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    For some reason, my brain literally read "chain of events" as "chain of memories" XD How fitting for whatever Cloud is going through here. Maybe Naminé has world hopped into 7 and is in cahoots with Jenova.
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    Oh, there it is. It's starting again. The theory craze. This'll last until next winter I hope.
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    Wait huh? Wouldn't 5 years ago be during the Nibelheim Incident, so it'd be a location relevant to before the escape? But yeah, I'd imagine it's either the rebuilt town Cloud is referring to, or it could be the Shinra Manor too. Both come across in the OG.
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    Yeah, honestly the JPN confuses me because I'm trying to think of what scenario Cloud is able to say this. Which I'd think "five years ago" is a hint at Nibelheim, but for him to even be talking about Zack, he should know what happened. Unless the "five years" and "Zack" are from two different...
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    @TurquoiseHammer also posted a JPN translation of the Rebirth trailer, incase anyone is wondering. The 2nd one is the updated version.
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    Death Stranding -A Hideo Kojima Game-

    I just love Kojima's relevant response XD
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    To be fair, it's not quite over-the-shoulder all the time, which I associate more with the Mass Effect series that I played like crazy. It's one of the reasons it took me awhile to get use to the new God of War, where it went from that "open" feel of the original trilogy to that of the fixed...
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    Final Fantasy XIII Spoiler Thread (SPOILERS)

    Ah XIII, I'm always glad to see people still talking about it. I think I've seen more varying degrees of feelings for this series more than I have even for the Kingdom Hearts or Mass Effect series. Deep hatred to willful acceptance/love. This game is one of the only reasons to keep my PS3...
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    My take on why Rinoa is Ultimecia and what to make of the ending

    Haha To be fair, a person's words, notably that of a creator, can still be evidence in and of itself—besides the outlier of times where there's something misspoken or later proven to change from an interview. But, I think Lestat's point is that as far as evidence goes, your overall conclusion...
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    Significant Differences Between English and Japanese

    My only issue with this (or with people) is that Biggs' response is secondary. There's Cloud's reaction—coupled with a dramatic zoom in on his face with his somewhat aggressive refusal—then there's Biggs' reaction. That is, the reference doesn't rely on Biggs' response to Cloud's reaction, but...
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    Man of Steel / Justice League / DC films

    Yeah I feel for the people that it's a long runtime. I'm a content-guy so I was always want more and never want the ride to stop XD But, that state of being is easier when I'm in the comfort of my home and have a pause button—people with small bladders beware, DO NOT get that Icee. lol But...
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    SPOILERS Crazed fan drives Kazushige Nojima to no longer discuss FFVII on twitter

    Yeah I late edited into one of my posts, but that Clerith Fan here was what I was talking about that was a similar long-winded thing to Nojima—its was one of the "receipts" (I really hate saying this lol) that someone brought up in a good ol' convesation where everyone's trying to one up each...
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    SPOILERS Crazed fan drives Kazushige Nojima to no longer discuss FFVII on twitter

    And that's kind of the heart of where my perspective about fandom is at. Jairus used shipping as a mechanism to exhibit his problematic behavior that is tell-tale sign of something that goes beyond what it truly means to just ship something (which at its core, is just enjoying fiction...
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    SPOILERS Crazed fan drives Kazushige Nojima to no longer discuss FFVII on twitter

    Yeah, I don't think we're too different, but my "optimism" for change is probably because I've just been in the thick of it on Twitter and Tumblr. Sometimes actually talking to these individuals, but mostly seeing it. And seen I have. I guess we do differ in that I see Jairus as an extension of...
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    SPOILERS Crazed fan drives Kazushige Nojima to no longer discuss FFVII on twitter

    In particular, that would be specific Cloti fans on Twitter/Tumblr, who otherwise constantly berate the localization, calling for Ben Sabin and the whole team to be fired, taking a tweet of Nojima's to be about him "throwing shade" at the localization division, and misunderstanding the...
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    SPOILERS Crazed fan drives Kazushige Nojima to no longer discuss FFVII on twitter

    Tweeting about how people should be fired or spreading lies about the development team based on misconstruing interviews and Nojima's tweets, using his tweets and likes as personal arguments in the "ship war", or sending long tweets about not wanting your favorite character to die (there was an...
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    SPOILERS Crazed fan drives Kazushige Nojima to no longer discuss FFVII on twitter

    I've never seen anything as long winded (and badly written in JPN) as Jairus has done, but things conducive of "please let Cloud and Aerith have their happy ending" or "please let us save Aerith"—these aren't "do it or else", or angry, but when you have multiple saying a lot of things that are...
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    SPOILERS Crazed fan drives Kazushige Nojima to no longer discuss FFVII on twitter

    @ing the official NA Twitter account, angry at the ENG localization and how they need to "get their shit together" is a part of the same tree in this irresponsible behavior. Which, if to specify to @ing a writer (I believe only Nojima is on Twitter), I've seen people @ing him before and...
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    SPOILERS Crazed fan drives Kazushige Nojima to no longer discuss FFVII on twitter

    Ah, well what I mentioned was a long time ago for the OG regarding fan's negative reaction to Aerith's death, not anything recent. But this kind of stuff is, unfortunately, something that happens for a lot of companies. Between death threats or direct criminal acts, demands or harrassment for...
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