What games are you currently playing?


So I'm playing this game on my Vita called Gravity Rush and it's just SO MUCH FUN!!

It's a Studio Japan game in cel-shaded anime style (the art is in some ways similar to Valkyria Chronicles) with a steampunk-esque setting. It's a kind of open world action-RPG where you control gravity. I got it for free on PS Plus this month, I'm shocked at how much I'm enjoying it.




The Bowling Dead. It's a zombie bowling game. Srsly. Think secret government project to produce zombie-pwning bowling balls, and chainsaws.

It's pretty neat too, actually, :awesome:. Oh and free today (at least).


Double Growth
Sonic Racing gets pretty damn hard too. I only have three more characters to unlock...but it won't be easy. From each event in career mode, you collect stars (1 star for easy, 2 for medium, 3 for hard, and 4 for expert). I have 132 stars, to collect the remaining characters, I think I need 165, and I'm rapidly running out of events that I'm good enough at to beat on hard, much less expert.


~The Other Side of Fear~
Still playing Lords of Shadow. The Orge laid the smackdown on me, but I was wasted and not paying attention. He's not nearly as tough as the Lord of the Lycans and I shouldn't have too much difficulty taking him down.


lil' rice krispies
Elizabeth, Selda
Secret of Mana

Played it a bit when I was a kid, watched my brother play it more than a bit. Finally gonna beat it myself. xD


OK, so I've managed to A Rank everything so far aside from Crazy Gadget - Hard Mode and Cannon's Core. I'm literally about to achieve a goal I've been trying to achieve on and off for over ten years. Momentous occasion.


Started FF Tactics this weekend - I don't know if I'm just dumb or haven't really adapted to the fighting style, but I've had a lot of trouble with the battles I've run into so far. I've been KOed several times, and there were a couple of battles that were going so poorly that I ended up just resetting the PSP so I could try again. I hope I get better, because I'd really like to continue playing without feeling like throwing the system at the wall :P

Kermitu Kleric Katie

Started FF Tactics this weekend - I don't know if I'm just dumb or haven't really adapted to the fighting style, but I've had a lot of trouble with the battles I've run into so far. I've been KOed several times, and there were a couple of battles that were going so poorly that I ended up just resetting the PSP so I could try again. I hope I get better, because I'd really like to continue playing without feeling like throwing the system at the wall :P

Are you playing regular Tactics or WotL? Judging by the fact that you're using a PSP, my guess is WotL, but it's possible that you're playing the original on PSN. I personally hated the original because of its translation which made me unable to make sense of much, but I loved WotL.


.. ? ..
King of the Potato People
I'm playing WotL with the updated translation :)

Yeah I found the difficulty on that hard as well, I got stuck when I came up against a boss with no way back no previous save file to load so I had to start again.:wallbanger:

My advice: create multiple save files. ;)

Lord Noctis

Harbinger of Darkness
Caius Ballad
Started FF Tactics this weekend - I don't know if I'm just dumb or haven't really adapted to the fighting style, but I've had a lot of trouble with the battles I've run into so far. I've been KOed several times, and there were a couple of battles that were going so poorly that I ended up just resetting the PSP so I could try again. I hope I get better, because I'd really like to continue playing without feeling like throwing the system at the wall :P

I feel your pain. Tactics is a very unforgiving game when it comes to strategy, and lack of preperation will result in voilently brutal curbstomps. But dear god does it feel satisfying when you win.

Which fight are you on by chance?

I'm familiar enough with the game I might be able to offer some advice.


Yeah I found the difficulty on that hard as well, I got stuck when I came up against a boss with no way back no previous save file to load so I had to start again.:wallbanger:

My advice: create multiple save files. ;)

Holy cow, you had to start the whole game over again? Good grief! This does not bode well, hahaha. But yes, I will take your advice and create several save files!

I feel your pain. Tactics is a very unforgiving game when it comes to strategy, and lack of preperation will result in voilently brutal curbstomps. But dear god does it feel satisfying when you win.

