What makes your day

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hai a/s/l plz?
Queen of Sunshine / QoS / Suiseiseki / Desudesudesu / Teva / Teva'ni
Mojo Jojo said:
One of the best meals I've ever had was leftovers - combination of two separate leftover meals from Pappadeux's, as well as leftover Chinese (chicken and shrimp fried rice) and a bit of barbecue. Sweet merciful crap, that is probably the third or fourth best meal I've ever had. I want it now >;

Chicken and shrimp fried rice, you say? In barbecue sauce you say? The only other Chinese take out meal that I can't stand to live without would have to be chicken and broccoli in garlic sauce. But yeah I'd have to try that, just "accidentally" drench some barbecue sauce over that . . . :awesome:

Mojo Jojo said:
Beowulf is awesome. Pick up the Seamus Heaney (hope I spelled that right, cba to go look at my copy) translation. It is set you up the bomb.

I'd actually love to be able to read both the Old English version and the modern translated version to compare the two. I'm crazy that way. When I heard from my English teacher that we weren't going to read the original version, I kind of died inside. How am I ever going to know how challenging Old English is without reading the original version of the book?

I think we're reading the Seamus Heaney translation actually, I'll have to ask my teacher. :awesome:
All I remember is that he said it was a "recent modern translation" so I'm assuming it was penned in the 90's otherwise it's a later translation.

Ce que fait ma journee? :monster:

"Dolling" myself up as I so cleverly put it.
Okay well not really but buying really hot sneakers, equally hot clothing, and finally getting a new sketchpad to fulfill my hunger for art equates to total contentment. Hell yeah biatches! :muhaha:

Oh yeah and looking really feminine without having to wear any "feminine" clothing. I love when I can just look like some laid back tourist and still attract peeps.
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Having about 20 or 30 John Mellencamp and Loverboy songs to listen to. Lucky me, I can get all my music for free, and it's all legal. =D


fresh to death
I'd actually love to be able to read both the Old English version and the modern translated version to compare the two. I'm crazy that way. When I heard from my English teacher that we weren't going to read the original version, I kind of died inside. How am I ever going to know how challenging Old English is without reading the original version of the book?

Old English is basically an entirely different language! I found it really difficult to get to grips with when I read the Canterbury Tales, but it's better to read in the middle English than modern.

I haven't read Beowulf, unfortunately, I should get on that.

What makes my day - realising how much money I've earned.


hai a/s/l plz?
Queen of Sunshine / QoS / Suiseiseki / Desudesudesu / Teva / Teva'ni
Old English is basically an entirely different language! I found it really difficult to get to grips with when I read the Canterbury Tales, but it's better to read in the middle English than modern.

I haven't read Beowulf, unfortunately, I should get on that.

What makes my day - realising how much money I've earned.

Yes, that's basically what my English teacher told us. We were all pretty interested to learn about it as a class. He explained that Middle English has its roots more in French whereas Old English is really Germanic and (from what I'd gathered) borrows some elements from old Frisian.

But I love a challenge so I'd love to tackle Old English and Middle English at some point. It just intrigues me to see how English developed from those archaic languages.

I can't wait to read Beowulf yet, I'm not sure when we're going to start tackling that actually. I'm excited--we're supposed to be watching the movie as well but I'm a lot more interested in the book. :P

What else makes me day -- Being able to relax and catch up on some much needed sleep.
Having access to just about whatever I want, including someone else's account. :wacky:

Hmm... I'd have to say another thing that makes my day: Being away from my mom and talking to whoever I wish. And she has no clue.


hai a/s/l plz?
Queen of Sunshine / QoS / Suiseiseki / Desudesudesu / Teva / Teva'ni
Having access to just about whatever I want, including someone else's account. :wacky:

Hmm... I'd have to say another thing that makes my day: Being away from my mom and talking to whoever I wish. And she has no clue.

Awesome soulful music that I dug up after 2 billion years. Vikter Duplaix + Shuya Okino = total music stimulation overload in the best way possible.

