Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
- Tim, Ryu
Ten years later? I didn't really see a reference to it in DoC or AC/C. What I DID see in ACC was that newly added sceneIt's not Clorith but it's not Cloti either, it sort of cancels eachother out.where Tifa fell from Bahamut's blast, and is about to get crushed by a building. But as Cloud zooms towards her, what does he see? Seph coming after Aerith. It appeared to me more of a "I'm not letting this happen again" moment rather than "I'm keeping my promise" otherwise they would have flashbacked to Nibelheim when he was tending to her side, or even the Well when they made their promise.
'Was I late' 'Right on time' is a callback to his apology for not arriving soon enough during the Nibleheim incident. That callback is in ACC and DoC.
Wa/Lu had a baby.And FF8 we got hugs. Lots of hugs. Well, two to my recollection anyway.
Cloud and Tifa had, off the top of my head, a hug, holding hands, him catching her before her fall to her death, her touching his butt, him holding her tight so he wouldn't lose her, and they were given a kid.
I was actually watching VII gameplay last night and saw that scene and wondered, what happens in Tifa is in the party? Or do you always have to have Cait Sith and Aerith? Because Cait Sith does say some incriminating things saying that Aerith and Cloud are perfect for eachother.
Cait pops in to off himself if he's not in the party. And again, he also says they have a bright future. Oops.
And while I'll get to it later, Drake, no, it's not about belief. It's about evidence. This isn't religion, it's not at all like religion. This is competing hypoteheses regarding the empirical data of the compilation. That means I have and shall continue to treat this whole affair in an appropriate manner, and give nonsense junk theories like the spiritsex and rival orphanages and intellectually dishonest shit like koi-bito which isn't any longer the contempt it so readily deserves.
Wakka and Lulu had a kid, Rosa and Cecil have a kid, Yang and his wife were married, Rinoa and Squall kiss in the ending....
No, they don't. You don't see them kiss. The context implies they do, just as it does Cloud and Tifa engaging in risque acts under the highwind.
You misunderstand, Ultimania profiles for both says "Aerith/Cloud set the other's destiny in motion". Where is the quote saying Tifa influences Cloud's destiny?
By being his catalyst? And again, I don't deny this, nor do I care. Their destinies aren't romantic. Just as Lenna kickstarts Bartz's destiny in FF5, without a hint of romance there.
Tifa herself suspects it.
Ah, so now we get into the character bashing, moments after a lecture about fandom bashing. She's mortified at the possibility they were watching because she and Cloud are getting teased by it. It doesn't mean Cid and Red actually watched.
No, I'm just wondering how it is people keep saying Cloud and Tifa have had sex like, two or three times during the Compilation. Somehow Tifa's smile at the end of AC is flirtacious, which means she and Cloud had sex that night.
It is a rather flirtatious smile. People who see just that scene think it's a 'gettin' some' smile.
What context? It's a two-sentence paragraph, there's no context to be taken out of.
Yes there is. The overall context. You can't take it as just a two sentence blurb. That's meaningless. You have to take the aggregate of ALL the evidence, and the greater context of the story. That is the context I speak of, and it is where we get that Cloud is her ideal love, she is an important woman to Cloud, she's the only one he's ever opened his heart to, their hearts calling out to each other, the revelation of mutual feelings, etc.
How so? That's a term you guys actually use here, quite often actually, "pink blinders" and similar terms to the same effect that apparently distort a Clerith's views.
It is. But when you in your mockery put words in our mouths and so distort our arguments into barely recognizable strawmen, well...
There is? There's a dictonary for these things? Can you show me where it is so I don't make this error again? Expressing distaste for a pairing is one thing, up and down this thread people don't bash the Clerith pairing, they make fun of the Clerith shippers. And if I come in the reaction is "oh, we don't mean you Drake".
Because we don't, but egads have we met some crazy, bitchy, holier than thou twats in our time and I don't think we should be censored from commenting about them. But you shouldn't take it personally. No one takes it personally when the fringe C/T factions are kvetched about, since we know those aren't us. We don't espouse those arguments. Maybe that's the issue. You see this as making fun of you and yours instead of mocking the arguments and practices of those who happen to also be C/A advocates.
Actually, this is about beliefs, because at no time has SE said "Cloud loves Tifa", and so much of Cloti evidence, and yes much Clerith evidence too, is based on taking something they have said and interpreting it in their own personal view. And to go with beliefs, here's some facts - are there things that can be interpreted as Cloti? Yes. Are there things that can be interpreted as Clerith? Yes. Has SE come right out and stated which side is right? No.
They don't have to. The facts of the matter ought to be enough. Even if Rowling hadn't said the harmonians were wrong, the evidence showed them wrong. Their absurd arguments proved them grasping. Same here.
It's about a coherent hypothesis/theory on the facts of the narrative then rigorously reviewed and torn apart until only the superior explanation exists.
As for 'so much of C/T evidence' bullhonkery. Nine times out of ten, all I do is quote creators.
Oh, and you are actually wrong. Cloud dimly/secretly (whichever phrase you wanna use) fell in love with Tifa before leaving for SOLDIER. Nothing exists to make us think this changes. Cloud even says nothing has changed under the highwind.
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