Roxy Lalonde, Black Canary, Princess Vampira, Ah-Choo, Cutie-Aoide
Playing Donkey Kong Country Returns on console and Harvest Moon: Sunshine Islands on hand-held.

I have NO idea whom I want to marry in SI and it's aggravating me! I suck at choosing. >_<

Tir McDohl

rune bearer
To be honest, though...are ANY of the non-numbered Suikodens as good as the numbered ones? =/

I really could just narrow that down to "are any of them as good as the first two" xD

I guess Tierkreis and Suikoden Tactics might be able to compete with Suikoden IV. That one is generally considered the worst numbered Suikoden. I haven't really pegged down exactly how I'd rank each title compared to the others, but definitely Suikos I and II are truly wonderful games.

I would really love to get my hands on translated Gens&#333; Suikogaiden volumes 1 & 2. Moar Suiko II charas pls. >.<


Joe, Arcana
Mass Effect 1 got here today. Time to start the true playthrough I've been dying to do for a while now.


Double Growth
So in addition to my current playthroughs of FFVII and FFXII, I finally started Sonic Colors last night. I've played about 10 levels or so and so far I am pretty impressed. I've been asking for a game of Sonic Unleashed-style speed levels and that appears to be what I got. Furthermore they FINALLY brought back powerups. With the exception of the speed shoe, they never brought powerups back after S3&K for some reason. I haven't totally figured them out yet, but they seem pretty cool.

Perhaps even more amazing, is the cutscenes haven't made me cringe ONCE yet. First of all there aren't very many (no intro cutscene either, you just immediately start the first level), but even the ones that are there aren't terrible. The voice-acting is fine and though its clearly a kids story, its a bit more in the vein of Ratchet and Clank rather than...whatever it was before. I even cracked a smile once! Amazing!

But how am I supposed to get through this, FFVII, and FFXII when both LittleBigPlanet2 and Mass Effect 2 come out on the 18th and I have to retake my exam on February 3rd?!



AI Researcher
Dead Space: Ignition
- This makes me fear for that PS3 Mass Effect comic thing. That little racing mini-game, I could do without. Art, I wish it was better. Everything looks too bright and too rough. I think I prefer the writing for the original game to that of the expanded universe things, there's something about it that I'm not completely sold on. (And so far I think every one I've seen/read has had some variation of "that sounds like your sex life!! hahaha" dialogue.) I like the idea, but not overwhelmed by the execution.

Parasite Eve 2
- Stuck on the first boss :sadpanda:

Parasite Eve
- Going through it again to do the extra dungeon. I tried it at the start of the 4th day, I think, but while I found the normal enemies no problem (they all went down in one shot) the first boss just killed me while I did crappy damage. I thought to myself, no worries, I'll just use Liberate. Then I realised I hadn't learnt that yet. So I'm going to go back to playing the main story to level up.


Harbinger O Great Justice
PE2 = HARD. I'm kinda dreading trying it again soon.

PE1: Good luck with the Chrysler Building. It's nuts.

X :neo:

Lord Noctis

Harbinger of Darkness
Caius Ballad
COD Black Ops. Fun game, but it seems to have some problem. For some reason on some levels when I press the grenade button my character won't throw the grenade, and blows himself up as a result. I thought it was a problem with a controller, but this problem only pops up on some levels. Same thing with sprinting.


Pro Adventurer
Tifabelle, Nathan Drake, Locke Cole, Kain Highwind, Yamcha, Arya Stark
I'm taking a break from Demon's Souls. It got I'm my nerves, lol. I'll go back later when I have patience.

Right now, I'm starting up White knight Chronicles on my PS3. And playing some FF1 on my PSP. *sniff* The music brings me back.


We have come to terms
I WARNED YOU :monster:

Also, let me know how White Knight is. I've been dying to play it ;.;
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