SPOILERS LTD Remake — It's like New Coke except ... no, it's exactly like New Coke


Cas is canon LGBT+ Cas also tells Dean he loves him in the end. Anyway this is off topic so I'll drop it but just wanted to give a bit more context for a canon LGBT+ character and that people didn't just pull it out of their ass/thin air. Yes SPN has other canon LGBT+ characters, that doesn't mean all of them aren't important or that people were making it up without show, network, media, etc being complicit.

Anyway to keep this somewhat more relevant/ontopic ff7 what does everyone think of the new Ever Crisis content?, could the new Sephiroth change ff7 as we know it?, I guess for Sephiroth it already changes Sephiroth as we know him ...
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Pro Adventurer
Trust me there are worse fandoms than the FFVII shipping community. In gaming yes. There are some parts of the gaming sphere where you kind of don't want to be a woman. Not only that, but also some kpop communities are insane. Etc. etc. I feel social media kind of exarcerbate this kind of behaviour (mob behaviour).
Internet was a mistake basically.
Don't mind me but I wouldn't want a friend like Jessie as she is described in Remake - although her death kind of redeems her in my eyes. I would want such a friend as she is described in ToTP. Jessie is another "too many writers in the room, and no woman". I also tend to think that Tifa's deleted chapter would have actually helped her characterisation a lot. A lot of Tifa fans tend to take "Tifa's side" because they feel fandom is a lot against her in a way or another (giving her scenes to other characters, not considering her role as important, always forgotten next to Aerith... and that's without even getting on the very toxic CAs and the kind of attacks she's been under since Rebirth) and also feel that the two girls she has as girl friends go after Cloud when both are aware there's something between Cloud and Tifa. Jessie also earned a lot of "dislike points" in her chat with Cloud when she dissed Tifa in her back (yeahhhhhhh I had this kind of friends as a girl and it's not nice, really not).

As for the pizza comment it's just so bizarre. Not sure if it's a jab at Jairus or whatever, it's just so random especially since the way she talked about her ppizza party during her death scene was just so wholesome. I'm not surprised some take it seriously.
I'll give you that Remake didn't exactly portray their friendship super deeply and it wasn't till ToTP where we saw more of it and maybe the issue was that they wrote Remake first here. I do wish we got that Tifa chapter too and it's a real shame they decided not to do it.

I do admit i don't particularly enjoy Jessie thirsting over Cloud either, but i just chuck it up to the same thing as with Aerith where the writers just had to have all the chicks be down bad for the protag and overall i took her interest in Cloud more in the playful manner too like Wedge said. All in all it didn't bother me really and i think both girls being this aggressive is there to try and push Cloud and Tifa to be more proactive with each other anyhow. I get it though and can see why this stuff irks some people.

I didn't take the Jessie saying to Cloud that Tifa isn't fit for the bombings as any kind of diss, i mean she's not wrong you know. To me it came off as a concern more than anything. She's looking out for her and thinks she's not fit for this stuff is all, but i can see why some people could relate to it in a more personal way if they had experienced stuff like you mention.

Jairus probably is a partial reason why some people dislike Jessie as much as they do admittedly. I don't let that dumbass affect how i feel about Jessies character though personally.


Pro Adventurer
Is it not just related to Barret's dialogue in Rebirth ? When Cloud ask about some ingredients (the same Jessie wanted to use for her pizza) and he tells you "bro, you know it is used as a love potion?"
It is this indeed that made people complain about Jessie trying to drug Cloud.


Pro Adventurer
Cas is canon LGBT+ Cas also tells Dean he loves him in the end. Anyway this is off topic so I'll drop it but just wanted to give a bit more context for a canon LGBT+ character and that people didn't just pull it out of their ass/thin air. Yes SPN has other canon LGBT+ characters, that doesn't mean all of them aren't important or that people were making it up without show, network, media, etc being complicit.

