Gym Leader Devil
True Master of the Dark-type (suck it Piers)
- So many names
Inexorable Inevitability is the name of the game.
Another excellent band name. I'm thinking something experimental, like industrial metal with a theremin added in and a really weird counterpoint baseline that's oddly low in the mix. Signature song: Pink Hell is on Fire (Who Brought the Marshmallows?)
Fair. Pay no attention to how I'm sailing uphill across dry land somehow.
We're this literal rather than metaphorical, I'd guess you put wheels under the ship

I took will be here all week and longer ladies, gents, and those of nonstandard gender identity. Try the squid guy pasta, and we'll be back for our next set in five.
I mean, we were very much infested for a time.
I'm picturing TLS as a tented apartment structure, with you in an exterminator's jumpsuit.
A card game I love has said "We cannot for legal reasons ever admit to looking at fan created content and we HATE THAT FACT."
That sounds lovable.
We need more of Cloud having to deal with Yuffie and Kyrie at the same time.
On the surface he looks cold and annoyed, inside he's melting and grinding ear to ear.
Like the homage put into the test enemies they put into rebirth. Perfectly reasonable statement about "escaped due to developer oversight" in their bio, but for those in the know...
Wonderful example. It's that kind of thing that makes folk what get it feel special, but does no real harm if it slips past you.
Ahh, homebrew settings. The one I made where the entire planet was covered by a fog that allowed sea creatures to swim through sky as easily as water was a fun one.
Oh that's good. Nothing like the thought of a Kraken attack 200 miles inland to keep people from sleeping soundly. Though I must ask, could gill breathing creatures survive in the sky as well? And how does this interact with player races with a swim speed?
Most likely. In a previous job I had the unofficial duty of "getting the manager's reference" because no one else did.
I'm jealous, I got the unofficial duty of "reminding the managers that making extremely sexual jokes at work is inviting an eventual sexual harassment suit" every friggin' day. They weren't even fun or witty.
I'll make sure the credit goes elsewhere.
See that you do, I like my kindness to surprise people and possibly make them suspicious.
Yep. So's Logan. I'd be fine with him giving up the name and taking a new one, but editorial seems to want them sharing it.
Weird. And yeah, Logan's been around so long he's had who knows how many names. You'd think he'd be chill to try out a new one.
It is odd he's the only member of the NY Spider-crew without a unique monicker.
True. At least he's not famous out of universe under a name he'd never use in universe. Poor "Spider-Gwen," she still using Ghost-Spider?
I really wish they'd gone with the Ben was really a time-displaced Pete idea and had the Clone saga end with the Cosmic entity resposible (Might have been mephisto) picking Pete up, throwing him back in time, and "Ben" suddenly remembering everything.
That does in fact sound loads better than the Clone Saga. I wonder if Peter and MJ got to keep the baby in that draft.
Cable, perhaps? Color scheme's different but themes are fairly on point.
Cable's not half bad. Even the techno-organic virus sorta fits as the dangerous monster that has to be kept under control ala Chaos.
You notice we're heavily drawing from X-books? Outside of Spidey and Shellhead, it's all X-characters up in here.
Not even a Sinister/Hodge fusion wants a Sinister/Hodge fusion to exist.
That would be a smoking pile of self-hatred.
You could always go to the ruins of Old New York, or the lost city of Atlanta.
Ooo rent free mobile apartments. Now we're back on track.
Indeed. You'd think with the idea of Balance that eventually they'd realizing it was okay to be a little less of a pure goody two shoes.
It always bothered me, you'd have books and comments mics clearly show that even legendary Jedi weren't as saintly and perfect as they wanted the Galaxy to see, but they'd never let them explore it.
The Sith creed is still superior though. Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to power, power leads to victory.
I'll believe it. Never played forces.
It's a rarity for me, a game that lets me create an in universe OC that has little to no interest from me. Infinite was the new super-powered Eggman minion that Sonic jobs to at the beginning of the game only to in turn do nothing but be cartoonishly evil and job to everyone for the rest of the game.
I always pretend the opposite. Area we have no information on are actually totally fine and dandy. Thriving, even. Because it's silly.
Unless it's not, as if national stereotypes are to be believed Australians would be just too damn tough and jolly to go extinct. Fallout deals heavily in deconstructing or lamp shading national stereotypes. Ergo it follows that Australians ended up being what The Master wanted Super Mutants to be just by being. Boom, thriving.
Or make absurd lore, like the singular Florida Man who is actually a beacon of wisdom, mercy, and compassion.
Good old Florida Man. I'm so glad I have a family agreement to never approach Florida.
I was thinking Trauma center, but Surgeon Sim works just as well. Maybe get both in there somehow.
I think that's a gap that could be bridged. Man I was bad at Trauma Center though.
Now do you want to be on tripping duty or sharpie duty?
I'll do the tripping, I have an excellent plan. I just need to shout "Hi Aerith" and wave at someone behind him and take the shot when he spins in that direction. Besides I trust your attention to detail to get us candy skull markings that really appear to be laden with symbolism. We're gonna need pink sharpies.