Why did Hojo never tell Sephiroth he was his father?


Pro Adventurer
The Girl With A Strong Opinion
While they may not care about consistency, I don't see how that aaplies in this case. Vincent confronted Hojo and was shot after Sephiroth was born. DC changed that Lucrecia was present, yes. But him having slept for 23 years has not been contradicted. Vincent is 50 years old, his appearence was frozen at 27. 50-27 is 23. The developers are correct.

That brings up one question why would she start begging to see her son two years after he was born.It also brings up the constant issue of Sephiroth's age which often times is pointed to be twenty five in CC and thirty in FF7.
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Double Growth
...Because it's been at least 2 years since her son was born and she still hasn't seen him? Why wouldn't she be asking?

And we said Sephiroth was at LEAST 2. He could have been anywhere between 2 and 7. (Born 25-30 years before FF7)


Pro Adventurer
The Girl With A Strong Opinion
...Because it's been at least 2 years since her son was born and she still hasn't seen him? Why wouldn't she be asking?

And we said Sephiroth was at LEAST 2. He could have been anywhere between 2 and 7. (Born 25-30 years before FF7)

I have wondered for a bit of Hojo did know about Lucrecia's whearabouts or just didn't care enough because she had outlived her usefulness.I think I will pick the latter because he is the guy to not really care about something once its outlived its purpose.

I think it would have been in character for Hojo to use legal means to probably prevent Lucrecia from being apart of their son's life.People have done that kinda of stuff in real life and its not pretty.
Probably under the fact that Sephiroth was the company's property and that Hojo would have relinquished all her parental rights.
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Double Growth
Her "thesis" seemed to consist entirely of a retarded sounding Cetra poem and not much else. I'm honestly shocked she was allowed to assist on high level secret projects like the Jenova Project in the first place, tbqh.

Well, frankly all she needed was a uterus. :monster:

Lucrecia said:

-Ancient Table Discovered-

Soul wrought of terra corrupt,
Quelling impurity,
Purging the stream
To beckon forth an ultimate fate.
Behold mighty Chaos,
Omega's squire to the lofty heavens.

After further study of the table by our research team, it has been determined that this passage was written by the Cetra over two thousand years ago.

No New Findings

Could "Omega" be a place and "Chaos" a person? While our search of the site has continued, we have been unable to locate any new artifacts that may help us to answer our many questions.

-Promised Land-
Quite a few of my colleagues have come to the conclusion that Omega may be the fabled "promised land" to which legend states the Cetra are to lead us. However, I still have my doubts. If Omega were an actual location, then how could Chaos be its "squire to the lofty heavens"?

Next month, administration will finally be sending me the assistant I have been asking for. Rumor has it she graduated at the top of her university class.

Alternate Theories

Review of several dated reports on our world's Lifestream have shed new light on my theories about the Cetra inscription. Just as we are born from the flowing matter below our feet, I now believe that Chaos and Omega may also be sentient life forms that the planet creates at its own will.

If we were able to discover the exact location where these two beings are to be born, the scientific repercussions would be enormous.

I was informed by a fellow paleontologist this morning that the company had discovered another Cetra artifact, and a new large-scale research project was scheduled to begin. She also said that my assistant had been offered a place on the team.

The Terrasystem

The more I learn of this wondrous planet's inner-workings, the more I am in awe of that which lies before me.

Omega... Part of a system created by our world to preserve the constant circulation of life. And therein lies the key to solving this mystery... For many years it has been documented that local legends not only speak of this phenomenon in terms of a planetary scale, but also suggest that the entire cosmos may follow the same rules.

I must say, I am quite pleased with the work of my fine assistant. Her ardent approach to the tasks before her will most certainly lead us to the many answers which continue to elude our team.

Omega and Chaos

The two names which appear on the tablet...

If Omega is to act as the ark which guides all life to the boundless sea of stars...then what of Chaos?

The ancient inscription implies that his duty is to "beckon forth an ultimate fate." Perhaps it is he who is destined to lead us to Omega.

Soul wrought of terra corrupt...
What message lurks behind these ominous words?


