I went 'fuck it, I want a game for my ipod touch', and went out to buy Infinity Blade for liek $5. It looks good, at least, although it stutters and drops framerate if you have anything else running, like music. As for the game itself, the gameplay is a bit limited - probably due to touch input or something - and rather repetitive and restrictive too. You basically run around in a castle, where you run by hitting certain directions you can go - not unlike adventure games of old.
Next, a monster appears! At every step, you encounter a boss of sorts. This is a fixed set of monsters, probably appear random.
You beat them by:
* Dodging, blocking or parrying their attacks (where parrying is the most fun, 'cause it requires some guessing and anticipation)
* Swiping like wtf when you break their attack
Rinse, repeat, A WINNER IS YOU! You get XP, your items get XP, you get (and find) money... and you go to the next area, where everything repeats.
No matter which way you go, you end up at the final boss at one point or another, who starts out at level 50 - I first encountered him yesterday, after about half an hour of playing I think. He beat me badly, and... well, the game just starts again, X years later, where your 'son' takes over with your stuff. Second 'bloodline', it's called.
Played through again in public transit, and ended up at the boss again. This time, I beat him in the first round - almost, and he went 'OMG YOU'RE SO GOOD! JOIN ME, MY SON!' (although he's not really the protagonist's father... I think). Alternative choice is to pick up your weapon and get beat and restart again.
I went 'fuck it' and joined him. Game over, woo. And I'm like, what? That's it? Theoretically, you can 'beat' the game in just half an hour. For $5. Uh, no.
You skip the credits and the last checkpoint is loaded, right before the final boss. I think you're supposed to get beat, start over, and grind the castle a few dozen more times, taking various routes, so you get money, level up, buy stuff, and eventually beat him. There's also a socket in the basement where you can chuck the Infinity Blade, not sure what it does, probably give you a better sword or an alternative ending or something.
o well. Recommend me a good and cheap iphone game plx, preferably something serious and not involving planting weed, chucking chickens or grinding levels and buy in-app stuff.