Anyway to keep this somewhat more relevant/ontopic ff7 what does everyone think of the new Ever Crisis content?, could the new Sephiroth change ff7 as we know it?, I guess for Sephiroth it already changes Sephiroth as we know him ...
From what I can gather, him and Cloud are basically the same person ( besides the reason why they want to be hero I guess… that’s more Zack ) but neither of them deal with loss very well. He seeks to force a world that won’t change/die, so I smell a World of Ruin situation on horizon with a sprinkle of Time Compressed Space.

Interesting that Jenova was working on him pretty early. Makes me further believe Nibelheim was Jenova exploiting a brief lapse in his will to puppet/manipulate him.

Also makes me further convinced that Sephiroth will need to willingly let himself die in order to put an end to all this.


Pro Adventurer
I think it's just here to give more context about Sephiroth and debunk the whole "What a shitty villain, bro read a book and went insane. What a snowflake"

I'm not really buying the whole "My baby Sephiroth cried ! He's just a sweet boy, he's gonna save the world at the end of Remake"

It would be the worst thing to do imo. He needs to stay evil.


Pro Adventurer
I think it's just here to give more context about Sephiroth and debunk the whole "What a shitty villain, bro read a book and went insane. What a snowflake"

I'm not really buying the whole "My baby Sephiroth cried ! He's just a sweet boy, he's gonna save the world at the end of Remake"

It would be the worst thing to do imo. He needs to stay evil.
I don’t see a full redemption of him, but I do see him just… stopping, his will finally broken.

It’s the classic “the thing I taunt you, the hero, with is actually more true about myself”. In this example, he is the hollow puppet ( to his hatred and fear preferably, less preferably a puppet of Jenova ). Once he sees that, like Nibelheim, he breaks even if for a moment.


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
The After Years is that FF4 game, right? But Legend of the Crystals doesn't say anything, though I would guess... FF3? Maybe? Maybe not?
FF5 animated sequel, set like 100 years after the events of 5, sees new protagonists (a random schlub, a princess of Tycoon and a sky pirate lady, along with the ghost of Mid), fight off an alien invasion and travel to a destroyed technologically advanced other planet. We did a commentary track for it on TLS many years ago. Same with AC and Unlimited.

Supernatural is a bit of a unique case, to be honest. The brothers were canon in the same way they were always canon on the show: platonically. They're basically platonic life partners who ended the show reuniting in heaven. And there was enough subtext and jokes on the show to read something more there if one so liked (because at the end of the day, it was a gothic horror show about family). But the simple answer is that: no, Supernatural had no "canon pairings", lol. Least of all Dean/Cass. Though, to bring this more on topic, I've seen extreme CA shippers who think that Dean/Cass was an actual thing on the show, lol.
That's unsettling. They are brothers.

Cas is canon LGBT+ Cas also tells Dean he loves him in the end. Anyway this is off topic so I'll drop it but just wanted to give a bit more context for a canon LGBT+ character and that people didn't just pull it out of their ass/thin air. Yes SPN has other canon LGBT+ characters, that doesn't mean all of them aren't important or that people were making it up without show, network, media, etc being complicit.
Cas might be bi or whatever he actually is but they're biological brothers. That'd be incest.

Anyway to keep this somewhat more relevant/ontopic ff7 what does everyone think of the new Ever Crisis content?, could the new Sephiroth change ff7 as we know it?, I guess for Sephiroth it already changes Sephiroth as we know him ...
It recontextualizes him, but I suspect we might see how it's going to lead to the man ready to snap we see in CC if it's not going into 'what if' territory.

From what I can gather, him and Cloud are basically the same person ( besides the reason why they want to be hero I guess… that’s more Zack ) but neither of them deal with loss very well. He seeks to force a world that won’t change/die, so I smell a World of Ruin situation on horizon with a sprinkle of Time Compressed Space.

Interesting that Jenova was working on him pretty early. Makes me further believe Nibelheim was Jenova exploiting a brief lapse in his will to puppet/manipulate him.

