Secret Wars (2015) [Marvel]

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
Apparently, this does make sense after all. It's just a really fucking stupid idea and not at all what "Ultimate End" was advertised to be.

I read these posts over at CBR:

Dicey said:
OK OK, so check out this explanation I found on Reddit.
Nobody has got this quite right yet, and for good reason. You'd have to have been reading a lot of different comics to get what's going on here.
In Spider-Men, a rift was opened between the 616 and 1610 that allowed (616) Peter Parker and Miles Morales to meet and have an adventure. Since then, this portal never actually closed entirely. In the period since Spider-Men, Tony and Amadeus Cho from the Ultimate Universe have been studying this rift. And it's in the pages of All-New X-Men, during that teams recent journey into the 1610, that we see this rift close right in front of Tony and Amadeus.
This story is based on an alternate timeline in which the portal did not close but actually exploded, merging the 616 and 1610. This is why we see a version of the scene from All-New X-Men play out in Ultimate End. And since this is set in a period just before AXIS, it's why 616 (616-A?) Tony in his normal armor and not his recent iArmor design.
In addition, this story is set on the Battleworld version of Manhattan from the start. Essentially, we're supposed to accept that there was once a 1610 and 616-flavored Battleworld: Manhattan (as this is how all the denizens of Battleworld believe the universe and planet to have always been). It was during the rift explosion that these two merged to form this current version of Battleworld: Manhattan. No incursions happened in this universe. It's simply been as it always has.
This is why Spider-Man is there. This is why Hulk and 616(A) Tony is there. And why even Scott Summers is there (sans Phoenix).
That makes the most sense to me of any reading of this book so far -- because it would mean that we're thinking about this story, and the merged Manhattans, entirely wrong. This makes it much simpler -- 616/1610 isn't a post-Incursion continuation of a merged universe. It branches off from another point entirely. It would seem to offer a simple explanation for most (or all? What do we think?) of the things that are weird about this book.

The fact that none of us put this together speaks I think to how little emphasis most of the setup for this got in the books. This is like the other worlds that are alternate continuations of events or storylines, except that the portal wasn't really a storyline, just a device for other ones, so you wouldn't immediately recognize this as that.
stillanerd said:
Well, it's not quite a branching off from another point entirely, though. In All-New X-Men #31, where Ultimate Tony Stark and Amadeus Cho's dialogue about the rift is almost taken word-for-word in this issue, Tony makes mention of the events of Cataclysm, specifically about Galactus' arrival, the deaths of Captain America and Thor, and the destruction of New Jersey. However, in Tony and Cho's conversation in this issue, none of this is brought up at all. And, as we can see in the prologue for this issue, Ultimate Captain America is shown to be alive alongside the other Ultimate heroes. And, based on the preview art, we also know that Ultimate Thor is part of the Thor Corps. And again, there's no sign whatsoever of Miles Morales, even though he should be a member of the All-New Ultimates.
Dicey said:
You're right. It's not *entirely* another point, just one in the recent past, and there's still some continuity questions. I guess, though, if Doom is making all of this up as he goes along, who is and isn't in the room can be attributed entirely to his whims, apparent resurrections included. The larger point that has relieved some of the cognitive dissonance that I felt initially is: this doesn't pick up where Secret Wars left off but is instead another of <strike>Doom's</strike>* the Marvel writers' room's contrivances. So what we think we already know about what happened in the prior continuity is really another matter entirely from what is happening here, rather than seeming in direct conflict.

*not sure there is BBCode for this on this forum, which is a shame, because strikethru is so good for snark

But yeah the fact that they aren't doing any last days stuff really at all for the UU makes me hopeful that eventually the whole thing gets re-apparated. But if this really is the end, I just wish everyone at Marvel was a little less 'over' the Ultimate Universe, at least enough to be able to summon the effort and interest to give it a proper, thoughtful send-off. Valar morghulis, I suppose. Speaking of which, I wonder just how 'game of thrones'y this Battleworld ish is going to get...
Dicey said:
I just realized, though, that this basically means this story doesn't have anything to do with the UU.
jackolover said:
We can't think these people remember anything from before the Incursion. It just means the Incursion happened while Ultimate Tony and Cho had the Tear open, so it was a coincidence. But after the Incursion, Manhattan was transformed like every sector of Battleworld, only they appeared the most recent sector.
(The reused scene from "All-New X-Men" #31 should have made all this obvious. I like to think I'd have caught it had I actually read "Ultimate End" #1 and not just reviews.)

So, basically, if you wanted to see the Ultimate Universe you (and 11 other people) care about in its final hours, you saw it in "Secret Wars" #1, and that's all you're getting.

Thanks to Bendis for nothing yet again, eh?

