I just beat Tomato's Mother 1 fan translation, and I like it better than the unreleased official translation in most aspects, though I prefer the translations of area names that the unreleased official one used, rather than the ones the Tomato one used. I thought the holiday naming scheme for the towns was rather lame, and I prefer the name Yucca Desert over Advent Desert, and Mt. Itoi is a better name than Holy Loly Mountain. Other than that, I liked the Tomato translation names better, such as Giygas instead of Giegue, "You cannot grasp the form of Giygas's attack" instead of "Giegue's attack was inexplicable", Territorial Oak instead of Big Woodoh, Slime Generator instead of Sticky Machine, Black Blood Gang instead of Blah Blah Gang, Redneck instead of Wally, etc. I'd like top see him do a Earth Bound(as in the unreleased official translation of Mother 1) vs. Mother 1(as in the Japanese Version) vs. Mother 1+2 fan translation(as in the translation he did of the mother 1 side of mother 1+2) series of articles akin to the Mother 2 vs. EarthBound ones he did. I'd also like to see him do one for Mother 3 and its fan translation that he did.