Also makes me further convinced that Sephiroth will need to willingly let himself die in order to put an end to all this.

I don’t see a full redemption of him, but I do see him just… stopping, his will finally broken.

It’s the classic “the thing I taunt you, the hero, with is actually more true about myself”. In this example, he is the hollow puppet ( to his hatred and fear preferably, less preferably a puppet of Jenova ). Once he sees that, like Nibelheim, he breaks even if for a moment.
But Sephiroth isn't a puppet. At least, he's not any longer. His moment of breaking was learning he'd been puppeted by Shinra since before birth. Even if there was enough mind left in Jenova at that point to manip him and he didn't go mad organically, he asserted dominance through sheer willpower and rendered it completely braindead (though I am fairly certain it was supposed to be braindead long before he was born).

Convincing him of the inevitability of his defeat, trapping him in a forever of being routed could lead to a giving up for good moment.
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Pro Adventurer
Cas might be bi or whatever he actually is but they're biological brothers. That'd be incest.

It recontextualizes him, but I suspect we might see how it's going to lead to the man ready to snap we see in CC if it's not going into 'what if' territory.

But Sephiroth isn't a puppet. At least, he's not any longer. His moment of breaking was learning he'd been puppeted by Shinra since before birth. Even if there was enough mind left in Jenova at that point to manip him and he didn't go mad organically, he asserted dominance through sheer willpower and rendered it completely braindead (though I am fairly certain it was supposed to be braindead long before he was born).

Convincing him of the inevitability of his defeat, trapping him in a forever of being routed could lead to a giving up for good moment.
Good point on Jenova, that’s why I’m not overly sold on it yet even if my paranoid brain won’t let me fully discount the possibility.

I think it’s much more compelling if ( much like how he manipulates Cloud in TotA ), Sephiroth’s main motivators are hatred and anger but his real intentions aren’t very different from Cloud and Aerith ( insert “we’re not so different, you and I” memes here ).

Him slicing off human aspects of himself to achieve godhood yet ironically clinging to some of the most human emotions of all just feels so FF to me. It’s his largest bid for power ever, yet he still fails because he cut off his own empathy to achieve it.

The man would truly have no clue what else he could do… and that waiver in his will would be enough to have him fade away.

Oh god, Cloud is going to hug him, isn’t he…


Ryu, no lol it's Sam and Dean that are brothers (Wincest), not Castiel/Dean (Destiel)

I was thinking there is something so compelling about Sephiroth (the "villain" wanting Cloud forever by his side and Aerith who ultimately didn't do that, I don't think she's "keeping" Zack there either, it's his free will, I think.

The Re-trilogy giving me food for thought I never really properly thought though, like don't the Cetra seem a bit assholish, like taking the moral high ground and the stuff with the Gi, others not of the planet. Not Aerith, the Gi saying she could atone for what ancestors did. It's interesting.
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Pro Adventurer
Cas is canon LGBT+ Cas also tells Dean he loves him in the end. Anyway this is off topic so I'll drop it but just wanted to give a bit more context for a canon LGBT+ character and that people didn't just pull it out of their ass/thin air. Yes SPN has other canon LGBT+ characters, that doesn't mean all of them aren't important or that people were making it up without show, network, media, etc being complicit.

Anyway to keep this somewhat more relevant/ontopic ff7 what does everyone think of the new Ever Crisis content?, could the new Sephiroth change ff7 as we know it?, I guess for Sephiroth it already changes Sephiroth as we know him ...
Cas might be bi or whatever he actually is but they're biological brothers. That'd be incest.
Ryu, no lol it's Sam and Dean that are brothers (Wincest), not Castiel/Dean (Destiel)
Lol, I was just going to correct that: Sam and Dean are the brothers, and Castiel and Dean are the brothers in arms. But anyway, since Supernatural talk is wildly off topic I'll just drop it here. :)


Pro Adventurer
Lol, I was just going to correct that: Sam and Dean are the brothers, and Castiel and Dean are the brothers in arms. But anyway, since Supernatural talk is wildly off topic I'll just drop it here. :)
Related though

I avoided Supernatural because I was aware of shipping stuff surrounding that series. Makes me wonder how many people steer clear of FF or FF7 specifically because of LTD stuff from either around 97 or the resurgence of AC’s release?