Your second reason is epic. This is the reason why I meet so much people on here--it's because I'm great at hiding it from here. I'm a supah ninja! I haz ninja powahz, true story. :monster:
Your second reason is epic. This is the reason why I meet so much people on here--it's because I'm great at hiding it from here. I'm a supah ninja! I haz ninja powahz, true story. :monster:

My mom likes to go through my things..so I can't really hide much from her.

My cell phone. :wacky:


hai a/s/l plz?
Queen of Sunshine / QoS / Suiseiseki / Desudesudesu / Teva / Teva'ni
My mom likes to go through my things..so I can't really hide much from her.

My cell phone. :wacky:

The only thing my mom goes through is my Facebook profile--and technically she just asked me to scroll through it for her.

My FF12 game, speaking of which I need to play that for a couple of hours minutes so yeah . . . :wacky:
The only thing my mom goes through is my Facebook profile--and technically she just asked me to scroll through it for her.

My FF12 game, speaking of which I need to play that for a couple of hours minutes so yeah . . . :wacky:

She wants to go through all my things.... Which means I'm screwed. :whistle:

Kingdom Hearts II - Hey, what can I say?? It keeps me busy.


hai a/s/l plz?
Queen of Sunshine / QoS / Suiseiseki / Desudesudesu / Teva / Teva'ni
She wants to go through all my things.... Which means I'm screwed. :whistle:

Kingdom Hearts II - Hey, what can I say?? It keeps me busy.

Most parents are nosy little or in some cases big buggers that like to rummage through their kids' things. Usually it's to "see if we're up to no good" but really I think a god deal of it is because they're just nosy. :lol:

FF12 -- Leveling up, like right now, yeah. KHII rocks as well, I played that when I stayed over my uncle's house. My littlest cousin, who's the youngest of three--the others are girls, adores video-games like that. I never got the chance to beat it though, sadly.
Most parents are nosy little or in some cases big buggers that like to rummage through their kids' things. Usually it's to "see if we're up to no good" but really I think a god deal of it is because they're just nosy. :lol:

FF12 -- Leveling up, like right now, yeah. KHII rocks as well, I played that when I stayed over my uncle's house. My littlest cousin, who's the youngest of three--the others are girls, adores video-games like that. I never got the chance to beat it though, sadly.

True. My mom think's I'm sneaking off to State College to see someone... So, she always checks with my friends to see where I've been.. And I can't even drive.

Labor Day Weekend! No school until Tuesday! :joy::joy:


Pro Adventurer
Got to finally hang out with one of my friends.

Sadly I had to go look for a job, which je n'aime pas. =/

Still, pretty good day.


Hello again! 8D
Roxy Lalonde, Black Canary, Princess Vampira, Ah-Choo, Cutie-Aoide
Finally getting a weighted jump rope and seeing my old friend again!

Bad side is she is getting me to dress lolita style...and I'm 23. That does not mix, especially if I don't look like a child (I'm still thought up of as a teen, but I'm not flat, you know what I mean?), but oh well. I love my friend!


alex is dead
Alex, Ashes, Pennywise, Bill Weasley, Jack's Smirking Revenge, Sterling Archer
Sweet fuck all. Today's going to be crap :'<

Watch this space for an update to see if anything decides to make my day.

Ravynne Nevyrmore

that one Lucrecia fangirl
The guy in work that I've been going on about in recent posts. When I can get him to talk and joke around with me, and he laughs and gets one of those big grins on his face that wrinkles his eyes and he looks at me like he knows I'm up to something and he just fell for it but he's still grinning at me.

Yeah that look pretty much makes my week. :>

Last night I caught him trying on some hats while we were closing the store. So I joined him and we struck poses in the mirror. That was fairly awesome, too.


Unknown Hero
Beign able to sneak on here, with the loose security and easily guessable password this PC has. :desu:


Pro Adventurer
When i'm finally left alone to play some Final Fantasy, when i'm talking to my friends, when i'm listening to Sleepsong - Secret Garden, when everyone else goes to sleep or leaves and i can finally go outside and laugh, cry or just listen to the crickets, sunrises and sunsets and thats about all i can think of to mention at the moment XD
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