It would also seem, for now at least, that every character from the primary 616 and 1610 universes that we liked is dead if they weren't on one of those life rafts. I know most fans following all this, myself included, were expecting anyone in either Earth's Manhattan to be spared while just "In Doom We Trust-ified."
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Harbinger O Great Justice
Ooooooooh, ok. I recognized the scene that they spliced in from All-New X-Men, but I didn't focus on it enough to notice that there was an intentional continuity difference (that essentially makes this an AU-616x1610 shard of Battleworld rather than a recap of anything that occurred pre-incursions like I'd thought it'd be). That's made confusing by the "three weeks earlier" bit at the start, but it reads a lot less confusingly if you are totally aware of that from the outset.

That's weird, but it seems like this is could be their cop-put to save some characters that got obliterated with the incursion between 616 & 1610, but it also throws weird little questions in the mix like - does this Cyclops still have an un-hatched Phoenix Egg?

X :neo:

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
Yeah, everything else has been easy as pie to follow is my understanding. Bendis just sucks.

Also, every time Tom Brevoort opens his mouth to answer a question, I just want to put my fist in it:

Why is Ultimate End talking about Dimensional rifts? There aren't any other dimensions, just Battleworld, it didn't make any sense to me.

There aren&#8217;t any other planets, but there are at least four dimensions, including time. And if you create a dimensional rift, then suddenly you get two separate Manhattans existing atop one another, rather than side-by-side or in different sections of Battleworld.
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Harbinger O Great Justice

X :neo:

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
Yeah, that's the dumbest explanation I've ever seen. Brevoort just needs to stop talking, and Bendis needs to stop trying so hard.

Though I'm seeing speculation that this story (if not some of the artwork as well) may have originally been intended for "Spider-Men 2," which Bendis had announced last March only for the idea to be seemingly abandoned. Apparently he did say it would crossover the Ultimates and the Avengers.

The notion seems to be that he had it laying around unused and decided to just insert it into this mini-series. I wouldn't be surprised.


Harbinger O Great Justice
That, and the dialogue from Spidey centering in on the whole "everyone knows me" makes it seem likely or at least highly plausible.

X :neo:


Harbinger O Great Justice
Still working my way through the titles from this week, but this is what I've got so far. Infinity Gauntlet was really gripping and hooked me, and X-Men '92 was just fucking excellent and exactly what I wanted it to be. M.O.D.O.K. Assassin was a surprisingly enjoyable comic and one I may end up sticking with as well.

Inhumans: Attlian Rising, Old Man Logan, Secret Wars 2099, & Secret Wars: Journal are still awaiting a read & review. (Not sure if there're any others this week that slipped by and would be worth reading, but yeah).

X :neo:


Harbinger O Great Justice
&#8226; Inhumans: Attlian Rising I have a feeling that this is gonna have some crossover with Planet Hulk given the opening, but it also seems like this is gonna be an important thread running through the whole event because of The Quiet Room and all of the things going on here.

&#8226; Inferno - If you were curious about the absent Baron Summers from Secret Wars #2, this issue will answer your questions. It seems like it'll be a fun AU title for the X-Men fans, though I feel like X-Men '92 is gonna be a bit stronger.

&#8226; Old Man Logan - Gritty as all fuck, and good art, though the colouration isn't always my favourite, but it's set up some interesting groundwork. This is one where you'll probably be lost if you aren't following the main Secret Wars title. This issue is also mostly setup, and not a lot of momentum.

&#8226; Secret Wars 2099 - This is a pretty interesting twist on the Avengers with well-played corporate overlording that fits 2099, and I think that if that's up your alley, you should check it out.

&#8226; Secret Wars Journal - Two stories: "The Arrowhead" which is gonna connect with Siege #1 and was ok. Mostly just a twist on Robin Hood. "We Worship What We Don't Understand" is about Egyptia, Baron Khonshu (from Secret Wars #2) and how the Mutants there are enslaved, and this story was fucking GREAT. I'd kill to see more of this place.

(I can do something like this for the previous ones if you guys want, but I'll probably be trying to do this quick recap going forward for the new titles, since I'm apparently binge-reading all the things. I think I'll do similar with more detail and spoiler tags once they start moving beyond issue #1)

X :neo:

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
I'm not clicking that, Tenny. =P

Also, I haven't been able to pick up my issues yet. Will do so in a few hours and have something to post later.


Harbinger O Great Justice
I also grabbed Deadpool's Secret Secret Wars, Master of Kung Fu, & Where Monsters Dwell, just so that I can give all the issue #1's a chance.