-Impurities in the Lifestream-

The spring that Dr. Valentine discovered is amazing! I am certain that it is some sort of reservoir for the "terra corrupt" mentioned on the Cetra tablet.

The doctor believes the crystalline spring contains contaminated deposits of bioplasma that have overflown from the pure Lifestream. In fact, all of our readings indicate a strange type of energy radiating from the site. Could this grotto be the location where the legendary Chaos is destined to be born?
And then a couple things that appear to have been written later on.



Pro Adventurer
The Girl With A Strong Opinion
Well, frankly all she needed was a uterus. :monster:

And then a couple things that appear to have been written later on.


She was more than qualified for the job but like every other scientist that exist in fiction they often lack commen sense.Like marrying a sociopath that has no qualms on experimenting on your unborn child and preventing you from having any contact with him.It makes me wonder why Vincent is still has lingering feelings for her.

Lucrecia makes me want to comfort her and give her verbal beatdown for what she has done.It also makes me wonder if Lucrecia really overlooked Hojo's sadistic tendencies until Hojo shot Vincent.Not to mention where the heck was Gast in all of this.I mean he was the one who started the Jenova Project why isn't there any information about him and his relation to Lucrecia.I mean Gast should have been in DOC instead of Grimoire because if I remember she was his assistant.
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Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
A: Hojo didn't want to be a father. Ever.

B: He never wanted to admit it to himself that he was Sephiroth's dad because he'd have to admit his secret worries that he wasn't, and he already had to share half the credit for Sephiroth's success with that bitch Lucrecia.

C: Extra creepy reason here.

As for why Vincent still has feelings for her, well, he is something of a dumbass.

Also, I'm still of the mind they didn't go far ENOUGH in establishing Lucrecia as crazy. They should have given us the idea that She was punishing herself for her involvement in Grimiore's death by getting with Hojo, and just ramping up the crazy further and further.
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Pro Adventurer
The Girl With A Strong Opinion
A: Hojo didn't want to be a father. Ever.

B: He never wanted to admit it to himself that he was Sephiroth's dad because he'd have to admit his secret worries that he wasn't, and he already had to share half the credit for Sephiroth's success with that bitch Lucrecia.

C: Extra creepy reason here.

I am almost going to hate to ask but what is the extra creepy reason.:huh:

Then again everything about Hojo is creepy.I bet he even creeped Sephiroth out before he turned into a psychotic maniac.Are those secret worries the fact that he thinks that Vincent might have had the chance of fathering Sephiroth and not him.

Also marrying Hojo is not punishment thats endless torture for everyone involved.


Pro Adventurer
Probably Hojo was waiting for the perfect timing to break the news to his beloved son, but the opportunity never showed itself... With time passing it only got harder and harder, can't really blame the man for that


Pro Adventurer
The Girl With A Strong Opinion
Probably Hojo was waiting for the perfect timing to break the news to his beloved son, but the opportunity never showed itself... With time passing it only got harder and harder, can't really blame the man for that

Beloved son that would mean Hojo actually gave a hoot about something.As we have seen so far in the game that guy really has a lack of empathy for anything.I mean look how he treated Lucrecia after she gave birth to Sephiroth.Sorry,but Hojo is just a pure sociopath that only occasionally remembered that he had a son.


Pro Adventurer
Sephiroth wasn't his "beloved son" - he was an experiment, a curiousity, that's all. Period.
beloved experiment then.

Probably because of the wasted years he spent researching for Shinra and not being able to tell his true feelings to his son, he piled up a lot of resentment due to his inability as a father. That's why he got so obsessed in making a new one, a cloned Sephiroth. A clean plate, eh? I can almost hear the poor man thinking to himself "after work we will play some catch with sephy nr. 4, kukuku..." . Gotta love dat man.

Beloved son that would mean Hojo actually gave a hoot about something.As we have seen so far in the game that guy really has a lack of empathy for anything.I mean look how he treated Lucrecia after she gave birth to Sephiroth.Sorry,but Hojo is just a pure sociopath that only occasionally remembered that he had a son.

