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  1. I Am Not Me

    The Love Triangle Debate thread of KNEEL BEFORE ZOD OR SUFFER HIS WRATH (ignore the opening posts at your peril) (Round 6)

    Meh, don't worry too much about it, Danseru. Nowadays I just notice that most they do is shoot down Cloti and nothing else. It's like, somehow, saying that Cloti isn't valid makes the other couple the more valid option. "Cloti isn't canon, and neither is our ship, so our ship wins! Somehow...
  2. I Am Not Me

    Final Fantasy XIII-2 (Spoiler Thread)

    I was more referring to the "not being able to fully explore" linearity of the game, rather than the battle system. The battle system took a while to really become awesome, but I enjoyed how it slowly broke me into it. Maybe I enjoyed it longer than I should have because of the battle music...
  3. I Am Not Me

    Final Fantasy XIII-2 (Spoiler Thread)

    I prefer the former. In XIII, I'd started with being annoyed with everyone (except Sazh), including my now favorite Hope. I disliked Vanille because she grated on me the wrong way with the way she acted and the way she talked; Lightning because she seemed like such a generic cold, badass hero...
  4. I Am Not Me

    Hi all!

    HELLO! :reptar:
  5. I Am Not Me

    Final Fantasy XIII-2 (Spoiler Thread)

    I've seen a lot of Noel haters on Youtube, and yeah, a bit on tumblr, and I have a friend who seriously hates him. Whenever Fang and Vanille appear, I get all teary-eyed. I get reminded of FFXIII's ending, how beautiful it was, and I just get so emotional. :'( What I'm really sad about is...
  6. I Am Not Me

    Final Fantasy XIII-2 (Spoiler Thread)

    THANK YOU. I have no idea why a lot of people seem to hate Noel. Many have tried to justify this hate by saying he could have been easily replaced by any of the old characters from the previous game. Which I don't get at all. His backstory was unique to him and pretty much only worked BECAUSE...
  7. I Am Not Me

    New TLS Front Page

    New layout is awesome! :reptar: Gonna have to get used to navigating it, but I'm always like that to new sites anyways. There's just one thing I want to know. Is it really alright to have an easily accessible link to an NSFW thread right on the front page? I don't really care (just curious...
  8. I Am Not Me

    The Love Triangle Debate thread of KNEEL BEFORE ZOD OR SUFFER HIS WRATH (ignore the opening posts at your peril) (Round 6)

    Zack is winning. Looks like the Clacks are flourishing. :monster: And to contribute to the...umm, discussion. While Aerith's death is a pretty emotional point in the storyline, it still isn't enough proof to base canon off of. A fanbase maybe, but definitely not for canon. Many characters...
  9. I Am Not Me

    Hello Kupo!

    Welcome to TLSF, kuma!
  10. I Am Not Me

    Happy Birthday Tets!

    Happy day of being born! :reptar:
  11. I Am Not Me

    Happy Birthday Meimei!!!

    I ALMOST MISSED MY OWN BIRTHDAY THREAD. I love you all! :reptar: THANK YOU FOR THE CAKE AND GREETINGS. I had a happy birthday at the beach, so I couldn't internet. :desu: I'm curious, what do I get when I turn 18? :awesome:
  12. I Am Not Me

    Faith v. 3.0 (Cloti Club)

    But gaiz, I don't get why there shouldn't be strings of wetness. :monster: I always found it to be a turn on, not sure why. Which means I highly approve of said picture. :desu: But the figurine. Why... :sadpanda:
  13. I Am Not Me

    Happy Birthday, Tiff!

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY! :reptar: I'm sure I'm late though. BUT I HOPE YOUR BIRTHDAY WAS HAPPY! :reptar: x2
  14. I Am Not Me

    Square Puts Up Teaser Site, Journalists speculate on just about everything

    This needs to happen. D: Or something Seiken Densetsu related, considering I've been wanting Seiken Densetsu 3 remade or something, ruined or not. I just want more of it. :sadpanda: Too bad "CC" doesn't connect whatsoever to "Mana". Or maybe it's a code. Or... Feh, I really hope it's not...
  15. I Am Not Me

    Favorite FFVII Characters

    I've generally lost my interest in FFVII for now, but I still voted here with only one character in mind: Zack Fair. :monster: I voted Other though, because his name wasn't on the list. :sadpanda: kthxbai
  16. I Am Not Me

    Three Reasons Why There Shouldn’t Be a Final Fantasy VII Remake

    1. It would take too long, if SE's production time with FFXIII (and it's compilation) is any indication. And THAT was a game that was announced loooooong before it was released. 2. Continuing from point 1, the people who enjoyed FFVII when it was released would be too old to enjoy the remake...
  17. I Am Not Me

    Faith v. 3.0 (Cloti Club)

    :flipmonster: *ninja returns from the ceiling* I'm just gonna leave this here. :monster: kbai
  18. I Am Not Me

    The Love Triangle Debate thread of KNEEL BEFORE ZOD OR SUFFER HIS WRATH (ignore the opening posts at your peril) (Round 6)

    The reason, I shall tell you it. It's obviously because when Cloud pushed the wrong barrel accidentally, and Aerith is forced to fight the guards, Cloud sees her fighting pathetically and starts thinking "Gross, this woman is pretty weak, I don't think I like her very much". The more barrels...
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