Which fight are you on by chance?

I'm familiar enough with the game I might be able to offer some advice.

Honestly, I'm not very far in. I had a lot of trouble with the fight when you
first find Argath. I chose the "save him" option, and holy crap, it took me three or four tries til I finally won that battle. Since then, it's really just been random encounters, I believe, but I can't seem to get through them without dying once. Well, I think I did win one without having to start over, but it was really ugly. The last little scene I saw was when Delitas's sister, Alma, and one of Ramza's brothers talk to you, and Delitas's sister says she's doing well at school, but Alma reveals to Ramza that she's actually being teased a lot for being lowborn.
. So yes, I'm not very far in at all. I'll probably play more tonight, though.

Lord Noctis

Harbinger of Darkness
Caius Ballad
Holy cow, you had to start the whole game over again? Good grief! This does not bode well, hahaha. But yes, I will take your advice and create several save files!

Honestly, I'm not very far in. I had a lot of trouble with the fight when you
first find Argath. I chose the "save him" option, and holy crap, it took me three or four tries til I finally won that battle. Since then, it's really just been random encounters, I believe, but I can't seem to get through them without dying once. Well, I think I did win one without having to start over, but it was really ugly. The last little scene I saw was when Delitas's sister, Alma, and one of Ramza's brothers talk to you, and Delitas's sister says she's doing well at school, but Alma reveals to Ramza that she's actually being teased a lot for being lowborn.
. So yes, I'm not very far in at all. I'll probably play more tonight, though.

Easiest thing to do in the Argath fight is to say fuck him. Makes life easier.

What sort of classes are you using?

Lord Noctis

Harbinger of Darkness
Caius Ballad
I'd reccomend getting a black mage and a summoner. (Chemists can become black mages, black mages become time mages, and the time mage can become a summoner.)

Time mages and archers can also be useful early on. You might want a monk as well.

I wouldn't really bother much with the white mage class though. Its ok, but as far as healers go its better to stick with a chemist imo.


I'd like to get an archer, but the only store I've had access to so far hasn't been selling bows, so fat lotta good it would do me at this point :monster:

Lord Noctis

Harbinger of Darkness
Caius Ballad
I'd like to get an archer, but the only store I've had access to so far hasn't been selling bows, so fat lotta good it would do me at this point :monster:

Heh. IIRC Bows should become available after the next story mission, or maybe the one after that.

Archers aren't really all that great anyways. Their fine for the first half of the game, but then they just get obsolete.


Mm, I'll keep that in mind. What I'd really like now is someone who can do at least more damage than throwing a stone who can attack from a distance. Right now I feel like my guys take way too much of a beating when they're all up in the enemies' faces, y'know?

Lord Noctis

Harbinger of Darkness
Caius Ballad
Mm, I'll keep that in mind. What I'd really like now is someone who can do at least more damage than throwing a stone who can attack from a distance. Right now I feel like my guys take way too much of a beating when they're all up in the enemies' faces, y'know?

Black mages and summoners are your friends. There are other classes, but it might be a bit before you get them. CHemists will gain the ability to use guns later on, but it shall be a good while before you can buy any guns.

Black mages spells can do good damage, and charge pretty fast for the low level spells.

Summoners of course can do AOE damage on a large scale. The cheapest summon you can get also does an AOE healing spell for you.


I've done it. A ranked everything in Sonic Adventure 2. I feel a bit sad to be honest, that was a long time coming :(. Still have the Chao emblems to get then I'll have all 180. I despise the chao garden.


I'm assuming you're talking to me, Matt? No, I do not. I'm not very far into the game at all. I just got my ass handed to me at the battle at Dorter.

Lord Noctis

Harbinger of Darkness
Caius Ballad
Started Farcry 3 today. The game is absolutely wonderful to look at and the gameplay is solid, and the opening sequence was one of the most tense and suspenseful openings to a game I've seen in a long time.

I've had an issue or two with the map, but so far nothing has really detracted from it.
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