Crisis Core -FFVII- Reunion General Discussion


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
>me when I use Costly Punch to knock out of the goddess of the planet's river of souls and collective unconscious



Ninja Potato
Costly punch is actually not especially helpful in the hard mode version of Minerva unless you max your defense stats too. It leaves you open way too long and everything she does either kills you in one hit or robs you of your raise status.
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Heh, those LOVELESS tablets in the final chapter actually have the stanzas as readable high-res text...but almost every one has a typo somewhere :monster:

It's funny how we now have three versions of Zacks "The price of freedom is steep" line to compare.
Caleb's delivery is much better here, more solemn rather than the cocky tone from the Remake version. Honestly...he's kinda grown on me now. =P

Also, a nice touch during Zack's final stand: It starts out sunny but gradually turns dark during the battle. You also have full camera control here which I assume would not have been possible on PSP due to technical limitations (I mean, those troopers in the back were literally 2D sprites lmao)

Despite the inevitable, I still tried to last as long as I can. No half-assing the ending! :monster:
Really, the troopers ain't shit. It's the missiles that eventually end up getting you and get progressively stronger until they just take off all your HP down to 1.

Btw, totally canon and not made up at all but the missiles fired from the helicopters are not actually homing missiles. How could they be, heat seeking missiles could just as well hit a Shinra trooper! No, when they veer towards's because a Whisper is nudging them towards him. Yep, you heard it hear first. :awesome:
No Whispers, no homing missiles=Zack wins. You know it makes too much sense! :awesomonster:
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Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Beat the game just now.

Platinum'd it as well.

It's been years and I'm still getting teary eye'd at the ending.... Damn.

God, just... It still hits. And it hits hard.

"Would you say... I became a hero?"

Yes I would, baby boy. You definitely were. Goodnight Zack.

....At least, until Rebirth. :monster:

Overall, this is the definitive way to experience Crisis Core. And bless Caleb Pierce. He may not be Rick, but he did a damn good job and sold the role for me. I enjoyed his work. On average, I 100% can say this new cast did a better job than before. Special mention goes to Genesis's VA, Sean Conde for making Genesis sound so much better and entertaining than before.

So yeah, I just... Really loved this game. This and Nier Replicant are like, truly the best remasters I've had the pleasure of playing.


why the hell can a regular no MP cost status cancel out a no MP cost infinity status? That's so duuuuumb

I got the no MP infinity on the 1,000 Shinra trooper mission and thought "let's fucking gooooo, Hell Firaga spam for dayyyys" and then it got canceled out again :(


Pro Adventurer
I haven't played yet, but during one scene, it did look like the whispers were there. Am I wrong?
During the Nibelheim Incident, when Sephiroth stabs Cloud

Clement Rage

Pro Adventurer
Nice to play this for the first time. I know the story, but now I get to know all the NPCS and soak in the detail.Wish there ws a way to zoom in on things like Angeal's photos. I wonder what my fics would have been like with this knowledge...New voice actors are jarring, not going to lie.

And the infamous missions... two of them are just Ifrit rematch again, come on, make them at least a little different. They do serve their purpose, though, and there's enough of them that the completionists will be tested.


Double Growth
Despite my best efforts to give you all accurate reporting, I was wrong. The collapsed Sector 6 skybox is used in Reunion's extra missions. I'm 99% positive it'll also be used when in Sector 5 during story chapters. This makes CCR completely inline with Remake, as well as equally incorrect.

At this point, the Sector 6 plate being over the Sector 5 slums has become canon in my mind. In-world maps may differ, but the people of Midgard know the truth. There is no real Sector 5 slums. Just a town named "Sector 5" in Sector 6, surrounded by a broken wall to keep it separate from the rest of the slums. It's the only possible solution.

View attachment 13217

This is even more frustrating in this game since, A) you're ONLY ever in the Sector 5 slums, and B) there's the whole freaking thing about Aerith being afraid of open sky. There's nothing BUT open sky!

How could they not know this about the city THEY designed and then wrote things specifically referencing where this shit is? :rage:


Double Growth
They're doing it to spite you
It's sure starting to feel like it. They finally sorted out the way Cloud and Zack each stow the Buster Sword, so they had to find a new annoyance for me. :(

I do miss the more shady and gloomy looking slum lighting from the PSP tbh
Which is amusing because I remember one of the big criticisms on here of the slums in Crisis Core was that they were far too cheery :lol:

I wouldn't necessarily mind the light if WERE SUPPOSED TO BE UNDER THE BROKEN PLATE.
If I could just reach into the game and click that skybox one eighth to the left... And it would be at least shady as the early remake trailers looked when they had it right :sigh:

Nanaki Skywalker

Kate Lord of the Sith
Tarkatan Trash
With the Sephiroth amiibo out soon, I'm speculating a switch port at some point.
That's most likely associated with Smash Bros, as there's also a Kazuya Amiibo coming at the same time. It should be noted that both Sephiroth and Kazuya are in that game.


Pro Adventurer
Starting with the cons, the voice acting is really stilted. I'm not sure what's up. Even Sephiroth, who sounded fine in Remake, is off here. I know these actors are capable of more. Was recording rushed? Did they put their B-team recording studio on this? It's like they went with the first take every time. Contemplating switching to Japanese voices just to see if I become less distracted.
It's the writing. The Compilation was written in a very mid 00s Japanese style. Remake is much more naturalistic, especially the English localization. So much so that it sounds like it was written by English writers first, rather than translated from a Japanese source. I think I'd chalk it up to two decades of maturing from the creatives, as everything about the Compilation feels like a sophomoric imitation of popular media from the time, especially the writing, direction, and editing.


