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  1. I Am Not Me

    Happy Birthday, Dee. <3

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY! :reptar: Assume the Party Escort Submission Position, or you will miss the party.
  2. I Am Not Me

    FF7 Relationships

    I never saw any instance in the compilation that ever indicated this. If there was, care to point it out to me? I might have missed it. I'm not asking for a quote, btw. O_o I just want to know what part in the compilation made it come across as Cloud hating Zack even a little bit. I actually...
  3. I Am Not Me

    FF7 Relationships

    I'll just be a fortune-teller here and say... there's a possibility of this happening sooner or later. Someone will come in and respond to stuff, quotes will happen, then another LTD discussion. Just like how it happens to other threads that aren't even about the LTD. :monster: I shall talk...
  4. I Am Not Me

    The Love Triangle Debate thread of KNEEL BEFORE ZOD OR SUFFER HIS WRATH (ignore the opening posts at your peril) (Round 6)

    Whoa, I didn't know that. Thanks. :monster: But... 45 million dollars... for one game. :O Their feelings match. Tifa OBVIOUSLY loves Cloud. Their feelings match, therefore, Cloud loves Tifa back. Simple as cake. :monster:
  5. I Am Not Me

    The Love Triangle Debate thread of KNEEL BEFORE ZOD OR SUFFER HIS WRATH (ignore the opening posts at your peril) (Round 6)

    Just a question to Clotis--if there was a commercial that has a picture of Cloud and Tifa, and the word Love was on it, would you use it as evidence that Cloud loves Tifa? I certainly won't. (Then again, I'm a Clack, but what the hey :desu:) Also, I've seen that image, like, so many times while...
  6. I Am Not Me

    The Love Triangle Debate thread of KNEEL BEFORE ZOD OR SUFFER HIS WRATH (ignore the opening posts at your peril) (Round 6)

    I know I'm not exactly part of this discussion, but I'd like to post and... I just want to. I do what I must because I can. Again with the weird affection points system. D: Am I supposed to get from this that IF I choose Barret and Cid in my team, Cloud automatically has a bonnar for both...
  7. I Am Not Me

    The Love Triangle Debate thread of KNEEL BEFORE ZOD OR SUFFER HIS WRATH (ignore the opening posts at your peril) (Round 6)

    Well, Tifa is a huge creeper anyway, so psychic jealousy is just normal for her. :monster: Same goes with Yuffie, really. And it's even scarier. She may not have even joined the troop and she's already gaining and losing affection points toward Cloud. Since she's optional, she might never have...
  8. I Am Not Me

    So who can see Aerith and when and why and stuff?

    I always thought those kids at the end never saw Aerith or knew she was there... because they didn't even look up or react when she stood up and left. o.o I think it's only Cloud who sees Zack and Aerith (emphasis on Zack because he's equally important D<), because from what I gathered (from...
  9. I Am Not Me

    The Love Triangle Debate thread of KNEEL BEFORE ZOD OR SUFFER HIS WRATH (ignore the opening posts at your peril) (Round 6)

    I know I'm late for the party, but this affection points discussion confuses me a bit. It seems that to me and from what I understand from the affection points guide: The affection points measure how Tifa/Barret/Aerith/Yuffie feel TOWARDS Cloud. But I noticed that Anastar talks about it as...
  10. I Am Not Me

    What anime do you think deserve a reboot?

    Doraemon. :monster: And... I guess Card Captor Sakura, Rurouni Kenshin (well, mostly just to make the animation and art more uniform--the style kept changing almost per episode ._.), GTO (?!), and... I'll think of others later. Cowboy Bebop don't need no reboot. :awesome: Also and .
  11. I Am Not Me

    Happy Birthday Mumble!

  12. I Am Not Me

    Hope v 2.0 (Zerith club)

    Don't I know it. *cough*squinoa*cough* :desu: And Zack and Aerith are too awesome together, truly. But Clack is da best. I did think their first encounter was a bit of an "opposites attract" scenario though. After all, Aerith was still just an impressionable teenager then-- she could've gotten...
  13. I Am Not Me

    Hope v 2.0 (Zerith club)

    WELL. It's like... their personalities, I guess. Zack's all carefree and outgoing and all that, and while Tifa is pretty cheery and friendly herself, she's actually a pretty shy person. They're more yin and yang-ish, in a way. It's not unlike Clerith, really. Somehow... Cloti = - - / Zerith =...
  14. I Am Not Me

    Hope v 2.0 (Zerith club)

    Zack/Tifa has everything in AUs. :monster: And, uh, there ARE some people who think Fack is canon... along with thinking that Clerith is canon... IM NOT NAMING NAMES THO JUST SAYIN :awesome: I think Fack is an awesome crack pairing. THEY'RE BOTH HOT. Case closed. (Plus, I do think Tifa and Zack...
  15. I Am Not Me

    Hope v 2.0 (Zerith club)

    To be honest, if they didn't die, I wouldn't be interested in their pairing at all. :monster: That being said, I'm glad they're both dead. :awesome: Otherwise, I'd be shipping Clerith and Fack through and through. DEAD COUPLE BANZAI!!! :reptar:
  16. I Am Not Me

    Hope v 2.0 (Zerith club) AND GUESS WHO SHE MARRIED? :awesome: I just... idk. :awesome: ...:awesome: So firm in my Zerith ship right now. :awesome: Edit: For those who don't know, Aerith (and Lightning) is voiced by Maaya Sakamoto.
  17. I Am Not Me

    Last Film You've Seen

    Insidious It was predictable (the ending), but I was honestly scared. :monster: And I have nerves of steel. Paranormal Activity didn't even phase me... but THIS. Ho boy. I am currently jumping at stupid sounds. :awesome:
  18. I Am Not Me

    The Love Triangle Debate thread of KNEEL BEFORE ZOD OR SUFFER HIS WRATH (ignore the opening posts at your peril) (Round 6)

    Just going to comment on this. :monster: I feel the opposite though. Because of this childhood, they have a foundation. When they were young, they did like each other. Cloud was in love with her, and it was implied that Tifa did have a crush on him too, or at least was curious about him. This...
  19. I Am Not Me

    Harry Potter and the Chitter of Chatting

    I have nowhere else to go to. The LTD thrad is closed. :sadpanda: /sets up camp
  20. I Am Not Me

    New year, New LTD thread. (Round 5)

    Umm, wow. :shifty: So about that LTD and Clack being canon? :monster:
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