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  1. Cookie Monster

    41) TLS Peace Prize Award

    Thanks for the nod whoever you are, even though I've barely been here for the past two years. :monster:
  2. Cookie Monster

    18) The Phoenix Down Award (Best Comeback)

    Bitch, you live in the nucleus of all things awesome. That's why.
  3. Cookie Monster


    This thread needs more me. :monstersmash::gjawesomonster: :smashedmonster: :monsterstoned::monstersmashed:
  4. Cookie Monster

    14) Member You'd Most Like to Bone

  5. Cookie Monster

    12) Biggest non-FF Geek

    X-SOLDIER = Top Geek.
  6. Cookie Monster

    17) The "Wish You Were Here" Award

    Almost half the people on this list are active now, lol.
  7. Cookie Monster

    Can someone change my username?

    So let be written, so let it be done.
  8. Cookie Monster

    Darkness Falls Once More...

    wb an' shit. :monster:
  9. Cookie Monster

    Formerly known as Dark Nation.

    Shall I merge this account with your old one?
  10. Cookie Monster

    So long, and thanks for all the fish

    Hey, you're still around? Take care, man. See you in a week. :monster:
  11. Cookie Monster

    Time to say goodbye

    Good luck an' shit. :monster:
  12. Cookie Monster

    Happy Reg Day!

    hb an' shit, Mums. :monster:
  13. Cookie Monster

    So long, and thanks for all the fish

    I don't think I need to type a long winded post here. Aaron, you've been buddy of mine for 8 years. This situation fucking sucks. All of it. With it all aside, I'm still in your corner man. I don't want to see you go. I hope the break will at least provide you with some opportunities to...
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