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  1. SkyGrinderomnislash7IV

    Dissidia Duodecim Final Fantasy

    Three things 1 Final Fantasy VII is my favorite FF followed shortly by IV and IX. I played it back in 2008 2 Tifa is hot, and has a great fighting style in this game, but I'm not gawking over Tifa's looks, she's much better known for being a good character and ass kicker. Don't see why people...
  2. SkyGrinderomnislash7IV

    Dissidia Duodecim Final Fantasy

    Also New Alts Sleeveless Squall and Edea Xande OK and COD? Note Crystal Tower level
  3. SkyGrinderomnislash7IV

    Dissidia Duodecim Final Fantasy

    New Laguna screens, and Laguna's badass alt costume. Would also like to point out Tifa and Lightning talking on the world map, and concept art of some crazy tower, with the...
  4. SkyGrinderomnislash7IV

    Dissidia Duodecim Final Fantasy

    OMG WTF is that, now I am officially scared for life. Do cross dress Cloud, and CoD in a business suit next.
  5. SkyGrinderomnislash7IV

    Dissidia Duodecim Final Fantasy

    Chill dude JK, I just think Garnets a more interesting and important character.
  6. SkyGrinderomnislash7IV

    Dissidia Duodecim Final Fantasy

    Use your imagination, he has a human form, and throws around ruins in the cutscenes, and high magic. Make him a Uber Powered ravager, Brv Firaga, Thundaga, Blizaga, Waterga, Ruinaga, Ruin, Ruin Staff--> Thanatosian Laughter Baptisim in Ruin--> Ultima Hp attacks Ultima, Destrudo Apoptosis...
  7. SkyGrinderomnislash7IV

    Dissidia Duodecim Final Fantasy

    What's with all the hate on Vincent and Rinoa. I know VIII had a crappy story and romance, but Rinoa is still a pivotal character. I'm both shocked and pleased that Laguna got in, but Rinoa would have been just as original with her blaster edge (or whatever it's called), dog, and spells. Now 5...
  8. SkyGrinderomnislash7IV

    Dissidia Duodecim Final Fantasy

    Dissidia site Updated with FFIV on the historical comp.
  9. SkyGrinderomnislash7IV

    Which FF boss is your nemesis?

    Thanks for the info. one more question. Do you know where I can get a Jap Ps2, I heard they don't make them as often these days.
  10. SkyGrinderomnislash7IV

    Which FF boss is your nemesis?

    Ozma's a breeze if you use Thievery, Frog Drop, and Dragon Crest. Speaking of X International though, is their a way to get it with english menus. I heard if you get it and a Jap PS2 you can set the menus to english.
  11. SkyGrinderomnislash7IV

    Which FF boss is your nemesis?

    Any challenge or super boss from FF X and X-2, especially the ones that break the rules of the game. Whats that its petrify overrides my status protection, and it breaks the damage limit 10 times over in 3 turns... what a load of bull. I've beaten every other games super bosses, some were a...
  12. SkyGrinderomnislash7IV

    Dissidia Duodecim Final Fantasy

    I thought she was only overpowerd with the proper accessory build. If anything her Holy need way better tracking.
  13. SkyGrinderomnislash7IV

    Dissidia Duodecim Final Fantasy

    Someone please translate this
  14. SkyGrinderomnislash7IV

    Dissidia Duodecim Final Fantasy

    I would hate that for a few simple reason. 4-10 new charecters Hero's: Kain Lightning Tifa Vaan. Possible Villan's: Xande, Leon, Seymour, and Barthandelus/Cid Less likely Villan: Hojo, Yunalesca, Siefer, Jenova Secret: Gilgamesh and ???? If this is the setup you have unlimited possibilities for...
  15. SkyGrinderomnislash7IV

    Dissidia Duodecim Final Fantasy

    Apparently Vaan is popular in Japan. That's just great, now take him out and put Sabin in the American version, because he's just as popular here. P.S. don't tell they can't. In regards to this post JK
  16. SkyGrinderomnislash7IV

    Dissidia Duodecim Final Fantasy

    That would be hilarious, Lightning: stop hitting on my little sister!!!
  17. SkyGrinderomnislash7IV

    Dissidia Duodecim Final Fantasy

    That's great about time
  18. SkyGrinderomnislash7IV

    Dissidia Duodecim Final Fantasy

    Yeah I hate what Advent Children did to Cloud, but I like to blame Jenova and Geostigma. My biggest problem was him moping over Aerith, now dead 2-3 years, instead of accepting Tifa, and helping Marlene and Denzel off the bat.
  19. SkyGrinderomnislash7IV

    Dissidia Duodecim Final Fantasy

    It always irked me that every one always hinted at Cloud being emo. I know VII is clearly not the best game in the series (That would be VI by technical reasons), but VII and IV are my favorites; and all things considered Cloud is not emo he's serious. Squall on the other hand is incredibly...
  20. SkyGrinderomnislash7IV

    Dissidia Duodecim Final Fantasy

    Yeah Cid would make a better fighter, and a good enemy to Lightning. The reason I think Dysley would work, is because you could base his combat on a combination of ruins and -aga based spells. HP moves would be based on his true form attacks, with his staff, instead of his face, and his EX mode...
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