I started watching Mirror Mask because of Hazzy's video. This movie is bizarre and awesome.... OAO
Edit: Finished it. New favorite movie anyone... XD I love the ending rofl.
Other Mother/See me cry... Oh wait, wrong Neil Gaiman. XD (It's cool, he acknowledges the similarities.)
I love animal stories like this. Not as amazing but my dog mothered my oldest cat when he came home as a kitten. This was after she had been fixed, guess she still just wanted to be a mother. To this day she's still very affectionate with cats and my newest kitten gets licks every now and then.
...My female cat used to mother my electronic Mew toy. XD
OT: What makes my day is that on the way to my eye exam, I passed a girl on the street who was (probably unintentionally) dressed like Annie off of
Being Human! Hells yeah. To make it better, the receptionist at the opticians' looked like Adri (although, hopefully Adri doesn't sound like an Essex girl... T.T)