Gym Leader Devil
True Master of the Dark-type (suck it Piers)
- So many names
Playing the crap out of Pokemon Soul Silver. Really hoping I can figure out how to get my DS to connect to my wifi...apparently they can't connect to an encryption any better than WEP, and my n router uses WPA...anyone have any experience with that?
Oh, where are you at presently? What starter did you pick, how many badges ya got, what's your overall team-makeup look like? PM me if you don't wanna take up space with it here, but I wish to discuss this

And yes, the connection issues were one of the few downsides Gen IV had, not counting fucking Stealth Rock. One of Gen V's best moments was fixing this so that the game cartridge could function with the advanced internet settings, thus finally allowing those of us with WPA to connect and battle/trade online.