The first one riffs on the original Secret Wars, the second is a magical Kung Fu comic (Iron Fist & 10 Rings AU), and the other looks to be Savage Land meets cliché sexist/racist dude with surprise feminist sidekick and likely heavy doses of schadenfreude at his expense.

None of 'em are really my jam, but I'm sure they're somebody's.

X :neo:

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
Didn't get my stuff today because of reasons. Tomorrow.

I clicked your thingy (:awesome:), Tenny. I already knew about that. Remember that this Pete is an alternate. The 616 version will be in the main "Secret Wars" mini.

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
Okay, finally. :monster:

So, I got "Where Monsters Dwell," "Secret Wars Journal" and "The Infinity Gauntlet."

Where Monsters Dwell:
Nothing special so far, but it's fun enough. We'll see whether it manages to set itself apart in any particular fashion, but even if it just manages to be a serviceably fun romp through a 1920s-era British East India and a dinosaur-infested jungle, it will have done its job. And I'm confident it will. In Ennis I trust.

Also, I am curious as to whether Kaufmann and Clemmie flying off course and across Domain borders will draw the attention of the Thors.

Secret Wars Journal:
The story with Lady Robin Hood Kate was adequate as an introduction for "Siege," I suppose, but almost felt like it belonged in that book rather than here. It ended up feeling very abridged, which I guess was by design.

The Egyptia story was really interesting, and I thought using Shadowcat as the central figure in this cast of Egyptia-an mutant slaves was a nice touch given her mainstream counterpart's ethnicity. It ended up leaving me wanting more, though -- which would be great if there was actually more to come.

I'm annoyed that, with all the X-Men titles I don't have an interest in slated to come out during "Secret Wars" (i.e. "E is For Extinction," "Inferno," "House of M," "X-Tinction Agenda," "Old Man Logan" and "Years of Future Past"), one of them couldn't get the boot to make room for an expanded storyline set in Egyptia. But then I'm still annoyed that the "Old Man Logan" tie-in is being wasted on Bendis in the first place.

The Infinity Gauntlet:
This proved to be the main attraction for me this week. It really did a fantastic job of establishing its setting and characters, as well as making me feel some measure of investment in their situation's outcome. I'm most interested in seeing where this goes next.

Also, digging that art so hard.
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The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
So, issue #3 of the main "Secret Wars" mini was really engaging. I loved
all the stuff with Doom and Strange, and I'm excited to see the plot moving ahead as fast as it appears to be now. It's great to see the surviving heroes from Earth-616 again, and I'm happy to see Miles already with them. Reed is going to be pissed as fuck with Stephen, though, when he learns what the deal with Susan, Franklin, Valeria and Johnny is. And who knows what's up with Ben.

This issue left me very excited for the next.

I also got "Renew Your Vows" #1, but haven't had time to read it yet.
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Higher Further Faster
Dang it I didn't know Renew Your Vows was out yet and there are spoilers everywhere. ¬_¬

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
I've been at work for the past 12 hours and barely had time to look at the Internet, so I've avoided those, thankfully.

Speaking of spoilers, Marvel has now released a teaser image presumably highlighting major characters to be featured under the "All-New, All-Different Marvel" imprint:

More or less who I would have expected to see, but there's a couple of question marks on there.


Harbinger O Great Justice
Holy shit. So many comics this week. I have lots of writing to do when I get 'round to it, but I was very pleased all around with most everything involving Secret Wars this week.

X :neo:


Pro Adventurer
Benoist; Captain Highwind
Renew Your Vows Spoilers but

God I hope the Gargan/AntiVenom stuff gets tossed after all this and we get original Venom back. Agent Venom can still be around, but he's really easy: just give Thompson another symbiote, probably lab grown like Scream/Lasher/Phage.

But from what I hear from Reddit I think this is going to be Eddie with Gargan's personality.


Higher Further Faster
Got my copy of Renew Your Vows last night.

Eddie dies at the end. :monster:

And so do the Avengers... :sadpanda:

I'm still not sure how I feel about this story. I feel I need to wait and read the whole thing before I judge, though. But honestly, and someone on Reddit said the same thing, I feel like so far the story is set up to be a big ol' "You see? This is why Spider-Man can't be married. This is why One More Day happened and you should thank us."

It doesn't help that the part 1 subtitle is, "This is Why We Can't Have Nice Things." :closedmonster:

But then there has only been one issue so far, so maybe that's not the point of the story. I hope it isn't. Otherwise...


But I'm pretty sure Spidey being with the Avengers wouldn't have saved them. It was pretty apparent that anyone going up against Regent is pretty fucked...
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Super Mario

Jesse McCree. I feel like a New Man
Guys there's a new Invincible Iron Man on October after secret wars and its still tony. Can anyone tell me how they managed to get him back from superior mode?
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