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  1. eqmddlh

    Introducing myself

    Moon is definitely a deeper movie and, in my opinion, simply better. Of course it was!! But I can be called Ikyoo, if you want. Best regards.
  2. eqmddlh

    Introducing myself

    I am the son of fury, here to serve. :headbang:
  3. eqmddlh

    I know some of us might not get along.

    Greetings from a newbie. :lol:
  4. eqmddlh


    Hi and welcomed. I'm also a newbie.:lol:
  5. eqmddlh

    What is the oldest FF deserved to be played today?

    2D rules! Well, doubtlessly I'm going to play the fourth game next. Thanks to all the advices about it. :joy: It would be nice to at least take a look on the DS edition because of the videos and other stuff, but I'm also a nostalgic of the old 2D RPG games (and also 2D fight games). Then, the...
  6. eqmddlh

    Final Fantasy I

    I'll take a look I'll do it!! :lol: At least I'll take a look. But being so old and simple in many attributes, I'd like to employ time playing something more grateful and modern. Best regards.
  7. eqmddlh

    Was the Compilation a mistake?

    My FF 7 Universe I thought as you about all this. In the end is myself who enjoy the game and the fantasy it contents so I decide what take and what put apart.:joy: Obviously, I would like to see all the games and stuff made with the perfection of 9000K diamond but "there's a few on every...
  8. eqmddlh

    What is the oldest FF deserved to be played today?

    Socialist? :lol: Well, definitely I'm not a socialist, maybe a Liberal Democrat. Fortunately, I have no country or flag, so neither have I reasons to be a terrorist or even take a side with them. :lol: Anyway, I'm trying to put out of me any suspect of this kind and I hope to begin playing...
  9. eqmddlh

    Was the Compilation a mistake?

    I have a very similar point of view with you on these points you've developed about the Cloud's character arcs. Certainly his misterious past is the central element on the original game and, with his personality recovered or at least completed, is logic that some more deep problems were...
  10. eqmddlh

    Final Fantasy I

    A waste of time Well... so play FF 1 is a complete waste of time... One less on the list. :( Thanks to everybody for the answers.
  11. eqmddlh

    What is the oldest FF deserved to be played today?

    I should say that the first FF that I played and ended was the seven. More came after this but only two older, the 6 and the 5. Today, several remakes for different gaming platforms have appear and the Retro player that also lives in me ask the next question: What would be the first FF...
  12. eqmddlh

    Final Fantasy I

    Poor FF 1 Wow. I thought that at least it would have an interesting plot or something that still today would make it an attractive game to be played by new generations looking for retro RPG's... :O Anyway, thanks for the advise. :lol: Best regards.
  13. eqmddlh

    [Mideel] In this topic I comment on all of the towns of FF7.

    Midgar and Nibelheim are my favorites places, the suburbs and Shin-Ra copr in the first case and, in the second, the Reactor, the mountains and specially the Mansion. :loopy: Cosmo Canyon is also amongs the locations I like the most, specially for all it means to one of my favorite characters...
  14. eqmddlh

    So is Sephiroth the strongest dude in FF7 or what

    Sephirot became the second best For sure that Sephirot was, at least for a time, the Strongest warrior in a lot of aptitudes. But nothing stands for a hundred of years and he was defeated by Cloud and he did so when Seph was in the peak of his power, positioning the Nibbelheim guy on the first...
  15. eqmddlh

    I have a prediction

    Doubtlessly there would be more titles, and I hope that to happen!! I also beg to se them fullfilled with quality.
  16. eqmddlh

    Was the Compilation a mistake?

    My opinion I love FF7 on a general view because, although it's true that at a very tiny and especific level, are certainly incongruents or extremely childish elements which are not understandable or logic at all to mature people. However, as a total product I adore the original game and its...
  17. eqmddlh

    Introducing myself

    Hi. I'll help you with that: Ee-kyoo em Di-diel Eych You can call me Ekyoo :lol: Best regards.
  18. eqmddlh

    Midgar 3D Model - Yes it's still going!

    Congrats Congrats for the work you've showed. I'd like to see more in the near future!!!
  19. eqmddlh

    Final Fantasy I

    I've been thinking on play some of the very first games of the FF series, specially now that I've also heard that a lot of new Portable or Network versions are seeing the light. If I begin with FF I, which would be your recomendation? To play the original NES version or something more recent in...
  20. eqmddlh

    Introducing myself

    Thank you for a warm welcomed! Hi. Nice to meet you too. I would love if the seven part would be made with the IX graphics and amount of videos. But the VII is, anyway, eternal. LoL. Not all is what it's seems at first, but certainly is a weird name. It has a meaning to me and in my local...
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