I had planned on doing more stuff with Philip Hartshorn, but the video we did just didn't do as well as we'd hoped.
We got lucky with the timing on the other 2 videos, but they did have their problems, which can be ironed out if we do more. I don't like comments sections on youtube, but there are some brutally honest critisisms that I completely agree with, especially on that first video.
Big things that really rub people up the wrong way - pronunciations, fact checking, and not getting to the point. These are reasons for the large amounts of thumbs downs and low retention of viewers. Although there are 600k views, the majority switch off before the 2 min mark, since there is nothing actually being said.
I tried appealing against the copyright on this video, and they still wont tell me the cause, but i suspect TPRs music. We could have used that money for more production stuff.
I would like to try out a different presentation style for videos, but I haven't had much motivation for writing. I have ideas for vids, and tried getting writers, but didn't get much luck.
I tried paying a "professional" writer for a 1000 word article on how Yuffie and Vincent should be implimented, but it wasnt that great.
Other ideas I had:
Spoiler Alert - Should we protect people from spoilers for this 18 year old story?
Top 7 thing we would like to see in the remake.
Is FF7 overrated?
Is there such thing as too much Nomura?
The biggest struggle is getting people to see the content. Reddit has been a great tool, but people are finding our stuff on youtube more. We just need to affect the analytics by sharing, like, etc. Then it snowballs once it shows up in recommendations and searches.