Alex T
This is even more frustrating in this game since, A) you're ONLY ever in the Sector 5 slums, and B) there's the whole freaking thing about Aerith being afraid of open sky. There's nothing BUT open sky!

How could they not know this about the city THEY designed and then wrote things specifically referencing where this shit is? :rage:


(Though to be fair, CC's Evergreen Park is technically in Sector 6, but your point still stands)

Also, fun fact: in the original game, when Cloud inspects the Midgar model in the Shinra Building, he states that Sector 6 is under construction. Remake changes this and states that Sector 6 collapsed from too much weight, long before the events of the game.

When construction of Sector 6 finishes, Shinra's plan will be complete.

That must be why he took Aeris...

Though my in-depth research into the topic may suggest otherwise, I’ve actually become apathetic towards the plate inconsistencies. There’s just too much wrong to keep caring about it. Midgar’s geography is something the entire Compilation has struggled with. Here’s just a few things off the top of my head:

In Dirge of Cerberus:
- Sector 6’s plate is complete when viewed from the Train Graveyard
- No sign of Sector 7’s platefall in the Train Graveyard
- No sign of Sephiroth’s damage to the Shinra Building’s executive floors from his battle with Cloud in Advent Children

In Crisis Core / Reunion:
- In the original, Sector 6’s plate is complete when viewed from the slums
- In Reunion, Sector 6’s collapsed plate is above the Sector 5 slums
- In both, the front of the Shinra Building is visible from Sector 8’s plateside / Loveless Avenue, it should be the backside (Remake gets this right funnily…)

In Remake (far too many to list here):
- Sector 6’s collapsed plate is above the Sector 5 slums
- A floating sun lamp is visible from Sector 5/6 at night
- Sector 7’s plate rim and outer plate go missing after platefall, despite both being in-tact during the platefall FMV
- No sign of rubble from Sector 7’s platefall along the central pillar (despite the fact you climb it in Chapter 15)
- Many of the slum’s distinguishable features, such as Corneo’s gaudy pagoda, are absent when looking out from both Sector 7's pillar and Midgar's central pillar
- Sector 6’s collapsed plate is above the Sector 7 slums in the ending
- Sector 7’s daytime skybox was updated with additional detail in Intermission, however they did not add these details to the nighttime skybox
- And more!

So yeah. What difference does another inconsistency make at this point? Just add it to the list. Despite having some cool ideas, it's clear to me that world-building is not this team's forte. They have failed to follow through on it.
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Alex T
It's the writing.

Hmm, we'll have to disagree on that. It's nearly the same script between the original and Reunion, yet for almost 15 years there's only a few critiques on Rick Gomez and George Newbern's performances.

I know the script isn't especially loved here, but it does have a range of emotional moments, from comical to genuinely heartfelt. And we have previous examples of actors crushing it. Additionally, I'm one of the few who liked Caleb Pierce in Remake. So this falls on the studio for me.
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Pro Adventurer
Whatever I have to add here is disconnected from the rest of the thread 'cause I'm just jumping in, but...
I really like the PSP version of Crisis Core partly because of the specific traits of the PSP (the in-game email feature feels like a mobile cell phone from back in the day, for example, which the PSP is of the same mold of) and the low-poly models are really charming and well done. That said, seeing everything remastered sounds like a dream come true. I don't really have a system I can play it on except for the Switch, so I'll have to try it later, but I'm really glad Square remade CC.

Incidentally, I've tried to see the giant advertisement for Crisis Core Reunion in Shinjuku Station - you know, the one that changes between Cloud and Zack depending on the angle - but the place is too much of a damn maze for me to find it! If anyone here has been to Shinjuku station, I think you all might know what I mean. I don't think that place was designed for human navigation. I'll be determined to find it before they take it down, but so far, I don't know where it is.


Harbinger O Great Justice
So I figured I'd post a couple of amusing moments from my run so far.

This was the first encounter with Bahamut Fury in the missions, since I was maxing those all out as much as possible. I didn't know how the fight was set up, so I figured there might be a certain window where he was vulnerable, so I just tried it out, but then discovered that certain Limit Breaks & Summons will ignore defense and deal damage, so... given that none of his attacks are all that problematic to avoid, I just let the DMW take care of things for me.

That being said, when I encountered him in the story and he interrupted my phone call from Aerith, I just walked up and punched him in the nuts, which was hilariously satisfying.

Hearing "The burdened" the second the opening cutscene at the start of Chapter 04 wraps still instantly makes me tear up. Crisis Core's music truly is spectacular. Speaking of which:

My ONLY complaint so far is the new Summon cinematics, and not seeing Bahamut Fury warp in from another world was especially disappointing. They're all too short and every moment is just at breakneck pace, so there's no sense of a build up of momentum, so they don't have any sense of crescendo to the massive attack being made with them at all. Why go through the trouble of making them so ridiculously gorgeous if you're not going to just dwell on that cinematic sequence for the full duration? On top of that, the "Skip" option constantly being displayed in the bottom right detracts from the scenes, and I wish to god that was hidden unless you pressed a button to reveal it at least.

That being said, that's a VERY minor nitpick all-in-all. I really like the VA work for everyone (although Kunsel pronounces his own name differently than the MP in Remake which feels a little awkward), and all the scenes so far feel VASTLY more natural and less of the anime-like dialogue that CC had to contend with. I especially liked Zack & Cloud meeting up.

Lastly, the Hero Edition that I ordered just shipped, so hopefully that'll be around later this or next week. :neom:

X :neo:


Double Growth
I thought it was called Fulfilled Desire, but yes it's a great credit roll. That last violin transition into the slide guitar CC theme is so good.
And it was also the first time I truly appreciated Those Who Fight
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