Anybody got anything on that front?


Pro Adventurer
Related though

I avoided Supernatural because I was aware of shipping stuff surrounding that series. Makes me wonder how many people steer clear of FF or FF7 specifically because of LTD stuff from either around 97 or the resurgence of AC’s release?

Anybody got anything on that front?
Oh, right. It was the shipping talk that got me talking about Supernatural, lol. (Three-second memory.)

I'm not sure about FF7 but from personal experience I'd say it's pretty easy to avoid shipping stuff? I mean, if you just want to watch or play something, you can do that and avoid the online fandoms? But even with online fandom, I'd think you can find general fans who just enjoy the thing without shipping? For example, I think this place is more for a general fandom than just shipper fandom, lol?

Also, if you're interested in Supernatural, give it a go! :) There really isn't any ship stuff on the show aside from throwaway jokes. The early seasons were a pretty good mixture of American folklore and horror.


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Ryu, no lol it's Sam and Dean that are brothers (Wincest), not Castiel/Dean (Destiel)

I was thinking there is something so compelling about Sephiroth (the "villain" wanting Cloud forever by his side and Aerith who ultimately didn't do that, I don't think she's "keeping" Zack there either, it's his free will, I think.

The Re-trilogy giving me food for thought I never really thought though, like don't the Cetra seem a bit assholish, like taking the moral high ground and the stuff with the Gi, others not of the planet. Not Aerith, the Gi saying she could atone for what ancestors did. It's interesting.

Lol, I was just going to correct that: Sam and Dean are the brothers, and Castiel and Dean are the brothers in arms. But anyway, since Supernatural talk is wildly off topic I'll just drop it here. :)
Oops, that's on me for not reading closely enough, but I was trying to pay attention to a presentation at the same time. Anyways, I think the point is "Supernaturals shipping community makes this one look fairly tame."


Pro Adventurer
Lol Since I love Supernatural, I gotta jump in though. XD But I'll make it relevant. Anyway, I definitely have seen the worst, and everyone's on the money that it's really just all over in fandoms. I've always seen it as a result of the fact romanticism in general, like our ability to seek it, validate it, criticize it, etc. Is high. It's VERY easy to just see it, so media is succesible to this. So FF7 having a love triangle to begin with was always set for it.

It's because of that, ships of all kinds exist beyond what would be considered conventional barriers of taboo or logical reasoning that you'd want to believe supersedes subjective desire. Because it's just so EASY, in the grand scheme, for people to romanticize. And argue—literally to the point where you have to break down the epistomology of things just to talk about something like subtext itself. And you either enjoy that or hate it. But it doesn't matter—romance is easy for people to see, whether if a judgement of it is "wrong or right". It happens easily beyond other reasoning.

So like, I'm not surprised people ship Sam/Dean despite being biological brothers, ship Elsa/Anna from Frozen, or Nezuko/Tanjiro (or people assuming they're together just by the cover alone). Beyond that for like, what requires the analytical or comprehension approach, then I'm not surprised people ship Cas/Dean waaaay before the ending of the show, even when Dean says "you're my brother too", or say Fang/Vanille who are VASTLY misunderstood and a lot information about them is purposely uncovered.

So when you get to FFVII, it's like, of course there's an LTD for 20+ years, because at the end of the day, it's SUPER easy to romanticize the triangle (+ Zack) relationships, and the writing itself opened the gateway to that viewpoint. I don't get annoyed at people for simply shipping something—it's the horrid things that can be attached to it that ruins the fun and freedom of it all, or maybe even just the sport of argumentation, too.