I have actually no idea how she treated Lucrecia after the birth, perhaps it could be possible that I have forgotten something


Pro Adventurer
The Girl With A Strong Opinion
beloved experiment then.

Probably because of the wasted years he spent researching for Shinra and not being able to tell his true feelings to his son, he piled up a lot of resentment due to his inability as a father. That's why he got so obsessed in making a new one, a cloned Sephiroth. A clean plate, eh? I can almost hear the poor man thinking to himself "after work we will play some catch with sephy nr. 4, kukuku..." . Gotta love dat man.

I have actually no idea how she treated Lucrecia after the birth, perhaps it could be possible that I have forgotten something

I don't know the reason why people do not give Hojo any sympathy at all is because the guy from the beginning to end is a sociopathic scientist who only cares about his sick,twisted projects.Cloning Sephiroth wasn't because he wanted his son back but because he wanted to prove his theory about the "Jenova Reunion".Not to mention he wasn't even bothered that his son died but that Cloud beat him and wanted to get more results.

I can't at all see anything sympathetic with Hojo because he has shown time and again all he cares about is science.


Pro Adventurer
The Girl With A Strong Opinion
I believe the term is "precious specimen." :monster:

Well, he didn't let her so much as see her son, for one thing.

Not to mention he even said that Lucrecia was only a tool to use so he could conceive Sephiroth.He saw no more use for her after Sephiroth was born and in a way I have a feeling that Hojo secretly hated her to some extent.He is a scientist first in everything he doesn't think of himself as a husband or a father at all but a man of science.Everything with Hojo has to be scientific in nature or he will not have any interest.
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Double Growth
When did he say that?

I'm sure he didn't care about her, but I doubt he was interested enough to hate her. Honestly I'm not sure he hated anyone besides maybe Gast. People don't mean enough to him.


Pro Adventurer
The Girl With A Strong Opinion
When did he say that?

I'm sure he didn't care about her, but I doubt he was interested enough to hate her. Honestly I'm not sure he hated anyone besides maybe Gast. People don't mean enough to him.

Yeah,I think the more appopriate term would be he saw Lucrecia as a useful pawn in his plans.He barerly even thinks she is that important and only sees Jenova as Sephiroth's true mother.Lucrecia in Hojo's mind was just a surrogate while Jenova gave Sephiroth his true power to be amazing.Heck,the files for Sephiroth's mother erase Lucrecia and replaces it with Jenova.

I also think back to Dr.Gast who Hojo hated with a passion but Sephiroth has nothing but praise for.Dr.Gast in my opinion more morally gray but he still finally cut all ties with Shinra once he realized what Jenova truly was.I think it also got him questioning other things as well like how far is too far.I can say Dr.Gast is a better father than Hojo mainly because he tried to protect his wife and child from being used by Shinra but he was killed.Which shows that he doesn't revolve his life about being a scientist but being a human and actually having morality.
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Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
I don't know the reason why people do not give Hojo any sympathy at all is because the guy from the beginning to end is a sociopathic scientist who only cares about his sick,twisted projects.Cloning Sephiroth wasn't because he wanted his son back but because he wanted to prove his theory about the "Jenova Reunion".Not to mention he wasn't even bothered that his son died but that Cloud beat him and wanted to get more results.

I can't at all see anything sympathetic with Hojo because he has shown time and again all he cares about is science.

No, all he cares about is proving himself superior in some way.

Hojo's not about the science or the discovery. He's about 'I WAS RIGHT, BITCHES! ACKNOWLEDGE ME!'

People who are all about the science are about the science. Hojo wanted the glory that a breaking discovery or development would bring.


Pro Adventurer
The Girl With A Strong Opinion
No, all he cares about is proving himself superior in some way.

Hojo's not about the science or the discovery. He's about 'I WAS RIGHT, BITCHES! ACKNOWLEDGE ME!'

People who are all about the science are about the science. Hojo wanted the glory that a breaking discovery or development would bring.

Now that I think about it you are right and that kinda of makes him even worse if you think about it.Then again Hojo has always been a self centered person who has done everything in his power to get glory no matter how dangerous or harmful it is to others.

