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  1. I Am Not Me

    New year, New LTD thread. (Round 5)

  2. I Am Not Me

    New year, New LTD thread. (Round 5)

    Or to the point of making a thread dedicated to venting about the opposing shippers. :monster: BUT WHAT DO I KNOW. :reptar: /shuts up
  3. I Am Not Me

    New year, New LTD thread. (Round 5)

    I think, like I said before, people avoided reading too much of the small red text. :awesome: or just me To be honest I never fully read any of her posts. At least make the font a bit bigger and cleaner like Wolfwood-san. :monster: Someone else has unreadable dark blue font around here...
  4. I Am Not Me

    Faith v. 3.0 (Cloti Club)

    I have picspam to give. I'm pretty sure you guys have seen these, but I'll post them anyway. Some are old and some I just saved now. :awesome: Also, this one is pretty awesome: :awesome:
  5. I Am Not Me

    New year, New LTD thread. (Round 5)

  6. I Am Not Me

    Last Film You've Seen

    The Hangover Unrated ...I'm not entirely sure I was supposed to watch that at all. But it was really funny. :monster:
  7. I Am Not Me

    So... yeah.

    Welcome back, person who I once discussed Celes' inability to post sexy pictures with. :monster:
  8. I Am Not Me

    New year, New LTD thread. (Round 5)

    Is this what they call circlejerking? :monster: And since I'm currently very confused, let me summarize what the LTD thread has been up to these past few pages... - Tear down InuYashaxFFVII - Watch Vendel defend the wrong thing (not InuYasha) - Mocks a Cloti - Decides that this Cloti be...
  9. I Am Not Me

    SE cancels several in-development games

    I'm just curious, what are other titles they have that don't make money? I feel like everything they make makes money. :monster: *other than FF and KH Weren't they developing a fighting game for a higher platform or something? Or did they already release it. :huh: No thank you. :monster...
  10. I Am Not Me

    Dissidia Duodecim Final Fantasy

    I have this feeling that a Drag Cloud DLC will be included in a super special omega FFVII related release in the future. Just a thought. :monster: Edit: I'm curious... are you guys gonna announce DLC releases on the front page or just here? :monster:
  11. I Am Not Me

    What makes your day This. It made me laugh... and it brought back my faith for humanity (for a moment). :monster:
  12. I Am Not Me

    New year, New LTD thread. (Round 5)

    ... D: I'm jumping ship to Venderu x Dureiku now. Since Drake is tsundere. :monster: Venderake! YAY :reptar:
  13. I Am Not Me

    New year, New LTD thread. (Round 5)

    You guys aren't making any sense anymore. :monster: What happened to the LTD thread? :awesome:
  14. I Am Not Me

    Dissidia Duodecim Final Fantasy

    Oh my gad. :reptar: Bartz is so cute! ...but what's with the Christmas themed colors? D:
  15. I Am Not Me

    New year, New LTD thread. (Round 5)

    What does this mean? We ship him with an arrow? D:
  16. I Am Not Me

    New year, New LTD thread. (Round 5)

    WHY SHOULD WE CALL HER A CHEETOS D8 I LOVE CHEETOHS oh you mean a Clito. Okay, carry on. :awesome: Didn't I just say this? D: I even made a name! :rage: VENDELIANGIRL :reptar: Someone make a club called "Together for Better or Worse" or "You and Me Against the Cleriths" :awesome:
  17. I Am Not Me

    New year, New LTD thread. (Round 5)

    Ok... :sadpanda: From what I've seen, they're mocking a Cloti. :monster:
  18. I Am Not Me

    New year, New LTD thread. (Round 5)

    You know... not even sure if I should even say this... but I only just read EurAsianGirl's sig fully and now I feel stupid. :monster: The only thing I really noticed was the :pics: of Clerith part. :awesome: MUST BE BECAUSE I CAN'T STAND THE SMALL TEXT AND BRIGHT RED FONT. :sadpanda:
  19. I Am Not Me

    New year, New LTD thread. (Round 5)

    What the heck is a C-word? :rage:
  20. I Am Not Me

    Harry Potter and the Chitter of Chatting

    You guys need to lay off on EurAsianGirl. :monster: I know that there are some... issues. But let's not all gang up on her just because she thinks... uhh, something Inu Yasha thing. :monster:
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