I'm a Clerith shipper, that's my group. I ship Clerith. And as I said before yes, I'm getting a bit disillusioned with some of the CxA membership. Group me as you like then.
I'll kindly direct you to several posts where I calmly discuss this, and I know for a fact that several people here have thanked me for joining so there can be a civil discussion. But when I keep seeing comments that bash Clerith shippers and insult them, what do you want me to do? Agree with them? I suppose I could ignore them yes, but why should I have to? Why do Clerith shippers need to be insulted at all here?
And if I misunderstood the topic, then tell me what the topic is.
I have said myself that I used to be a Clerith before. I still am, but consider the pairing as fanon. Now I am debating, and is defending the canon one. And I'm sorry if I have offended you in any way. I'm not pointing out "da Clerithz." I often call it some people or the rabid ones instead of being rude to everyone. There are rabid-Clotis too, but now I'm just talking about the group that think Cloud and Aerith had spiritual smex in da flowerbed and etc.

And about that "Wakka and Lulu had a baby!" thingy.. Cloud and Tifa is raising Marlene and Denzel together, doesn't that mean a thing then? And let me give you some examples when Cloud and Teef are being "close".
1. Cloud is holding onto Tifa firmly when she's crying over Aerith's death. They share the same bedroom/bed?
-Case of Tifa
Tifa is resting her head on his chest, and shoulder. They also hold hands. Cloud carresses Tifa's cheek. (Both in the game, LO and CC)
-Final Fantasy 7
And Tifa was a koibito to someone.
Does it ring any bell? The only one she have feelings for is, Cloud Strife.