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  1. Drax


    It's not the Crisis Core sword either. Interesting.
  2. Drax


  3. Drax

    Spider-Man (616) [Marvel]

  4. Drax

    The Martian

    "I'm going to science the shit out of this!" *Makes rows in the soil, ground cracks and Matt Damon falls into a series of catacombs, running away from a colony of xenomorphs for the rest of the movie* Will his friends save him in time? best picture
  5. Drax

    Secret Wars (2015) [Marvel]

    Renew Your Vows Spoilers but
  6. Drax

    Metal Gear Solid 5 (+ General Series Thread)

    C780162 (the FFVII reimagined guy) is now doing MGS speedpainting That was rather quick since I didn't see anything a week ago.
  7. Drax

    The Expired Marvel Netflix series

    Yes--I felt the same way with
  8. Drax

    Guilty Gear Xrd: Revelator

    Zurd. Although I think I've heard X-Zurd in the opening.
  9. Drax

    The Expired Marvel Netflix series

    I enjoyed Daredevil, but I wish Disney
  10. Drax

    E3 2015

    I could play them if they weren't FPS, too much corridor and spinning around for me. And then developers are like "but immersion!" and I'm like "nausea after 15 minutes of gameplay!" Which is why P.T. does nothing for me as well, it's unplayable for such a silly developer choice restriction.
  11. Drax

    Final Fantasy XV (was Versus XIII)

    I'm having a hard time playing this, I'm too used to having full control of the camera with XIV and it's like the camera just stays 2 ft from the back of Noctis' head.
  12. Drax

    The Final Fantasy XIV Thread [Dawntrail - 7.00]

    I've been trying to avoid Heavensward trailers, since one has spoiled the ARR ending for me pretty bad I think, 5 minutes in. I had to switch servers just for the smoother bandwidth, which is much nicer in transitioning zones now. As for parsers, I don't really get too hung up with combat...
  13. Drax

    The Lifestream ranks Final Fantasy songs: nominations now closed

    Easy listening, mostly *All asterisks are just different formats of same songs--don't include in list FFIII Tozas *Vocal version *OG version FFV Harvest Dance FFVI Relm's Theme *Acoustic *The Orchestra Version would be awesome if not for those damn bagpipes *The Vocal Version Crisis...
  14. Drax


  15. Drax

    General Anime Thread

    fxaig8na_z4 Congratulations on new meme, Mr. Joestuuuuuuuur
  16. Drax

    The Lifestream ranks Final Fantasy songs: nominations now closed

    FFV 4evah ePZvSXqfA2s Dat Orchestration from 2:00~2:56 would a composer plz finish it Final Fantasy III: Main theme V9xyV-Rz5Jk Ancient's Village 22pXGegGkM8 Final Fantasy XIV: Snowcloak mUzOHkTLHWs Heavensward, or what's out there: (Ex. 1) (Ex. 2--0:00-1:50)
  17. Drax

    The Lifestream - Free Company (An FFXIV Thread)

    I see Skyrim, but want that main theme so bad. Soundtrack, release! ლ(ಠ益ಠლ) I keep trying to beat Odin and King Mog, but I think I need to save up for that Electro-Beetle armor (iL 120)
  18. Drax

    Duck Tales reboot.

    Money says (lucky dime money in fact) it will be like the Flash Mickey cartoons, with the Carl Barks' designs. Scrooge in red coat instead of blue, etc.
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