Pro Adventurer
Lol Since I love Supernatural, I gotta jump in though. XD But I'll make it relevant. Anyway, I definitely have seen the worst, and everyone's on the money that it's really just all over in fandoms. I've always seen it as a result of the fact romanticism in general, like our ability to seek it, validate it, criticize it, etc. Is high. It's VERY easy to just see it, so media is succesible to this. So FF7 having a love triangle to begin with was always set for it.

It's because of that, ships of all kinds exist beyond what would be considered conventional barriers of taboo or logical reasoning that you'd want to believe supersedes subjective desire. Because it's just so EASY, in the grand scheme, for people to romanticize. And argue—literally to the point where you have to break down the epistomology of things just to talk about something like subtext itself. And you either enjoy that or hate it. But it doesn't matter—romance is easy for people to see, whether if a judgement of it is "wrong or right". It happens easily beyond other reasoning.

So like, I'm not surprised people ship Sam/Dean despite being biological brothers, ship Elsa/Anna from Frozen, or Nezuko/Tanjiro (or people assuming they're together just by the cover alone). Beyond that for like, what requires the analytical or comprehension approach, then I'm not surprised people ship Cas/Dean waaaay before the ending of the show, even when Dean says "you're my brother too", or say Fang/Vanille who are VASTLY misunderstood and a lot information about them is purposely uncovered.

So when you get to FFVII, it's like, of course there's an LTD for 20+ years, because at the end of the day, it's SUPER easy to romanticize the triangle (+ Zack) relationships, and the writing itself opened the gateway to that viewpoint. I don't get annoyed at people for simply shipping something—it's the horrid things that can be attached to it that ruins the fun and freedom of it all, or maybe even just the sport of argumentation, too.
Ship Cloud with a cup of soup for all I care, just don’t try and convince me that the story of FF7 is about Cloud falling in love with said cup of soup. Know when to put the fanfiction away and when to indulge in it.

When it’s just for funsies, I’ll gladly leave you to it. That’s how I feel with any fandom tbh.

FF7 isn’t a BioWare game, or Baldur’s Gate. The debate isn’t even if it’s CloudxAerith or CloudxTifa anymore in the greater gaming space, it’s whether there is a canon couple or not. It’s a little baffling.


Pro Adventurer
Ship Cloud with a cup of soup for all I care, just don’t try and convince me that the story of FF7 is about Cloud falling in love with said cup of soup. Know when to put the fanfiction away and when to indulge in it.

When it’s just for funsies, I’ll gladly leave you to it. That’s how I feel with any fandom tbh.

FF7 isn’t a BioWare game, or Baldur’s Gate. The debate isn’t even if it’s CloudxAerith or CloudxTifa anymore in the greater gaming space, it’s whether there is a canon couple or not. It’s a little baffling.


I'm sorry but it's not a cup of soup but a glass. And it's very clear he's in love with it.

That's why he's staying around in AC. He's just waiting for the bar opening. To join the glass again.

We don't care about your Tifa. She didn't even existed in the draft. She was just created to appeal to otakus. Game needed to be sold out because Square Soft was going to die. That's why it's called Final Fantasy.


Pro Adventurer
View attachment 16819

I'm sorry but it's not a cup of soup but a glass. And it's very clear he's in love with it.

That's why he's staying around in AC. He's just waiting for the bar opening. To join the glass again.

We don't care about your Tifa. She didn't even existed in the draft. She was just created to appeal to otakus. Game needed to be sold out because Square Soft was going to die. That's why it's called Final Fantasy.
Ah yes, I completely misinterpreted how he held that glass in his hand. Clearly, he cares about that glass romantically and he’s simply living with Tifa until she eventually passes away so he can be alone with that glass until he can finally journey to the lifestream with it.

As you do.