In fact in a way that is why Hojo only really cares about Sephrioth is the fact that his son gives him the glory of making a superhuman and an evolved form of a parastic alien.He now is reminding of one those stage moms that live their lives through through their children.
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The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
I don't know, Ryu. I think Hojo was motivated as much by satisfying his own curiosities as glory. He seems to quickly lose interest in things and move on to something else.

Were he concerned with glory only, he should have been at least a little bothered that his greatest achievement (Sephiroth) was lost in Nibelheim. Instead, he was amused that a "normal" kid like Cloud took him out and thought Cloud must be very interesting. He loses interest in Cloud too, though, and ends up only using him for the Reunion Theory.

When he found out that Lucrecia's thesis about Omega and Chaos was true, he was interested in exploring the implications of it all, but he also was going to see his experiment with Sephiroth through to its fullest. He overloaded the Sister Ray to send more power to Sephiroth -- not as atonement to him, as Cloud had perceived -- but for the reason he offers instead: to satisfy his curioisities as a scientist.

Certainly he thinks a lot of himself as well, though. His copy had no hesitation in calling himself a genius over his plan to use a stream of pure mako to artificially awaken Omega.

Gym Leader Devil

True Master of the Dark-type (suck it Piers)
So many names
I think you're both right, Ryu and Tres. The thing is, I don't think Hojo really needs to be glorified and acknowledged all that much by other people. He can give himself all the glory and credit he needs, the other folk aren't much important to the process. Hell, most of his biggest achievements are so secret there are only a couple of people who even could acknowledge them outright. He wants to do craploads of mad science, constantly working to satisfy his own curiosity and the like. If it goes well and he turns out to be right then "I am a genius! A true genius! Look how fuckin' smart I am over here!" comes into play. If the results are disappointing or boring... well, still a genius so let's find something else to genius at now.


Average Jiro
Hojo seems... I wouldn't say absent minded so much as he willingly forgets things that are no longer interesting or relevant to him. He could very well not care that he was the biological father to Sephiroth; the whole deal with Jenova being Sephiroth's mother probably goes to show that Hojo removed the human element entirely. It's just science.

He's a madman.


Pro Adventurer
The Girl With A Strong Opinion
Hojo seems... I wouldn't say absent minded so much as he willingly forgets things that are no longer interesting or relevant to him. He could very well not care that he was the biological father to Sephiroth; the whole deal with Jenova being Sephiroth's mother probably goes to show that Hojo removed the human element entirely. It's just science.

He's a madman.

You can say that again he makes Dr.Frankenstein look sane.Then again I see simliarities between the afromentioned scientist and Hojo.I mean his depiction in the novel and not the theatrical ones.Hojo represents science with little control or real purpose;he just does stuff because it amuses his morbid curiosity.How he treats his son is comparable to a long term science project rather than parenting.Yeah,it seems like Hojo tried to make it so that his son felt different from everyone and even tried to cut off his humanity since he was born.


Yeah,it seems like Hojo tried to make it so that his son felt different from everyone and even tried to cut off his humanity since he was born.

I don't know how many times this has been stressed before. Hojo never cared enough to make Sephiroth feel alienated or dehumanized. It just happened that he is his experiment. Him being Sephy's father is a trivial matter to him. He didn't put effort into being an evil parent, he simply didn't care.


Pro Adventurer
The Girl With A Strong Opinion
I don't know how many times this has been stressed before. Hojo never cared enough to make Sephiroth feel alienated or dehumanized. It just happened that he is his experiment. Him being Sephy's father is a trivial matter to him. He didn't put effort into being an evil parent, he simply didn't care.

Hojo probably thought of himself more of a creator than a father anyway to Sephiroth.Hojo does have a lot of distachment in general to the rest of humanity.All of them are potential specimens for him to experiement on.

Hojo probably more accuratly could be said to put more effort into being an evil creator.


Not even, at least not consciously. We can say so because based on his actions he's definitely inhumane. But there's nothing that says he went out of his way for the sake of being an evil creator/ father/ whatever. More like he didn't care whether his methods are morally correct as long as he's able to yield knowledge. There's a difference between not caring and actually trying to be evil.
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