Pro Adventurer
I don't get annoyed at people for simply shipping something—it's the horrid things that can be attached to it that ruins the fun and freedom of it all, or maybe even just the sport of argumentation, too.
This pretty much sums up my feelings too. I don't really care what anyone ships as long as they don't bother others about it.

I'm sorry but it's not a cup of soup but a glass. And it's very clear he's in love with it.

That's why he's staying around in AC. He's just waiting for the bar opening. To join the glass again.
I would like to raise the argument that Cloud was, in fact, talking about the liquid in the glass and not the glass. :awesome:


Mr. Thou
Is every shipping fandom like this? Like when shit is clear as day, yet people can't get over it and move on? Genuinely is this super common in shipping?

I've never been part of any other shipping community besides this one really and i'm just wondering.

There are plenty of fandoms that can’t let it go, bitching years and years later, that are much more insane and much nastier in general.

However… even the rabid fandoms usually agree on the facts, and just get extremely angry with the author and each other instead of arguing that night is day. I personally have never seen another shipping fandom go full on flat earther like this one.

The next closest I have seen might be Evangelion, with a similar “all interpretations are equally valid” attitude combined with a plot that doesn’t hold your hand.


Pro Adventurer
Tifa and Cloud are canon. Nojima told me himself.
He regularly likes posts that talk about Cloud and Tifa in a romantic context. He basically has told us, numerous times. He's told us that they belong together and that he wrote them in the context of love, marriage, and family.

There are plenty of fandoms that can’t let it go, bitching years and years later, that are much more insane and much nastier in general.

However… even the rabid fandoms usually agree on the facts, and just get extremely angry with the author and each other instead of arguing that night is day. I personally have never seen another shipping fandom go full on flat earther like this one.

The next closest I have seen might be Evangelion, with a similar “all interpretations are equally valid” attitude combined with a plot that doesn’t hold your hand.
My Hero Academia is another fandom that's notorious for having nutjobs who obsess over ships in it, although at this point I can't tell if it was all just trolling/a joke I wasn't in on.


Lv. 25 Adventurer
My Hero Academia is another fandom that's notorious for having nutjobs who obsess over ships in it, although at this point I can't tell if it was all just trolling/a joke I wasn't in on.
I miss mha when it was just about deku who dreamed to be a superhero


Lv. 25 Adventurer
Hey everyone!

This is my first (and probably last lol) time posting but I've been lurking since rebirth. I have a small question.

Is it true that Nomura has stressed that there is no definitive love interest? I'm kinda hoping this isn't true, only because I've been really loving the development between Cloud and Tifa and it makes me want to cheer them on to get together, but if the director of FF7 has said it's ambiguous, it does give me slight anxiety not gonna lie lmao

It feels like mixed signals... On the one hand there was a kiss between them, but then on the other, am I supposed to just ignore it and think of CA and CT on the same level?

Sorry I think I just want someone to ease my anxiety about the last game! Love to hear your thoughts


Pro Adventurer
Hey everyone!

This is my first (and probably last lol) time posting but I've been lurking since rebirth. I have a small question.

Is it true that Nomura has stressed that there is no definitive love interest? I'm kinda hoping this isn't true, only because I've been really loving the development between Cloud and Tifa and it makes me want to cheer them on to get together, but if the director of FF7 has said it's ambiguous, it does give me slight anxiety not gonna lie lmao

It feels like mixed signals... On the one hand there was a kiss between them, but then on the other, am I supposed to just ignore it and think of CA and CT on the same level?

Sorry I think I just want someone to ease my anxiety about the last game! Love to hear your thoughts

The others will undoubtedly be able to be more precise with sources but it seems to me that it refers to a very old interview and it is not at all what he says.

Basically, when people talk to him about couples, he says that as far as he's concerned he doesn't care, that people are free to like one couple more than the other, but that it's not a story with choices so whatever happens "you're stuck with Tifa" in the end.

Edit : And welcome ! I saw your likes ! So thanks and feel free to talk with us when you feel like it !
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